What is the root of your weight issue?



  • Divamamaof5
    Divamamaof5 Posts: 5 Member
    I never thought I had any issues that caused my weight gain until last year. I realized that growing up we were forced to eat foods that we didnt like. My grandparents were real southerners that ate pig feet, ox tail you know soul food. So when I was able to buy my own food I feel in love with fast food and for the last 21 years that is what I have eaten whenever I want. Now I guess it is up to me to change the bad habit, I can't blame my family I am an adult now. The weight that I am now is all on me.
  • gracemclachlan
    Lack of monitoring and probably my mother. Her obsession to see me healthy (because she loves me a lot, so not a completly negative thing) made me rebel against her. Also denial and jealousy. I would always be like "If she can have so can I" when it came to eating.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I have had a bad relationship with food, eat when I am lonely, frustrated, dont want to confront, the weather, dont like being too hot or too cold. I was eating healthy foods but too many calories and gained weight before I came here. I am learning to eat healthier now with some discipline, self control but also trying to find other ways to comfort myself besides eating, whether it is confronting a coworker or finding ways to deal like setting boundaries. I try to get away from annoying situations now rather than stay in there and frustrate myself and this makes me eat. I hit that ignore button on this site when there is some nut on there being mean.
  • alychil820
    alychil820 Posts: 219 Member
    Growing up in a family that didn't understand what a proper portion size was, and looked to crash diets for weight loss. Also, not realizing just how big I was! I was in denial for so long, even when I saw pictures of myself and got on a scale. People told me I looked good for my weight, and I took that to mean I didn't need to lose weight.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Boredom and emotional eating.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i never have been overweight or anything, my heighest was 127 which was like 21.something bmi. my mom and sister are short, and naturally smaller (my sister weighs in the low 100s and like all of that is muscle, she is hella strong and my moms like 90something pounds). even as a kid in middle school, my mom or sister would make remarks that i was jiggle, i have bigger thighs and as a runner since i was very young, always had bigger thighs too from cross country.
    i kind of had the opposite, and dropped my weight several times where i was underweight, i think bc of the comments they would make and i felt that i had to be small like them even though i am about 5 or 6 inches taller than they are. i now weigh around the same as my sister, and am underweight still. i am trying to work on these image problems, but have been struggling as i try to get better.
    i hope everyone can find the support they need and can work forward with their goals!! good luck everyone!
  • Sunny_fit4life
    Sunny_fit4life Posts: 157 Member
    Reading through the other comments, most of mine are covered.

    Love Food
    Poor self esteem
    Active as a youth, but once I started driving.... hello 20 lbs
    Stopped smoking, hello another 20
    Horrible marriage, divorce, another horrible marriage, hello beer and another 20 lbs

    My entire family are big eaters. As a child, I had to clean my plate (still do).
    Realized recently, as a child, the main times I felt accepted were when I ate lots (as much as my father) "She's such a good eater"

    I also eat to feel in control. When my life gets crazy, it feels like the only thing I can control. Everything can be taken away from me; sanity, loved ones, money, happiness, but I can eat whatever I want and no one can stop me.
    I'm getting better about the last one, but it is a hard struggle to change that mode of thinking.

    I understand wanting to feel in control. I've had a lot of unhealthy habits that stemmed from wanting to feel like I'm in control. Right after I went through a divorce I noticed that working out provided me that same sense of control and made me feel powerful (in a healthy way) as long as you don't overdo it.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    what is the root of my weight issue ?

    MY MOTHER IN LAW.......................

    need I say more..............
  • emmymcq
    emmymcq Posts: 278 Member
    Stress, mostly. I am a big time stress eater. If I'm around people, it's the opposite, but the minute I'm alone, I will eat everything I can. I've gotten a lot better over the past few months, but it is an ongoing struggle.
  • Synapze
    Synapze Posts: 499
    I would say the root of my gain is from my lifestyle as a kid.

    My entire family was big. I ate what they ate. My sisters in the same boat, worse in fact.

    I wasn't mentally trained to eat healthy.

    I made a vow none of my kids were going to grow up that way, and to this date I have healthy, sporty kids, but I'm still struggling.

    I really do think it begins from adolescence.
  • Glynneybug
    Glynneybug Posts: 196 Member
    Emotional issues for me. I also had a very degrading father who was a bad example of what to eat and how to be active. My Mom had a very poor self image and actually so does my Dad, got that in spades.

    The weird part is now that I'm conscience of what my goals are, it scares the **** OUT OF ME. May sound stupid but who will I be if I'm not that overweight person anymore? It is the only person I have ever been and I wonder if people will look at me the same. Of course not! But that is what change is all about right?

    My biggest issue now is getting off my *kitten* to do what I know is right for me. And not make excuses. I'm a all or nothing kind of girl and I'm working on finding my middle ground.

    Friend requests are always welcome! Sending you love lady- you can do it!!!!!
  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    I was lazy, ignorant & entertained by food.
  • Sunny_fit4life
    Sunny_fit4life Posts: 157 Member
    I was lazy, ignorant & entertained by food.

    It's hard to imagine from your main pic that the above would have ever been a description of you. Congratulations on reaching your goal!
  • marilynolivares1
    marilynolivares1 Posts: 61 Member
    Iam an emotional eater my problems with began after i got married and my inlaws became to involved in my marriage. I just quiet my problems with food.:smile:
  • TYeary
    TYeary Posts: 3
    I would have to say the root of my weight problem is that way too much of it is body fat which gives am appearance that I do not approve of. The scale could say what ever it likes if I am muscular and attractive.

    This is the PERFECT way to say it, only instead of "muscular and attractive" I just want to be well toned and attractive! :)
  • lstok873
    lstok873 Posts: 57 Member
    It's me. I get myself on track..I love exercising and eating well...then a major life change happens & I have nothing but excuses for why I start eating wrong, stop exercising, and gain 20+lbs! College, move home, new job, marriage..all times I've stopped a healthy regimine & gained weight.
  • katal41
    katal41 Posts: 10 Member
    I have never been what you'd call thin... I'm up I'm down... never maintain... go to WW lose a bunch, think I can stop going, eat and not track, gain it back +40 last time... Stress, social anxiety, self consciousness, self loathing and self pity..... Eating made it better somewhat....but never made it go away. My husband once said.... if you're not part of a solution then you're part of the problem. I am going to become the solution.
  • katal41
    katal41 Posts: 10 Member
    Emotional issues for me. I also had a very degrading father who was a bad example of what to eat and how to be active. My Mom had a very poor self image and actually so does my Dad, got that in spades.

    read this and thought..... do we have the same parents...LOL
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    Food tastes good. It makes me feel good to eat. For me there are two modes of eating that I have. First is rigid controlled eating. My brain makes every food decision, analyzes it for nutrition and quality. Eventually that goes down for a while, because it is wearing to maintain. Then there is mode #2 - free for all mode. That's when I get majorly fat until mode #1 comes back online.

    This is me exactly. Have lost almost 100 pounds TWICE and gained it back in free for all mode. I am trying to be more moderate now so it will stick!

    I've been there myself. I topped out at 385 lbs back in 2002, got down to 255, then back up to 330 about a year ago. For me, this happens when I stop keeping track of my weight and what I'm eating. I think awareness of one's weight is at least half the battle; if I don't weigh myself, I'll always fall right back into my bad eating habits.

    This is me. Why does this happen? I feel like 2 different people. I never know when the "modes" are gonna change. It's very frustrating and mentally exhausting. I hate it...has been happening for over 16 yrs...still can't figure it out. Like another poster said, up and down a lot, cannot maintain. Didn't have weight issues til late 20's.

    I also have very low self esteem/no self worth. Was adopted and have had issues with that my entire life. Almost drowned at age 7, a couple of suicides in the family...and some major depression myself. I binge A LOT, and sometimes it feels intentional.

    So, yeah, pretty much an emotional eater.
  • saukura11
    saukura11 Posts: 27 Member
    1. Sexual Assualt Victim (stopped eating for a while to try and make my body disappear, so I wouldnt be attractive and have the same thing happen again)
    2. Mom making fun of fat people
    3. Mom convincing my friends to call me fat in front of me with her, and if they disgreed they simply didnt love me enough to tell me the truth.
    4. A diet bet my parents made with me when I was 11. If I lost 13 pounds I could get a wii, I didnt know how to loose weight so I just stopped eating. Its pretty much the only way I do know how to loose weight. Eating 500 calories or less. Thats part of the reason why I joined here to prove that I can eat a resonable amount of calories and still loose wieght.
    5. Low self esteem. After the assualt everything kindve went downhill. I still havent really told many people about it. I don't want to be classified as only a victim. As a person who chose to stand there and not scream, kick, yell or do something. I want to be seen as Danielle, not part of a statistic.