List of things worth living for.



  • RoadToHappiness92
    The people in your life, such as your family, that you will permanently harm and perhaps even emotionally destroy, should you be so stupid as to actually go through with it. It is the most selfish act possible because it only ends YOUR problems. You leave your family to pick up the pieces. Do you also know that should you do it, the likelihood of another family member doing the same dramatically increases? Think about it.

    Think about the fact that my family does not actually care about me at all and have told me to my face that they would be better off if I was never born.
    Think about the fact that a suicidal person feels like they would be making the world a HAPPIER place .. you call that selfish?

    Yes. It is possible that your family doesn't care. It's a real shame but it happens. Then there are the MANY other cases where YOU think that your family doesn't care. You're struggling right now but that doesn't have to be permanent. Do you have any siblings? Do you have any friends? Now is the time to look at them and realize who you will harm. Life is often difficult but it also has a hell of a lot of beauty in it. Find that beauty. I could talk about the destruction for hours. I've lost two brothers. Don't do that to the ones around you. It's unbelievably cruel.

    They have told me to my face they don't many times..
    Thanks, And it's like what so I'm not allowed to hurt other people but I have to live my life in pain forever? How is that not selfish of other people..
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member

    Everything about it. The ups, the downs. The good, the bad. The smiles, the tears. The joy, and even the pain. Every single thing is worth living for. All of it is what makes uswho we are, and all of it is precious.

    So many children are denied the gift of life.

    Please don't take yours for granted. Seek help.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    smile of a woman
    sandy beach
    running shirtless in the July heat
    an IPA with a honey finish
  • RoadToHappiness92
    Ask your psychologist to recommend a psychiatrist who can prescribe a good anti-depressant for you. You could also see your family physician for a prescription. You might also consider seeing a different psychologist.

    There is no reason for you to be depressed. You have a wonderful gift of life and you are trying to improve yourself, or you would not be here on this forum. As one of the other posters alluded, depression is a disease due to a deficiency of neurotransmitters in your brain. It is not your fault, unless you choose not to do something about it. There is a great variety of inexpensive, effective medications to treat your condition. Go seek help!

    I was on medication but decided to stop taking it as it completely screwed up my thyroid and metabolism..

    But did it help with the depression? Try different meds. Going off ADs cold turkey isn't good for your brain chemistry.

    It wasn't just AD's I was on..
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    The people in your life, such as your family, that you will permanently harm and perhaps even emotionally destroy, should you be so stupid as to actually go through with it. It is the most selfish act possible because it only ends YOUR problems. You leave your family to pick up the pieces. Do you also know that should you do it, the likelihood of another family member doing the same dramatically increases? Think about it.

    Think about the fact that my family does not actually care about me at all and have told me to my face that they would be better off if I was never born.
    Think about the fact that a suicidal person feels like they would be making the world a HAPPIER place .. you call that selfish?

    Yes. It is possible that your family doesn't care. It's a real shame but it happens. Then there are the MANY other cases where YOU think that your family doesn't care. You're struggling right now but that doesn't have to be permanent. Do you have any siblings? Do you have any friends? Now is the time to look at them and realize who you will harm. Life is often difficult but it also has a hell of a lot of beauty in it. Find that beauty. I could talk about the destruction for hours. I've lost two brothers. Don't do that to the ones around you. It's unbelievably cruel.

    They have told me to my face they don't many times..
    Thanks, And it's like what so I'm not allowed to hurt other people but I have to live my life in pain forever? How is that not selfish of other people..
    It's your responsibility to take control of your life. Don't want to live in pain? Then seek the help you need and choose to be happy. Cut out those around you who bring you down, even if they're family. Surround yourself with people that love you.

    Take care of yourself. If you don't, no one else will.
  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    My family.
    Children playing in the snow.
    A pet happy to see you come home.
    Holding hands with someone you care about.
    People's smiles when you say hi.
    Sunny days on the beach with your toes in the water.
    Getting butterflies when you kiss someone.
    The feeling you get when you do something you thought you wouldn't be able to do.
    When you help someone and you can see the gratitude on their face, and you know you made a difference.
    When an old friend you haven't talked to in 5 years calls you, and it's like you never stopped talking.
    Hopes for your future, and plans to conquer the world.
    A glass of red wine in front of the fireplace, and the smell of the Christmas tree.
    Walking into a room feeling like a million dollars.
    Knowing someone wants you.
    Tears of joy.
    Good food and great conversation.

    Life is good. Sometimes we forget.:wink:
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    The people in your life, such as your family, that you will permanently harm and perhaps even emotionally destroy, should you be so stupid as to actually go through with it. It is the most selfish act possible because it only ends YOUR problems. You leave your family to pick up the pieces. Do you also know that should you do it, the likelihood of another family member doing the same dramatically increases? Think about it.

    Think about the fact that my family does not actually care about me at all and have told me to my face that they would be better off if I was never born.
    Think about the fact that a suicidal person feels like they would be making the world a HAPPIER place .. you call that selfish?

    Yes. It is possible that your family doesn't care. It's a real shame but it happens. Then there are the MANY other cases where YOU think that your family doesn't care. You're struggling right now but that doesn't have to be permanent. Do you have any siblings? Do you have any friends? Now is the time to look at them and realize who you will harm. Life is often difficult but it also has a hell of a lot of beauty in it. Find that beauty. I could talk about the destruction for hours. I've lost two brothers. Don't do that to the ones around you. It's unbelievably cruel.

    They have told me to my face they don't many times..
    Thanks, And it's like what so I'm not allowed to hurt other people but I have to live my life in pain forever? How is that not selfish of other people..

    That is exactly what most every person in your position says. Stop and think about it. Call the help line. Talk to your psychologist, and for God's sake get back on your medication.

    You are 21 years old if your profile is correct. That means you have an entire life ahead of you. If your family doesn't want you, then you can bet that there is a family you can make that will. Don't give up on your future.
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    The people in your life, such as your family, that you will permanently harm and perhaps even emotionally destroy, should you be so stupid as to actually go through with it. It is the most selfish act possible because it only ends YOUR problems. You leave your family to pick up the pieces. Do you also know that should you do it, the likelihood of another family member doing the same dramatically increases? Think about it.

    Think about the fact that my family does not actually care about me at all and have told me to my face that they would be better off if I was never born.
    Think about the fact that a suicidal person feels like they would be making the world a HAPPIER place .. you call that selfish?

    Just because abusive and unloving people say a thing doesn't make them right , and it doesn't make it true. I had an emotionally abusive mother who told me she hated me. She's no longer in my life. TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK and KNOW that you are worthy of it. You are here. It is no accident. Cut the toxicity out of your life and be open to a brand new day! If I can do it, so can you. And believe me, I've been through some hell.
  • imfivebyfive
    Everyday is a new day to start over. You have the power to change everything and if necessary reinvent yourself.

    I would also be wary of the shrinks and meds, once I got away from all that my life dramatically improved. Go outside an take a walk each day. Sunshine and fresh air is the best antidepressant on the planet.
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    Happiness is a state of mind. It is not based on what we have or what others think of us. You can choose to be happy in any circumstances. Fake it till you make it. :flowerforyou:
  • lachesissss
    lachesissss Posts: 1,298 Member
    On my worst, terrible, awful days I go outside at night. I look up at the stars. And I just take it all in. The fact that the light I'm observing traveled so far just to get to me. The fact that there are trees taller than I am, and they obstruct my view of the moon sometimes. The fact that I know my favorite constellations, and I tell myself their stories. I bask in the fact that it's a truly unique thing that I am here on this earth, observing the universe. That when I look at the sky when I'm by myself, I feel less alone, because the stars and planets are with me. They are bearing testament to my feelings, and it leaves me feeling like I'm not going through it all in solitary and singular motions. In moments when I observe the sky, I feel more connected than ever. It's rejuvenating. And if I wasn't here, I think the stars would miss me, because then there would be one less person fervently observing their history.

    But that's just me. It's one of the reasons I love space and the sky. It just makes me feel better knowing that of all the quirks and chances and what ifs that could've happened and would have prevented me from being here didn't happen. So I am here. And in knowing this, I must try, for myself, to seek happiness and freedom.

    If you're struggling, please seek help. You are not alone. You're never alone.
  • sassafrascas
    sassafrascas Posts: 191 Member
    Comfy pj's
    A good belly laugh
    Hanging out with people I love family/friends
    yummy food
  • RoadToHappiness92
    The people in your life, such as your family, that you will permanently harm and perhaps even emotionally destroy, should you be so stupid as to actually go through with it. It is the most selfish act possible because it only ends YOUR problems. You leave your family to pick up the pieces. Do you also know that should you do it, the likelihood of another family member doing the same dramatically increases? Think about it.

    Think about the fact that my family does not actually care about me at all and have told me to my face that they would be better off if I was never born.
    Think about the fact that a suicidal person feels like they would be making the world a HAPPIER place .. you call that selfish?

    Yes. It is possible that your family doesn't care. It's a real shame but it happens. Then there are the MANY other cases where YOU think that your family doesn't care. You're struggling right now but that doesn't have to be permanent. Do you have any siblings? Do you have any friends? Now is the time to look at them and realize who you will harm. Life is often difficult but it also has a hell of a lot of beauty in it. Find that beauty. I could talk about the destruction for hours. I've lost two brothers. Don't do that to the ones around you. It's unbelievably cruel.

    They have told me to my face they don't many times..
    Thanks, And it's like what so I'm not allowed to hurt other people but I have to live my life in pain forever? How is that not selfish of other people..
    It's your responsibility to take control of your life. Don't want to live in pain? Then seek the help you need and choose to be happy. Cut out those around you who bring you down, even if they're family. Surround yourself with people that love you.

    Take care of yourself. If you don't, no one else will.

    I have been getting help for YEARS.. much to peoples' dismay you can't just 'think positive' and everything will be ok again.. Just like you wouldn't tell a cancer patient to think positive and they would be cured.
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member

    Go to a hospital and visit sick people, they will tell you the value of life
  • jbutterflye
    jbutterflye Posts: 1,914 Member
    I don't think modern psychotherapy is very helpful, my personal opinion. I found help elsewhere, what actually worked for me.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    i get down often and ending it all often comes to mind. Thinking of making a list of things worth living for.... help?
    Often is not always.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    My cat
    My boyfriend
    My family and friends
    My future dog
    Chocolate Chip Cookies
    The sun
    The beach
    Fresh air
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    The people in your life, such as your family, that you will permanently harm and perhaps even emotionally destroy, should you be so stupid as to actually go through with it. It is the most selfish act possible because it only ends YOUR problems. You leave your family to pick up the pieces. Do you also know that should you do it, the likelihood of another family member doing the same dramatically increases? Think about it.

    Think about the fact that my family does not actually care about me at all and have told me to my face that they would be better off if I was never born.
    Think about the fact that a suicidal person feels like they would be making the world a HAPPIER place .. you call that selfish?

    Yes. It is possible that your family doesn't care. It's a real shame but it happens. Then there are the MANY other cases where YOU think that your family doesn't care. You're struggling right now but that doesn't have to be permanent. Do you have any siblings? Do you have any friends? Now is the time to look at them and realize who you will harm. Life is often difficult but it also has a hell of a lot of beauty in it. Find that beauty. I could talk about the destruction for hours. I've lost two brothers. Don't do that to the ones around you. It's unbelievably cruel.

    They have told me to my face they don't many times..
    Thanks, And it's like what so I'm not allowed to hurt other people but I have to live my life in pain forever? How is that not selfish of other people..
    It's your responsibility to take control of your life. Don't want to live in pain? Then seek the help you need and choose to be happy. Cut out those around you who bring you down, even if they're family. Surround yourself with people that love you.

    Take care of yourself. If you don't, no one else will.

    I have been getting help for YEARS.. much to peoples' dismay you can't just 'think positive' and everything will be ok again.. Just like you wouldn't tell a cancer patient to think positive and they would be cured.
    You are right. It is hard to "think positive" and have everything be ok. But, it can be done. Continue getting help, until you can realize that life is far far too beautiful to think about ending it.

    And I think there are a lot of cancer patients who probably attribute a positive attitude with their recovery.

    I swear to you while an attitude will not change everything, you will see every day be a little brighter.
  • stargazer008
    It's the little things that are worth living for.
  • RoadToHappiness92
    i get down often and ending it all often comes to mind. Thinking of making a list of things worth living for.... help?
    Often is not always.
