Why are people so mean?



  • yoyo1
    yoyo1 Posts: 15 Member
    you have done really well, just ignore him, you should be really proud off yourself!:happy: :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • Thea_N
    Thea_N Posts: 16
    my "friend" said something like that to me last night.. it came out very malicious and you just have to look at them and say... you should be happy i am more healthy than ever and i feel great so if you cant be happy for me too than please keep your comments to yourself..

    last night she told me i look like a bobble head because my limbs are way too thin.. i look anorexic.. i look disgusting.. i need to eat... the funny thing is before she met me i was very thin... ive never been too thin because im an athlete with muscle.. but she has very low confidence and when people gave me attention when we went out it sounds bad but i think she was just jealous.
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    You do look great! :happy:
    Not to justify what he said or anyone else who says something so negative, but they are just used to seeing the extra weight and think that it the weight loss is over excessive. But instead you are probably in a healthy weight range and adding years to your life. He'll come around and if he doesn't oh well! He's not the one that you have to worry about being happy with, it is yourself.
  • ThaiKaren
    ThaiKaren Posts: 341 Member
    Just looked at your picture and you look amazing, really stunning. It's obviously your brother that has got the problem. If I were you I woudn't waste my time worrying about it. xx
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    you look amazing and fantastic and all those other words i cant spell for toffee lol big congratulations on reaching your target

    your BIL is a jerk and jealous there is a plan b if he wont take the hint add all the mfp friends to your fb and let them tell him what a prat he is send him a diet book and say here maybe you could use this now i no longer need it

    i have a tendancy to be mean when pple are mean to me dont let his comments take the shine off your achievements
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Unfortunately we can't avoid ALL ignorant people out there and when we are on our way to a new healthier way of life, we are going to have to learn to handle comment as such. I think you look Fabulous and Commend you on your hard work & dedication. Keep your head up!!!!
  • Funnydream
    Funnydream Posts: 87 Member
    In the past I have also had comments like that. I think people do it because they feel jealous or threatened by your success. Your bro is overweight and I think what he said demonstrates more about how he feels about his own inability to tackle his weight problem rather than how successful you have been.

    Also, I think people get used to seeing us as big people, and their poor little unimaginative brains can't cope with seeing a new you - a better, slimmer version - and something makes them want to sabotage our success out of sheer annoyance.

    When I lost weight about 15 years ago, I had one women say to me "don't you DARE lose another pound, you look anorexic". Now this was hard to swallow, as she herself was bone thin and I was a good 25 lbs heavier than her AND was about the same height!!!

    NOW - this time round - I have some stock answers all ready to fire off at supposed "friends" - though haven't had to use them yet!

    And anyway - going back to your bro - is the opinion of "Pudge" that important ????? I don't think so. Perhaps this is his payback for a nickname he hates? As he is your brother in law - I wonder if your sister - his wife - is overweight? That would interesting if she were, as it could be a case of the green eyed monster!.
  • marymooster
    marymooster Posts: 134 Member
    `I agree with pretty much everything I read. I had an ex husband who constantly sabotoged my weight loss efforts. My obesity fed his security. Sooooo. you are fabulous. His comments only reflect his perceptions and his insecurities and his problems...NOT YOURS.... Don't let pain and hurt feelings suck you into his world....Also... he now has to see you a different way and he may be very uncomfortable with that. Accept he thinks waht he thinks, a wave of the hand and let it go... Enjoy your success and your great new body....
    Luckily I have a fabulous husband now... who has done everything to encourage me... I have lost 5 stone in 11 weeks(70 lbs.) and I feel absolutely wonderful. So keep it up
  • happy_jax
    happy_jax Posts: 289 Member
    I can't believe he has the nerve to say things like that!! :mad:

    I've just checked out your pictures too and you look SENSATIONAL!! You've clearly come a long way and your beautiful family seem very proud of you...as they should be!!!

    Ignore this blip...he is not worth your time, effort or worries. As others have said - there is something under the surface here - jealously, bitterness, a wake up call for himself..? I don't know - but whatever - it's nothing to do with you! You look PERFECT!

    And hold your head HIGH! Don't let this put you off showing off the new you! :happy: You should flaunt your achievement to the world!
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Jealousy is a terrible thing it eats away at people .

    You know how I feel about your huge weight loss ,just remember how fit , healthy and fab you are :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Remember YOU are the one who has inspired me to go back to the gym :smile:

    :explode: that ones for Pudge ! :laugh:
  • molberts
    molberts Posts: 35
    As soon as I read what he wrote I thought "he's jealous!!" then when you said his nickname... well I'm sure he'll be apologising and asking for some tips soon :bigsmile: if he doesnt he's a jerk. you look great, 100% crackhead free you look very classy in your purple dress :flowerforyou:
  • innerhottie
    innerhottie Posts: 163 Member
    you look wonderful. I want to give your BIL a swift kick to the face.
  • Crickks
    Crickks Posts: 94
  • spitfire1962
    spitfire1962 Posts: 347 Member
    You look great! There's nothing anorexic about you. You have curves. You look proportional to your body structure. Isn't it amazing that the people who usually say cruel things like that are usually family. If you were to gain the weight back, then I'm sure he would tell you that you are fat. Don't listen to him, he is just ignorant. Keep up the good work. I'm sure that your husband likes the new and improved you.
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    People suck! You do NOT look "rough" or like a "crack head" you look great!!! You look extremely happy also!!
    Try not to let him get to you though I know how hard that is. I haven't gotten to goal yet but I've got people telling me I'm looking too skinny...hello...I've got at least another 50 pounds to lose!!! I think people aren't use to seeing me thinner so they think something is wrong with me...umm...no just getting healthy thanks!

    You've done a great job and I'm proud of you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    You look amazing. Your brother-in-law sounds like he is intimidated by your weight-loss. The excuses he's comforted himself with for so long begin to sound hollow in light of your accomplishment. Don't let ignorance get to you. You've overcome enough to recognize another person's insecurity when you see it.

    Rock on, girlfriend! You are such an inspiration. :D:flowerforyou:
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    wow. If you weren't so hurt this would be funny. For one thing, believe me, you do NOT look like a crack head. You look AMAZING!

    Please don't let Pudge upset you. He's jealous, poor guy.

    Congratulations of all your hard work, it sure paid off!

    PS: you are beautiful and so are your kids! be happy!
  • jusniq
    jusniq Posts: 49
    First off, I went to your page, and you look AWESOME! AMAZING! and totally FAB!!!

    And i agree, its prob is jealousy, but may it no mind, its his problem
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    I didn't get to read all the comments, but I suspect that I'm just repeating.... Don't let ignorance hurt you. People say stupid things all the time.

    I don't know where he means by Up North, but I'm guessing they don't have actual crackheads there. Honey, you DO NOT look like a crack head! :laugh: What a stupid thing to say! My remark would be "I'll eat a sandwich, I should probably eat yours cuz YOU sure don't look like you need it."

    No, I wouldn't say that... But I'd think it and LOL...

    What I would do is.... Mention this to your Hubby. Delete his comment. Keep posting pics of yourself. Let the haters hate. Celebs are criticized non-stop, they have to just learn to ignore it. You are like a celeb to the folks you know. You had an amazing transformation and everybody can see it. It is going to bring you attention whether you want it or not, just like a celeb. Think like you are one of them.

    Remember, for every negative comment, there will be a positive one...sometimes two. Don't let the negative comments drown out the positive.

    You are looking great! Congrats on your success!
  • fchopin42
    fchopin42 Posts: 51
    OMG what a jerk! Some people are just dumb.... I'm sorry you had to hear that... especially from family. I think you look spectacular! *hugs*
