any other not-that-heavy girls trying to lose more weight?



  • eliblish
    eliblish Posts: 124 Member
    I'm there too!! I'm 5'5" and fluctuate between 120-125. I really want to get down to 115-118. It is so hard! It seem like no matter what I do I can't get below 120. Also, I am breastfeeding which makes it really tricky because I don't know EXACTLY how many calories i'm burning doing it. I know I need to exercise more but whenever I get into a routine something happens to throw it off track! So frustrating!!

    I breastfed all 3 of my kids, and found that the last bit of weight didn't come off until I weaned! Your body will hold onto a fat supply to make sure that your milk stays plentiful. You are so close to your goal, I bet, after you wean you will drop it without much effort :smile: You are doing such a good thing for your baby and yourself :heart: (lowers your risk of ovarian and breast cancer!)

    Darn it! I've heard that. I guess it will be a while then. :laugh: I was still breastfeeding my first when I had my second so I never got to see if it was true for me. I'll consider it my motherly sacrifice then. :tongue:
  • eliblish
    eliblish Posts: 124 Member
    Oh and your girls are adorable :heart:

    :flowerforyou: Thanks!!
  • tamalea
    tamalea Posts: 107 Member
    Same boat, I am at the top of my healty range and I want to be at the bottom. It is so frustrating how slowly the weight comes off, sometimes I get so sick of always watching what I eat and just want to accept my weight. However my greatest fear is that I will gain more - I look at people who are struggling to lose a lot of weight and know that at one time they were in my shoes with a little to lose and didn't. I don't want the 15 lbs I am always struggling with to become 50 or more. I guess you have to fight a lot of small battles, so it does not become a full war.
  • brujeria48
    brujeria48 Posts: 25
    Yes! I'm 5ft3 and 110 lbs. I'm extremely small framed... built like a bird, so every extra amount of fat I carry shows unmercifully.
    I'm down to being three to five pounds from my ideal weight, the last of it hangs in my waist and belly, and I've been stuck at my current weight for over four months, it doesn't want to budge. If the scale didn't move and I lost inches in the right places I'd be more than happy.

    Years ago, before I started putting on muscle I hovered between 95 and 100, not looking to go that low ever again, I feel and look better with tone and definition. My trainers told me the only way to fix those lingering trouble spots is to be STRICT with the types of food I eat. I could use all the support I can get. I catch a lot of flack from people who don't understand my goals and think I'm silly, and it's easy to get discouraged when you are so close but it seems unreachable.
  • I'm there too!! I'm 5'5" and fluctuate between 120-125. I really want to get down to 115-118. It is so hard! It seem like no matter what I do I can't get below 120. Also, I am breastfeeding which makes it really tricky because I don't know EXACTLY how many calories i'm burning doing it. I know I need to exercise more but whenever I get into a routine something happens to throw it off track! So frustrating!!

    I breastfed all 3 of my kids, and found that the last bit of weight didn't come off until I weaned! Your body will hold onto a fat supply to make sure that your milk stays plentiful. You are so close to your goal, I bet, after you wean you will drop it without much effort :smile: You are doing such a good thing for your baby and yourself :heart: (lowers your risk of ovarian and breast cancer!)

    Darn it! I've heard that. I guess it will be a while then. :laugh: I was still breastfeeding my first when I had my second so I never got to see if it was true for me. I'll consider it my motherly sacrifice then. :tongue:

    One of the many sacrifices we make for them!! Breastfed babies have a lower risk of developing asthma, obesity!, ear infections...and it supposedly increases their IQ. So really it is such an amazing thing :smile: Can you tell I am one of those crazy "lactivists" :wink: Anyway, you are doing great and to have gotten down to the weight you are while still breastfeeding is awesome...I always held on to at least 10lbs while nursing.
  • penne356
    penne356 Posts: 95
    I'm definitely in this category. I'm 5'5 and weight 134 which, according to my my family and BMI, is healthy. However, I still feel bulky. For the past one month, I've been trying to lose the last 10 - 12 pounds so I can get to 120 lbs which, I think, is perfect. But the scale won't budge. It's really frustrating though I can see my body toning up so that's a good thing, I guess.

    Any tips girls? It seems as my body doesn't want me to shred off the 10 pounds.
  • gpies
    gpies Posts: 56 Member
    Ohhh, I'm there. I'm 5 ft. and in at 116. I was trying to get down to my 110ish goal but the scales haven't budged for me since February. I have almost given up on getting the weight down, but just trying to focus on maintaining my goals for exercise each week. I'm at 4- 5 days a week, which I am happy with and my endurance is much better over the course of these months. I have to admit though, the lack of weight coming off is driving me crazy. The scale literally hasn't budged. Feel like I'm stuck here, but I'm trying to work with it I guess. I'd love for us to keep each other going!!
  • Ohhh, I'm there. I'm 5 ft. and in at 116. I was trying to get down to my 110ish goal but the scales haven't budged for me since February. I have almost given up on getting the weight down, but just trying to focus on maintaining my goals for exercise each week. I'm at 4- 5 days a week, which I am happy with and my endurance is much better over the course of these months. I have to admit though, the lack of weight coming off is driving me crazy. The scale literally hasn't budged. Feel like I'm stuck here, but I'm trying to work with it I guess. I'd love for us to keep each other going!!

    I find that measurements are actually a good tool when you only have a little bit to lose! So even though you haven't lost weight, with all of the exercise you are doing, I bet you are losing inches! My measuring tape is just as motivating as the scale :smile:
  • laurenpence
    laurenpence Posts: 147
    My goal is to be 18% body fat which is the lowest a female should be I am currently at 20%. So I think another 10lbs would be awesome! Maybe even 15
  • MissKaay
    MissKaay Posts: 25
    Yah, I'm 130 trying to get to 115 or even 120.
  • MissKaay
    MissKaay Posts: 25
    Yah, I'm 130 trying to get to 115 or even 120.
  • kriddle2
    kriddle2 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm so glad that I sent hunting on this site today. My current BMI is 23.6, so I'm within the normal limits. I'm barely 5'2'' and have a small frame, with a current weight of 129 pounds. Since I'm soooooo short it's easy to see where all my weight sits.. my thighs and tummy which even though I've lost almost 10 pounds it's still hanging out! It sounds slightly ridiculous but my goal weight it 104 (which is also my birthday and lucky number) that would put me at a BMI of 19 which is still healthy. I feel like I need to add more toning into my workouts so if anyone has any ideas for that I would LOVE to hear them!

    Keep on Keeping on;

    CW 129.9
    Goal 125 July 1st
    Goal 115 Aug 1st
    Goal 110 Sept. 1st
    Goal 104 Oct 4th (My birthday!)
    (It might be abitious but I'm motivated!)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am 5'4" and weighed 107 for most of my adult life and I ate whatever I wanted, didn't exercise at all. Then I quit smoking at 30 yrs old and gained 10 llbs. I want to weigh 107 again but I think it would just be too hard. I can exercise and eat 1200 cals a day , but one splurge weekend and I am back where I started. I am glad everyone here isn't being harsh on those who just want their high school weight back. On the plus side, I did get some cleavage. The fat goes to my midsection and to my face so I just don't like how I look in pictures.
    This site is helping me eat better and get better about exercising. I used to joke that I only ran if something chased me, but I did every day of the 30-day shred and now I am three weeks into the Couch to 5k and excited about the prospect of running 5k...
  • excitementcity
    excitementcity Posts: 20 Member
    Yep girls I'm with you all too! I'm 5ft 1 and im currently 117llbs but would love to get down 7-10lbs. Like you all I find that because I'm so small that you just really notice all the extra weight. Like some of you it all hangs around my waist, thighs and my bingo wings! Hopefully this site will help me keep track and see where I'm going wrong!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I have to know-what are bingo wings?
  • kylea5
    kylea5 Posts: 2
    Me too! I'm 5'5 and last fall I was 113. But then I went through a break up, blah, blah, blah, and over the winter I crept up to 135 (horrors). Now I'm trying to get back down and cursing myself for letting things get so out of hand. I don't think I'm "overweight" per se, but my clothes fit tight, or not at all, and that's tremendously frustrating. Anyway, it's nice to know there are others in the same boat. I'm kind of obsessed with this site at the moment. I used to keep a notebook where I would record food intake/exercise, but this is so much easier. Best of luck, everyone!
  • gchick64
    gchick64 Posts: 73 Member
    i feel like i'm in this boat too. i'm pretty new here and am looking for friends and support. anyone feel free to add me :)
  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    My BMI is in the normal range but I would like to be at the lower end of that range. It'll make me feel better and I'll be able to fit into smaller clothes which would be nice.
  • molberts
    molberts Posts: 35
    me too! :happy:

    started at 141, heading for 119. I was at the very top of "healthy" range but looked terrible, in and out of clothes :grumble: 8lbs down I look and feel much better already :bigsmile: finish weight will put me in the bottom 3rd of the healthy range :smile:
  • KathleenAGarrity
    KathleenAGarrity Posts: 25 Member
    I have to know-what are bingo wings?

    They are the flab that hangs down from your upper arms when you hold them up, move, dance....anything. *Sigh* Would they ever just go away!

    Im 5'2" and currently 135lbs - and loosing those 6 pounds was so hard! I was at it for months before any scale movement started (lost inches, toned up ect). I want to end up at 120 - 125. I know Im not overweight or anything, but I would just LOVE to not have that extra bit of fat hanging off me, and not worry about those unsightly lumps and bumps. Being so short makes every bit of fat worse!
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