Artificial Sweetener

Ok, so what's ok to use? My trainer used to tell me to stay away from them all, but I also realize that too much real sugar isn't the way to go either. I cannot tolerate sorbitol or aspartame, they both give me migraines. I have also had issues with Splenda giving me some digestive problems. I truthfully cannot stand the taste of artificial sweeteners, and can tell immediately if something has artificial sweetener in it when i taste it. Any suggestions on better options? I have used honey on several occasions, but sparingly. Have folks tried and liked Stevia? Thanks in advance!


  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I hate the taste of stevia. I much prefer splenda if I'm using packets to sweeten something. Also, products with aspartame don't bother me a bit (I'm drinking one right now).

    I know that doesn't help you, as you don't like aspartame or splenda, I was just conveying my experience/opinion with them.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    I like splenda but honestly can't stand the taste of the others. Stevia is one I especially do not understand, as it is a step in wrong direction in regard to taste.
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    I use splenda because that is what we have at work. I don't really care for it in beverages so I will use regular sugar for my coffee and tea. But on cereal or oatmeal it does the trick.
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    I don't really like an of them but have heard good things about Truvia...just haven't tried it yet...
  • jessvaughn74
    jessvaughn74 Posts: 164 Member
    I really cannot stand Stevia. I prefer Splenda. Apartasme does not bother me, but I prefer the taste of Splenda. I know people that like Truvia but do not like Stevia eventhough Truvia is made from the Stevia plant. I have not tried it. The best you can do is try it and see what you think.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I don't really like an of them but have heard good things about Truvia...just haven't tried it yet...

    It is the worst tasting of the bunch. It's a brand of stevia.

    Splenda tastes better.

    I don't really eat a whole lot of sweets that require adding sweeteners, and I don't like sweet beverages at all (black coffee, unsweetened tea, etc.) but for anything with added sweeteners already, I look for splenda or regular sugar and fit it in to my calories.
  • angel_bear60
    angel_bear60 Posts: 29 Member
    I like Tricia and agave necter. Can't use others because of the migraines I get from them. Try these and see if they help.
  • cdswicky
    cdswicky Posts: 43
    I myself prefer Splenda for it's sweetness, but I use Truvia on my fresh fruit due to it's granular texture. The worst is Equal or Sweet n' Low. I'd rather eat or drink something without sweetener than using either of those.
  • Woomytron
    Woomytron Posts: 253 Member
    I love Stevia, it took me a little to like the taste of it but I use Truvia all the time for my coffee (and fruit, ect) now and doesn't taste weird or funky at all.
  • hilldiggity
    hilldiggity Posts: 166 Member
    I myself prefer Splenda for it's sweetness, but I use Truvia on my fresh fruit due to it's granular texture. The worst is Equal or Sweet n' Low. I'd rather eat or drink something without sweetener than using either of those.

    Sweet 'n Low is the WORST! I, too, prefer the Yellow chemicals and the Blue chemicals (splenda and nutra sweet), but the pink chemicals gotta go.
  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    I myself prefer Splenda for it's sweetness, but I use Truvia on my fresh fruit due to it's granular texture. The worst is Equal or Sweet n' Low. I'd rather eat or drink something without sweetener than using either of those.

    Sweet 'n Low is the WORST! I, too, prefer the Yellow chemicals and the Blue chemicals (splenda and nutra sweet), but the pink chemicals gotta go.

    nutra sweet's taste is fine, but it doesn't dissolve worth a dang in cold liquid (which is a problem in my unsweet tea).
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    jury is out on this. I personally am good w/ splenda, and can stomach stevia-products (considered by some to be more natural, but there are studies that it has side effects) but in each case I use very I use 1 small packet four times by only using a tiny bit each use...that way it gives that bare hint of sweetness but you aren't getting the full chemical dose (whether in terms of taste, or in terms of possible negative effects).

    I say jury is out because the science is not concrete. Dietitians will say it is a good substitute for sugar because it has zero calories but also because it doesn't effect your blood sugar response. Somewhat more recently, there's been a lot of studies suggesting that artificial sweeteners (like in diet soda) have long term negative impact on your weight/health (perhaps by confusing your taste buds/brain into craving sweet foods and pumping out related hormones that cause fat retention).

    I went through a phase where I only took natural sugar/honey/agave (which in this last case, is not supposed to spike your blood sugar as much), but they all have calories, and when I'm overall trying to lose fat, you really need to be very strict w/ calories, especially sugars. Then I went through a phase where I had no sweeteners at all, artificial or natural, but I would miss the slight sweet taste in certain foods (like tea). And since my diet was quite clean/severe overall, it became hard to maintain the strictness w/o having at least some mild release valves...and my current compromise is to use splenda/stevia, but in vanishing small amounts. So I put I tiny bid in my tea, and I do drink diet soda, because it helps me maintain my otherwise strict diet.....once I lose the weight, I will switch to small amounts of the natural versions, but I'll still only use very little (I think during this time I am training myself to only need very little sugar so I'll be able to keep that up during maintenance).
  • Kristy528
    Kristy528 Posts: 63 Member
    I cannot use aspartame either, i was using a lot of things with it in it and must of built up a tolerance because I started vomitting after i would eat or drink anything with it in it. I now use Truvia for my coffee and Splenda in my hot tea because we have it at work and also in some of the on the go drinks(water packets). But i prefer to use the Truvia over the splenda. I also just tried out Nectresse which is made from Monk Fruit and made by the makers of Splenda. I really like that as well. My new plan is to use that or Truvia. Good Luck!!
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    I like to go for things that aren't man-made or artificial. I like stevia/Truvia (same thing- Truvia is a brand name, stevia is the name of the actual thing).

    It tastes good to me, I use less of it than regular sugar, it's a plant, and also I hate eating things made by dudes in white coats with goggles on like Acesulfame K, Aspartame, Saccharin, Sucralose (Splenda), and all the others.

    *Edit- had to look up all the names of the fake stuff.
  • mrsfoster102613
    mrsfoster102613 Posts: 126 Member
    I love Stevia, but I did a lot of research before I purchased the brand I use. I didn't want something full of fillers and additives that the body doesn't recognize and can't easily digest, and of course, I wanted it to taste good.

    I use Kal Liquid Stevia (great for tea, coffee etc.). It’s alcohol-free, and I love the taste. I have a powdered version, too, but I don't use that as much.

    If I am baking or making another special treat, I use raw honey or organic maple syrup. I would rather use REAL ingredients versus processed items such as Truvia, Splenda, Sweet & Low etc. I do not believe fake sweeteners are good for us, especially on a regular basis.

    I did try Truvia before I did my research on Stevia, and it made me sick. I had headaches, stomach issues and other problems. I didn’t realize the Truvia was causing the issue at first. When I removed it from my diet, the awful issues I was suffering from went away. After researching Truvia and what is really in it, I found out why it made me sick.

    If you are going to use a substitute sugar, I highly suggest researching it first. Also, be very aware of how your body reacts to it. Some people may not have a noticeable issue with a fake sugar, but what about side-effects in the long run?

    If you buy quality Stevia, I think you’ll find the taste enjoyable and it comes from a plant, so it's natural (so long as it's not heavily processed/contains additives like Truvia).

    Best of luck in your journey. :smile:

  • mrandolph69
    mrandolph69 Posts: 197 Member
    I use Kroger's Stevia blend (a knockoff of Truvia.) It is not pure Stevia (which my parents use and which I cannot stand) but is a combination of Rebaudioside A (a stevia extract) and erythritol which is an all natural grain extract. I went with this because it seems to be better than the Splenda, Equal, etc. artificial sweeteners. I would use Splenda over Stevia, however.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I use stevia and saccharine which is better than the evil aspartame and splenda.
  • dewsmom78
    dewsmom78 Posts: 498 Member
    I just gave up Splenda this week. I was using 4 packets a day for my coffee. But I heard it can hinder weight loss, so that's whey I decided to give it up. I tried natural Stevia but it's kind of bitter. So I pretty much gave up coffee altogether. I have been drinking green tea with honey. Honey has about 60 calories per Tbsp so you have to be careful with it. But at least it is a natural sweetner.
  • RunningRichelle
    RunningRichelle Posts: 346 Member
    I did try Truvia before I did my research on Stevia, and it made me sick. I had headaches, stomach issues and other problems. I didn’t realize the Truvia was causing the issue at first. When I removed it from my diet, the awful issues I was suffering from went away. After researching Truvia and what is really in it, I found out why it made me sick.

    Annnnnd I've officially learned something today. Thanks!!!
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I was raised on artificial sweeteners (mother is a type 1 diabetic) so I can handle pretty much all of them. I prefer sweet'n'low because you can mix it easily in a cold drink versus splenda or equal. If you can't stand the taste, you can try replacing a percentage of your sugar with the artificial sweetener.