Anyone Else Who Can't Stand the "Taste" of Water?



  • fionahay
    fionahay Posts: 44
    I can confirm that scottish water does taste the best.

    However, I also can't stand drinking water so always add 'no added sugar' diluting juice in.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    The tap water here tastes like chlorine to me. I can only drink it if I put lemon or something in it. I'm good with bottled water or tap water from elsewhere.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Ok, my husband thinks I'm crazy, but I'm hoping there are others out there like me. We've lived 15 different places mostly in the USA, but also around the world (military), & w/the exception of water in a California mountain cabin, I have NEVER liked the taste of water, not even bottled/filtered. Don't like to drink it, & when I have to, I chug it like medicine. So I drink slightly sweetened ice tea to stay hydrated. Yes, I'm like the little girl, Bo, in Mel Gibson's movie "Signs." So I've admitted I crazy, or are there more of you like me? :-)

    ... what?

    it... it has no taste... it's just water... i ... :huh:

    Please don't "attack" her. She has a right to state her opinion.
    "now you know how the rest of us feels about things YOU post."
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i used to not like plain water, simply bc it did not taste like anything to me and i thought it was boring.
    i now love it, although i do know many people who hate the "taste" or lack of taste of water, and will only drink like gatorade or flavored seltzer water or something.
  • Just drink the damn water, at least your water is not contaminated like it is in some parts of the world.
  • mtc5995
    mtc5995 Posts: 44 Member
    I have hated water all my life. I force myself to drink because I know I need it and it is better for me than all the Diet Coke I used to drink. I still have a diet coke when I want it. I now stay completely away from tea except when making it for my family. I do flavor water and I can now drink it room temp. which is an improvement for me. Since I've been trying to lose weight, I try to drink at least 2 bottles a day - more if I'm lucky.
  • NicoleMensigg
    NicoleMensigg Posts: 40 Member
    I agree...water taste differently pending on where you get it. I live in AR and people come from all over for the waters from out "healing springs" but I can't stand that tast of the water that millions travel for! I'd rather just be thristy. However, I have found places that I like water at and make sure I have an extra bottles with me to grab some before heading home and I drink it all day and have one for me in the morning. There really isn't an excuse for not drinking water these days though, you can "dress it up" by putting different fresh fruits or even veggies in it (I personally LOVE cucumbers in my water) and the falvor packets are out there too!
  • Tysonlovesweights
    Tysonlovesweights Posts: 139 Member
    i am sorta with you on this, I grew up drinking lots of milk, and fruit juice, Obviously as an adult this isn't so great, so I satrted trying to drink water instead of the flavoured beverages of all sort that i know and love. Water absolutely has a taste, and anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themself. chlorinated city water tastes much much different than the water at my parents house, where they have a 300 ft deep well, which tastes completely different from my grandparents farm, in an area where the ground contains a lot of sulphur deposits. I started out just chugging it as a means to an end, but have eventually come to not mind the taste at all. I am not fancy, i just drink tap water through a brita filter, but whatever works for you
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
  • anifani4
    anifani4 Posts: 457 Member
    There are lots of things on the market to flavor water. if you don't like it plain, then flavor it, brew it into tea, whatever you like.

    Personally, I usually can't stand the taste of tap water but it's fine after going through a Brita Filter. I can taste the chlorine in the water at home. The well water at my Adirondack cabin has a lot of iron and leaves a metalic aftertaste. The Brita helps with that too.

    yes, pure water is tasteless but most water has some dissolved minerals which can affect the flavor.

    OP, you are not crazy.
  • austinmclark
    austinmclark Posts: 40 Member
    I used to be the same way. All I can say is suck it up. You get used to it and it becomes the most refreshing thing in the world.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Apparently a lot of people don't like water. I'm relatively new to this site and have probably seen 20 threads about this.

    I've tasted some pretty bad water as we've moved around the country. Upper Alabama had particularly vile water.

    It wasn't natural for me, but I've gotten into the habit of drinking at least a quart or two of water a day. I also have coffee and sometimes tea, rarely diet soda. Just about any 0-calorie beverage counts as water (according to Weight Watchers and a few other sources). I think that Crystal Lite is more foul than any water I've ever tasted, however.
  • bbubble5
    bbubble5 Posts: 15 Member
    I HATE WATER!!! I either have to add a flavor to it, drink it real fast, squeeze some lemon or add cucumber slices.

    did I mention I work for the water department :)
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    best example ever of a first world problem.
  • Besides having rude people on here. The First commenters do your research seriously or look at the info on most bottled water. . Most bottled water have added minerals for taste! And I am one of those people who can actually taste them though I don't hate it per say, but it does get annoying and nasty, I have to drink it cold for some reason it minimizes the taste of the added minerals. And secondly Even if you live in a region where tap water is safe to drink they still add chemicals to keep the water clean adding flavor to the water. Try buying the more expensive water like Figi or Smart Water. Also try going to organic food stores for water.
  • darkenedfalling
    darkenedfalling Posts: 26 Member
    100% agree with you! i can't stand water it actually makes me physically sick if i drink even a little on it's own. haven't drunken it plain in my entire life!
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    Haha. I use to hate drinking water. But, the taste... no complaints there
  • sarahmcp3
    sarahmcp3 Posts: 31 Member
    I generally like the taste, or tastelessness of water, I grew up in the mountains and had well water. Best water ever.
    But now I live in a city where they dump so much chlorine and fluoride into the water that it tastes like it came from a toilet, so I just got a filter for my tap and drink it anyway.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Nothing found.
  • Aerodynamik
    Aerodynamik Posts: 1 Member
    Yes! I have the same problem. And no, you're not crazy at all. :-)
    I never drink plain water, it's so...tasteless. I can't stand drinking it plain. I usually drink soda, or water with crystal light. I wish could drink it plain for the health benefits but it's just blegh...