Low carb diet plan



  • Haltermania
    Haltermania Posts: 288 Member
    My husband and I have enjoyed this plan and these recipes from the Scarsdale diet plan. It's so much more inclusive than Adkins. It's all laid out for you day by day, meal by meal. They've done the planning for you. Here's the link.

    Thank you, i am assuming for fish and meat the size is 6-8oz? i apperciate you doing that for me thanks
  • sechadyl
    sechadyl Posts: 28 Member
    I am on Atkins and use the shakes and bars everyday, they are nice convenience. I keep a few bars in my purse all the time so when I end up running around all day, I am not temted to eat something off the plan.
  • JLHNU212
    JLHNU212 Posts: 169 Member
    BUMP! I need to go low carb for girlie reasons, and want to be able to get some of this information on a computer that lets me access the links provided!
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    i am trying to cut weight and obviously fat but gain muscle in the process. i already started a new workout plan for the muscle build. i am trying to lose about 10 more pounds. yea i saw the Atkins diet plan and what i am allowed to eat but like you said i saw comments of when certain foods come back you start gaining weight again. i saw the south beach diet that said to cut out fruits for atleast the first phase.

    I started out with the South Beach plan, but tweaked it to fit my needs and preferences. I didn't want to give up fruit completely for the first 2 weeks, so I stuck with one serving of strawberries. Also, I do better without grains, so I didn't add them back in after the first phase. Over time I evolved more into the Paleo plan, but not 100%. I do eat peanuts, and I don't stick with grass-fed beef, etc. I eat about 80-90% whole foods, but I do have Atkins bars to get my chocolate fix in.
    You can read the South Beach plan online without having to sign up or pay for anything. It is all over the web, not just the official site. It worked very well for me to get started, and break the sugar/carb dependence. But then I tweaked it.

    You can start by cutting out all processed sugar and flour products, and eating more high fiber, non starch veggies. Upping my healthy fat levels made the biggest difference for me, along with adequate proteins. I occasionally have some real sugar or bread, but generally stay away from it, as it can stall my weight loss if I have it too often.
  • Haltermania
    Haltermania Posts: 288 Member
    Also i meant to ask, is there any supplements i should take to help with this as well.

    I currently use No Explode for weight lifting, Opti-Men for vitamins and Why Protein for after the gym. I will be putting another order in next week and was intrested to see if there was anything else to get.

    I have been told to try/get

    fish oil pills
    Elite Casein which is a slow releasing protein pill
    SASSYGIRLY30 Posts: 49 Member
    I follow a low carb lifestyle because I have type 2 diabetes. It's pretty simple and effective for weight loss and managing my glucose levels. I've had my sugar in check for over a year with no med's what so ever.

    I have between 100-150 carbs per day depending on if i workout etc. My husband also follows this and he is pretty cut up.

    I have whole grains, nuts, fruits, veggies and lean meats/fish. A serving of carbs is 15 grams so i try to make sure I balance this throughout the day for each meal.. I do 5-6 small meals a day and have higher carbs in my earlier meals and then usually by dinner its lean protein and veggies.. this is how my nutritionist has me break it down and its worked for me overall.
  • Atkins is not a short term diet, it's a lifestyle change. I've done Atkins for over a year now and I've lost a total of 25 lbs, it's only extreme if you make it that way. It's unfair to single out Atkins saying that once you go off it you gain it all back, this is true for any "diet". If you stop exercising and eating healthy and go back to eating your Big Mac and fries you're going to get fat again.

    I suggest that you read the newest book it explains the 4 phases of Atkins. The website is very informative as well.

    Atkins works best for me because it's easy and I am NEVER hungry, there is always something lo carb that I can snack on to fill me up.

    I will do Atkins for the rest of my life and I have no doubt that I will get to my goal weight and be able to maintain it for the rest of my life.

    Good luck to you!
  • Brookesworld104
    Brookesworld104 Posts: 32 Member
    It is not a good idea to do any "Low Carb Diet Plan", there are so many complications in going this route. Your brain needs carbohydrates to function. They also provide energy and help you to feel more satiated.
    There is a definite mood association with restricting them.
    Also, there can be long term health cons from restricting carbs. Typical "Low Carb" diets encourage the consumption of foods which tend to be higher in fats and proteins. If you get too much protein, your kidneys have to work harder to eliminate the extra waste products. It can also cause a condition called "Ketosis" which is the buildup of acidic substances that the kidneys fail to eliminate.
    Also, eating all of those saturated fats can cause the usual ailments they are associated with later in life such as Heart Disease, plaque in the arteries and blood pressure issues. You will also feel very fatigued and not have as much energy for workouts which are key to weight loss.
    When you are attempting to build muscle, upping your protein is always helpful and usually a good idea, but you should also balance with complex carbohydrates. Any "diet" that says anything should be eliminated is not only dangerous and ineffective, but could never be followed long term. And if you research anyone who has followed this type of program, while they may have success up front, the weight is almost always re-gained and sometimes in excess once normal habits return. I would strongly encourage you to reconsider this decision. If you need more guidance on nutrition, I would be happy to message you offline.
  • Brookesworld104
    Brookesworld104 Posts: 32 Member
    Also...just as a side note, reviewed your diary and was curious... do you really eat mac n cheese every single day? :smile:
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    It is not a good idea to do any "Low Carb Diet Plan", there are so many complications in going this route. Your brain needs carbohydrates to function. They also provide energy and help you to feel more satiated.
    No, your brain doesn't need carbohydrate. There is NO physiological need for carbohydrate in the human body. None. I'm not sure WHERE you get your information from, but it's not based in physiology or biochemistry.

    And no, carbs don't make you feel more satiated - protein and fat do.
    There is a definite mood association with restricting them.
    In some people this is true. Not in most. In fact, many studies show improved mood and cognitive function on low-carb ketogenic diets.
    Also, there can be long term health cons from restricting carbs. Typical "Low Carb" diets encourage the consumption of foods which tend to be higher in fats and proteins. If you get too much protein, your kidneys have to work harder to eliminate the extra waste products.
    Sorry, this is very outdated thinking and not based in science. Only those who already have impaired kidney function need worry about protein.
    It can also cause a condition called "Ketosis" which is the buildup of acidic substances that the kidneys fail to eliminate.
    Ketosis is marked by the presence of ketones, yup. And it's healthy and has been used as a medical treatment for both epilepsy and diabetes for over a century with NO medical contraindications. It is NOT an acidic condition in the body - that's ketoacidosis which is a very different biochemical state from ketosis.
    Also, eating all of those saturated fats can cause the usual ailments they are associated with later in life such as Heart Disease, plaque in the arteries and blood pressure issues. You will also feel very fatigued and not have as much energy for workouts which are key to weight loss.
    There is no evidence that saturated fat causes heart disease. Certain saturated fats, such as medium-chain triglycerides are actually very beneficial to cardiovascular health.

    You're obviously buying into the "lipid hypothesis" with decades old, has never been fact, is outdated and never proven after decades of study and billions in research. In fact, most research trying to prove it has dis-proven it.

    Refined carbohydrate is strongly linked to impaired cardiovascular health.

    I can list dozens of randomized controlled trials showing a low-carb ketogenic diet is superior to ANY other diet (including low-fat) for weight-loss, muscle-retention, glycemic control and ALL indicators of cardiovascular health. There are NO studies showing anything different, in point of fact.
  • Haltermania
    Haltermania Posts: 288 Member
    Also...just as a side note, reviewed your diary and was curious... do you really eat mac n cheese every single day? :smile:

    For this week i have since they were on sale 10 for $10 :ohwell: and since i havent gone to the store yet to get other "better" choices i have stuck with that lol
  • Brookesworld104
    Brookesworld104 Posts: 32 Member
    It is not a good idea to do any "Low Carb Diet Plan", there are so many complications in going this route. Your brain needs carbohydrates to function. They also provide energy and help you to feel more satiated.
    No, your brain doesn't need carbohydrate. There is NO physiological need for carbohydrate in the human body. None. I'm not sure WHERE you get your information from, but it's not based in physiology or biochemistry.

    And no, carbs don't make you feel more satiated - protein and fat do.
    There is a definite mood association with restricting them.
    In some people this is true. Not in most. In fact, many studies show improved mood and cognitive function on low-carb ketogenic diets.
    Also, there can be long term health cons from restricting carbs. Typical "Low Carb" diets encourage the consumption of foods which tend to be higher in fats and proteins. If you get too much protein, your kidneys have to work harder to eliminate the extra waste products.
    Sorry, this is very outdated thinking and not based in science. Only those who already have impaired kidney function need worry about protein.
    It can also cause a condition called "Ketosis" which is the buildup of acidic substances that the kidneys fail to eliminate.
    Ketosis is marked by the presence of ketones, yup. And it's healthy and has been used as a medical treatment for both epilepsy and diabetes for over a century with NO medical contraindications. It is NOT an acidic condition in the body - that's ketoacidosis which is a very different biochemical state from ketosis.
    Also, eating all of those saturated fats can cause the usual ailments they are associated with later in life such as Heart Disease, plaque in the arteries and blood pressure issues. You will also feel very fatigued and not have as much energy for workouts which are key to weight loss.
    There is no evidence that saturated fat causes heart disease. Certain saturated fats, such as medium-chain triglycerides are actually very beneficial to cardiovascular health.

    You're obviously buying into the "lipid hypothesis" with decades old, has never been fact, is outdated and never proven after decades of study and billions in research. In fact, most research trying to prove it has dis-proven it.

    Refined carbohydrate is strongly linked to impaired cardiovascular health.

    I can list dozens of randomized controlled trials showing a low-carb ketogenic diet is superior to ANY other diet (including low-fat) for weight-loss, muscle-retention, glycemic control and ALL indicators of cardiovascular health. There are NO studies showing anything different, in point of fact.

    Uhmmmmm you took significant pains in dissecting my advice... I still stand by it 100%. It is not healthy to restrict carbs and coming from a family with Hereditary Heart Disease and also having worked for a Cardiologist, I stand by my Heart Disease Statement as well. And yes brain funciton is dependent on Carbohydrates and we are not talking about simple carbs but complex. Also, proteins do not make you feel satiated, they are more filling and will last longer in staving off hunger but the perception of being satiated comes from the consumption of carbs. I will have to agree to disagree with you
  • sunnyskys2013
    sunnyskys2013 Posts: 159 Member
    It is not a good idea to do any "Low Carb Diet Plan", there are so many complications in going this route. Your brain needs carbohydrates to function. They also provide energy and help you to feel more satiated.
    No, your brain doesn't need carbohydrate. There is NO physiological need for carbohydrate in the human body. None. I'm not sure WHERE you get your information from, but it's not based in physiology or biochemistry.

    And no, carbs don't make you feel more satiated - protein and fat do.
    There is a definite mood association with restricting them.
    In some people this is true. Not in most. In fact, many studies show improved mood and cognitive function on low-carb ketogenic diets.
    Also, there can be long term health cons from restricting carbs. Typical "Low Carb" diets encourage the consumption of foods which tend to be higher in fats and proteins. If you get too much protein, your kidneys have to work harder to eliminate the extra waste products.
    Sorry, this is very outdated thinking and not based in science. Only those who already have impaired kidney function need worry about protein.
    It can also cause a condition called "Ketosis" which is the buildup of acidic substances that the kidneys fail to eliminate.
    Ketosis is marked by the presence of ketones, yup. And it's healthy and has been used as a medical treatment for both epilepsy and diabetes for over a century with NO medical contraindications. It is NOT an acidic condition in the body - that's ketoacidosis which is a very different biochemical state from ketosis.
    Also, eating all of those saturated fats can cause the usual ailments they are associated with later in life such as Heart Disease, plaque in the arteries and blood pressure issues. You will also feel very fatigued and not have as much energy for workouts which are key to weight loss.
    There is no evidence that saturated fat causes heart disease. Certain saturated fats, such as medium-chain triglycerides are actually very beneficial to cardiovascular health.

    You're obviously buying into the "lipid hypothesis" with decades old, has never been fact, is outdated and never proven after decades of study and billions in research. In fact, most research trying to prove it has dis-proven it.

    Refined carbohydrate is strongly linked to impaired cardiovascular health.

    I can list dozens of randomized controlled trials showing a low-carb ketogenic diet is superior to ANY other diet (including low-fat) for weight-loss, muscle-retention, glycemic control and ALL indicators of cardiovascular health. There are NO studies showing anything different, in point of fact.

    Uhmmmmm you took significant pains in dissecting my advice... I still stand by it 100%. It is not healthy to restrict carbs and coming from a family with Hereditary Heart Disease and also having worked for a Cardiologist, I stand by my Heart Disease Statement as well. And yes brain funciton is dependent on Carbohydrates and we are not talking about simple carbs but complex. Also, proteins do not make you feel satiated, they are more filling and will last longer in staving off hunger but the perception of being satiated comes from the consumption of carbs. I will have to agree to disagree with you

    I think you really need to do a little more research.
  • JaceyMarieS
    JaceyMarieS Posts: 692 Member
    Also, eating all of those saturated fats can cause the usual ailments they are associated with later in life such as Heart Disease, plaque in the arteries and blood pressure issues. You will also feel very fatigued and not have as much energy for workouts which are key to weight loss.
    There is no evidence that saturated fat causes heart disease. Certain saturated fats, such as medium-chain triglycerides are actually very beneficial to cardiovascular health.

    You're obviously buying into the "lipid hypothesis" with decades old, has never been fact, is outdated and never proven after decades of study and billions in research. In fact, most research trying to prove it has dis-proven it.

    Refined carbohydrate is strongly linked to impaired cardiovascular health.

    I can list dozens of randomized controlled trials showing a low-carb ketogenic diet is superior to ANY other diet (including low-fat) for weight-loss, muscle-retention, glycemic control and ALL indicators of cardiovascular health. There are NO studies showing anything different, in point of fact.

    Well said.

    Carbohydrates are the macro-nutrient I choose to strict limit. I am diabetic, have celiac sprue and Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Excessive carbs are certainly NOT my friend.

    Brain function is dependent on glucose, not carbohydrates. I get all the carbs I "need" from vegetables, seeds/nuts and some dairy. I've eliminated grains (see the diabetes/hypothyroidism/celiac trifecta above), strictly limit fruit and legumes and enjoy more fat than I ever thought wise (from coconut products, olive oil, olives and nuts mainly)

    My lipid panel is now just about perfect - my lastest bloodwork was done in August.
    Your Total Cholesterol of 161 is DESIRABLE
    Your LDL of 89 is OPTIMAL
    Your HDL of 53 is NORMAL
    Your Triglyceride level of 95 is NORMAL
    Your Total Cholesterol/HDL ratio is: 3.04 - (preferably under 5.0, ideally under 3.5) IDEAL
    Your HDL/LDL ratio is: 0.596 - (preferably over 0.3, ideally over 0.4) IDEAL
    Your triglycerides/HDL ratio is: 1.792 - (preferably under 4, ideally under 2)

    My blood glucose is now in the normal range - last A1c (also in August) was 5.2

    Fatigue is a thing of the past. I do an hour of cardio 6-7x/week and weight train 2x/week.

    There aren't "so many complications in going this route"; in fact, I've eliminated many of the risks of serious complications by choosing a low-carb lifestyle.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    Uhmmmmm you took significant pains in dissecting my advice... I still stand by it 100%. It is not healthy to restrict carbs and coming from a family with Hereditary Heart Disease and also having worked for a Cardiologist, I stand by my Heart Disease Statement as well. And yes brain funciton is dependent on Carbohydrates and we are not talking about simple carbs but complex. Also, proteins do not make you feel satiated, they are more filling and will last longer in staving off hunger but the perception of being satiated comes from the consumption of carbs. I will have to agree to disagree with you
    You can stand by your advice 100%, however it is STILL wrong.

    As for having worked for a cardiologist, you should be advised he was taught wrong, and they're STILL teaching the lipid hypothesis in medical school, even though it's incorrect.

    Any cardiologist that invests time into the research, however, comes to the same conclusions as I have. Cardiologists such as William Davis, MD. Eric Westman, MD, and more. They will readily admit everything they were taught in medical school in regards to the lipid-hypothesis is incorrect according to ALL scientific research.

    And NO, brain function is not now and never has been dependent upon carbohydrates. Crack open a biochemistry book. Even though my biochemistry courses were over 20 years ago I know that.
  • albertabeefy
    albertabeefy Posts: 1,169 Member
    Brain function is dependent on glucose, not carbohydrates.
    Which even with ZERO carbohydrate intake the body can get all it needs from gluconeogenesis. The brain also fuels itself via ketones - and considerable research shows it performs BETTER with ketones than with glucose.
    I get all the carbs I "need" from vegetables, seeds/nuts and some dairy. I've eliminated grains (see the diabetes/hypothyroidism/celiac trifecta above), strictly limit fruit and legumes and enjoy more fat than I ever thought wise (from coconut products, olive oil, olives and nuts mainly)
    Most people don't realize how many nutrients is available in as little as 20g of leafy greens or other non-starchy veggies. And 20g of leafy greens is like 6 full cups ...
    My lipid panel is now just about perfect - my lastest bloodwork was done in August.
    Your Total Cholesterol of 161 is DESIRABLE
    Your LDL of 89 is OPTIMAL
    Your HDL of 53 is NORMAL
    Your Triglyceride level of 95 is NORMAL
    Your Total Cholesterol/HDL ratio is: 3.04 - (preferably under 5.0, ideally under 3.5) IDEAL
    Your HDL/LDL ratio is: 0.596 - (preferably over 0.3, ideally over 0.4) IDEAL
    Your triglycerides/HDL ratio is: 1.792 - (preferably under 4, ideally under 2)

    My blood glucose is now in the normal range - last A1c (also in August) was 5.2

    Fatigue is a thing of the past. I do an hour of cardio 6-7x/week and weight train 2x/week.

    There aren't "so many complications in going this route"; in fact, I've eliminated many of the risks of serious complications by choosing a low-carb lifestyle.
    Great numbers, good for you! Mine almost mirror yours. (In fact, my last HbA1c was also 5.2% ... I was diagnosed at 12.2% so it's an amazing difference for not being on insulin or medication.)

    I'd put my or your numbers up against any low-fat advocate any day of the week. The truth is that low-carbohydrate ketogenic diets are superior to any low-fat (or any other diet) for weight-loss, glycemic control, lean-mass retention, cholesterol ratio (HDL:LDL) and triglycerides in dozens upon dozens of randomized controlled trials.
  • LauraDotts
    LauraDotts Posts: 732 Member
    Brain function is dependent on glucose, not carbohydrates.
    Which even with ZERO carbohydrate intake the body can get all it needs from gluconeogenesis. The brain also fuels itself via ketones - and considerable research shows it performs BETTER with ketones than with glucose.
    I get all the carbs I "need" from vegetables, seeds/nuts and some dairy. I've eliminated grains (see the diabetes/hypothyroidism/celiac trifecta above), strictly limit fruit and legumes and enjoy more fat than I ever thought wise (from coconut products, olive oil, olives and nuts mainly)
    Most people don't realize how many nutrients is available in as little as 20g of leafy greens or other non-starchy veggies. And 20g of leafy greens is like 6 full cups ...
    My lipid panel is now just about perfect - my lastest bloodwork was done in August.
    Your Total Cholesterol of 161 is DESIRABLE
    Your LDL of 89 is OPTIMAL
    Your HDL of 53 is NORMAL
    Your Triglyceride level of 95 is NORMAL
    Your Total Cholesterol/HDL ratio is: 3.04 - (preferably under 5.0, ideally under 3.5) IDEAL
    Your HDL/LDL ratio is: 0.596 - (preferably over 0.3, ideally over 0.4) IDEAL
    Your triglycerides/HDL ratio is: 1.792 - (preferably under 4, ideally under 2)

    My blood glucose is now in the normal range - last A1c (also in August) was 5.2

    Fatigue is a thing of the past. I do an hour of cardio 6-7x/week and weight train 2x/week.

    There aren't "so many complications in going this route"; in fact, I've eliminated many of the risks of serious complications by choosing a low-carb lifestyle.
    Great numbers, good for you! Mine almost mirror yours. (In fact, my last HbA1c was also 5.2% ... I was diagnosed at 12.2% so it's an amazing difference for not being on insulin or medication.)

    I'd put my or your numbers up against any low-fat advocate any day of the week. The truth is that low-carbohydrate ketogenic diets are superior to any low-fat (or any other diet) for weight-loss, glycemic control, lean-mass retention, cholesterol ratio (HDL:LDL) and triglycerides in dozens upon dozens of randomized controlled trials.

    I've been in ketosis for almost a year. I average 20 net grams of carbs a day. My brain functions just fine. A whole lot of other functions have improved dramatically.
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member

    I eat about half the suggested carb on MFP. I am very athletic and try to get my calories from natural, less-processed foods.
    I don't have a specific diet plan to suggest but can tell you that cutting:

    from my diet has made me feel much better, healthier and stronger.

    I let myself have some of those items as a treat once in a big, big while.

    Everyone has their favorite diet---experiment and find what works for you.

    Good luck!
  • assymcgee
    assymcgee Posts: 3 Member
    I didn't read through all of the replies, but i agree with the posters who suggested going paleo or primal. to kick it off, look into The Whole30. It's a 30 day extreme paleo challenge. after the 30 days you re-evaluate how you feel and go from there. i'm just finishing my 30 days and i can say that i feel so much better, I will be continuing on a mainly primal diet, just not so strict. I lost 8 pounds by eating more good fats, but cutting garbage foods.
  • lstok873
    lstok873 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm becoming an Insanity junkie, and I agree with cutting the white breads and white potatos. I eat tons of whole wheat wraps, noodles, bread, brown rice and sweet potatoes. I also see that you eat 3 times a day....ever consider upping it to 5 times? It's worked miracles for me, I never get hungry enough to eat sides (other than fruit, rice, maybe a little pasta), but can still work in some chocolate, etc.. and still lose weight.