Does anyone run with your dog?



  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    this makes me appreciate that the park, literally across the street from me, has poop bins all over it.
  • I walk my roommate's dog but I wouldn't run with him...he's a corgi and he's got short little legs and poops out easily lol
  • Jersey_Devil
    Jersey_Devil Posts: 4,142 Member
    ill usually take my dog for a walk and let her do her soon as she goes, ill throw it out and then start the real run.
  • dessyjo
    dessyjo Posts: 176 Member
    I make sure my dog goes before we leave home and then just keep her motivated and on the go so she won't go. If you keep running or fast walking she won't be able to stop and sniff for a spot. If on the off chance she does go I will tie the bag to her collar. She's a border collie and it doesn't seem to bother her.
  • lindsienygaard
    lindsienygaard Posts: 72 Member
    I wish. My dog gets distracted too easily.
  • hebehrens
    hebehrens Posts: 55
    No one runs with my dog but me.:tongue:

    As soon as I worded the title that way, i was waiting for someone to make this joke. Touche. ;)
  • hebehrens
    hebehrens Posts: 55
    How rural are you? My dogs get the luxury of running off leash and being able to crap wherever there heart desires in the desert. When I lived in the city I got one of those little doggy bag dispensers. My girls usually just pee though, but if they did leave a little present I'd just rip a little baggy off pick it up tie it off and look for the nearest trash can.

    Glad you are going to take your dog for a run she needs it, if not more, as much as you.

    I live in Des Moines, Iowa. So while it is Iowa, I live in the city - a normal neighborhood with decent sized yards, no sidewalks in most of the neighborhood though (and no public trash cans). Also, greyhounds are notorious for not being trusted off leash, so I would never let him off leash in a non-fenced area.
  • trsumey
    trsumey Posts: 1
    I run with my rottweiler bc not only does she love it, but its a great way to kill two birds with one stone. In my experience I feed her at the same times everyday so she poops pretty much at the same time everyday. I try to get her to go before the walk/run, however if she still has one locked and loaded so to speak- I take a bag, and once its done, through it away and head to the park.

    I often see people carrying around bags of poop, and kudos to them, but you can usually find a place to get rid of it, pretty quickly. Good luck, I know your Greyhound will LOVE running.
  • BonnieandClyde29
    BonnieandClyde29 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I have an Akita & Pitbull mix, and I never pick up his poop, because for some odd reason he has to go and hide in the bushes when he does it LOL, so I can't always grab it anyways...and since I'm not supposed to run anymore (according to my chiropractor), I just race him up and down the stairs in my townhouse and let my fiance run outside with him. :smile:
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    It requires a bit of training, but just don't let your dog stop to poop while you're running. I put my dog out for a solid 10 minutes in the morning, and if she GOES, then she gets to come with me, and she knows we WILL NOT STOP until the run is done. If she does not go, then she doesn't get to come with. Only took her a week to catch on, and now, while I carry a poop bag tied 'round the leash, I have never had to use it...

    basically this. I have just started to run with my boxer and he just seems to know that when we are running he has to keep going. I don't stop at every bush or fire hydrant either. I let him get his business done before we leave and then I know he is/should be fine and don't feel bad about it. he surprised me by being so good about this but he is. I was resistant to take him for more than a mile of so but we did about 4.5 last weekend and he was awesome.

    Random bit of info but I am over by Cedar Rapids Iowa...hello over in DM. :)
  • Coyoteldy
    Coyoteldy Posts: 219 Member
    Depending on the size of your dog you can get them a light weight pack and you can put the baggie in there. Lots of dogs run with light weight "back packs" that carry baggies.. foldable bowl ect...I too run in town but since I go by the high scool and business district..plenty of cans about.
  • I run roughly 5k with my Dalmatian at least 3 times a week, averaging about 9 - 10 min/mile, she's doesn't seem to ever want to stop while we're running too be honest, I either let her into the garden for a few mins before or after the run. I run mostly on pavements, and I guess because she doesn't have anywhere to smell and sniff she doesn't feel the need to go!
  • I have an Akita & Pitbull mix, and I never pick up his poop, because for some odd reason he has to go and hide in the bushes when he does it LOL, so I can't always grab it anyways...and since I'm not supposed to run anymore (according to my chiropractor), I just race him up and down the stairs in my townhouse and let my fiance run outside with him. :smile:

    That's that Akita in him. My sister in law has one and that's how he always has to go lol.
  • rcaruthie
    rcaruthie Posts: 28 Member
    I see a ton of people running with there dogs - go for it - they love it. I walk my dogs right now.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    my dog doesn't go while we are running.....I give him a chance to do his thing near home, drop it in the trash can and then go for the run, at the end when I'm ready to cool down and his nose goes to the ground again he might go again and I pick it up. If your dog is dropping turds while you are jogging and dragging him on his leash, then you're not giving him his time before the race to lighten the load.
  • I have my dog trained to poop at a certain point of the run. We run around our neighborhood and there is a section of apartments that have open bins. We do a warm up walk/stretch for a few minutes, then run to this same spot and I allow him off leash to "do his business", drop the poop in the bin and we run on. If he does not go in this section, he has to hold it for the rest of the run...he caught on very quickly and always poops in the same area of the run. Smart pup, lucky mom! :)
  • I've been trying to work this one out too.
    I think next time what I'm going to try and do is attach a large safety pin to the lead just far enough away from their heads so it doesn't hit them, then tie the bags to the pin.
    It should work unless they try and stop and the lead sags.