My 6 week challenge



  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Day 3-Wednesday, rest day. I decided after my run on Tuesday my ankle needed the rest. I did unfortunately eat too much again.

    Day 4-Thrusday, Cross training. I did the TurbFire HIIT 15 Class. It may be only 17 mins, but it kicks your bootie. I have now done this workout 3 times and am still having a hard time with the moves, but I am getting better. Jon actually worked out with me and I am glad that he did. It was nice to see him actually do something. We then took a short walk around a few blocks. When we turned around I started running, slowly at first and then sped it up a little. It felt really good. Of course, my ankle was hurting during the walking but felt better while running. Go figure. :noway: It was a good clean eating day as well. I feel like I am back in the groove, even if I still have to hold back a little. Hopefully the doctor will figure this out so I can get back to 110%.

    Day 6-Friday, Strength Training, Abs and 2 mile run. Looking forward to tonite. I will take it easy, but try to push as hard as I can without going overboard.

    I vow to eat clean all day again. It is just amazing how I feel when I don't cheat and eat clean. Who woulduv thunk that??? LOL

    Have a great Friday everybody. :bigsmile:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Jennifer plz don't go over board your doing amazing job and I can agree when eating clean you do feel great!! Keep up the great work!!! You are a fire cracker!!

    My 2nd 5k is in the AM hoping to beat out my time from before!!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Jennifer plz don't go over board your doing amazing job and I can agree when eating clean you do feel great!! Keep up the great work!!! You are a fire cracker!!

    My 2nd 5k is in the AM hoping to beat out my time from before!!

    Good luck with the run. I am sure you will do an amazing job. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Day 5-Friday, Strength Training, Abs and 2 mile run. I started off with my run and it went really well. It also helps to have a nice sidewalk to run on. I did 12 min miles and that is pretty good considering my ankle. It is just amazing how it feels better while running rather than walking. Strength training and abs went really well. I like doing the BBL Tummy Tuck, you can definitely feel the burn and that is nice to feel, knowing you are working the core. My arms are sore already from the upper body workout. Burn baby burn!!! Clean eating today. I feel great. Now, I am ready for bed.

    I vow to eat clean all weekend. It is just amazing how I feel when I don't cheat and eat clean. Who woulduv thunk that??? LOL

    Have a great weekend everybody. :bigsmile:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Sounds like you had a great day my goal is to eat clean all weekend as well!! I did not complete the 5K:sad: I got off at 2AM and could not drag myself out of bed this morning I will make it up with a 3mile jog today!!
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Sounds like you had a great day my goal is to eat clean all weekend as well!! I did not complete the 5K:sad: I got off at 2AM and could not drag myself out of bed this morning I will make it up with a 3mile jog today!!

    I am really sorry to hear that. Hang in there, you will get the next one. Let's hold each other accountable this weekend on the clean eating challenge. I will check in again later to see how you are doing and to let you know how I am doing.

    I am doing good so far. Had a really good breakfast and am looking forward to my snack. I got in some Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown done this morning. I really enjoy it. We don't just do the poses we have movement with the poses and it keeps the heart rate up a little to burn more. It is great. Now I am heading out for a short walk. Later on today I am going to do either BBL Cardio Axe or TurboFire HIIT 15 Class. I am having a girlfriend come over and she can decide which one she wants to try to do.

    Have a great day and eat clean. :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Day 6-30 min cross. So far a start to a great and busy weekend. I did Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown and I really like it. You do more than just the poses, you have motion through them all. It keeps the heart rate up. I have done this one a few times now and I am seeing an improvement in the form for it. Next is a short walk to pickup my truck from the shop. Then later today I will be doing either BBL Cardio Axe or TurboFire HIIT 15 Class. A friend is coming over and I will let her choose which one she wants to do. So far eating is good. I will edit later to let you know what we decided to do.

    Have a beautiful weekend. :bigsmile:
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    Okay, so I am sorry for falling off the face of the Earth. The past few weeks have been an insane roller coaster. I lost my internet threeish weeks ago and just now got it back. My husband has been in the hospital for the past almost two weeks. He had surgery last Tuesday. We were facing some really tough decisions for a while. We had been working on the assumption that he had active Crohn's disease that was getting progressively worse. After the surgery and a biopsy it turns out that he has no active illness at all! This is utterly mind blowing. When he went in for the surgery we had no idea how bad the outcome would be, there was even a chance that he could leave the surgery unable to eat solid food for the rest of his life. Now we know that the problems were all caused by scar tissue from prior surguries. His small intestines had also migrated to the right side (they are supposed to be in the center). The surgeon repaired this problem and removed the scar tissue.

    I have a new lease on life. I was afraid that I was going to lose my husband way too soon, and now we can hopefully live a normal life again. I did fall off the healthy eating and exercise wagon for the past two weeks, but I am ready to get back on it. I even got a heart rate monitor for my birthday.

    I am so sorry for not posting on here in such a long time, but if you don't mind I would love to join this group again.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Day 6-Saturday, 30 min cross training. I did Jillian Michael's Yoga Meltdown and a short speed walk. I do like Jillian's yoga workout because you are continuously moving, so you burn more. I had a great workout and had a very busy day. I wasn't horrible, but I also was not good with my eating.

    I have decided that I am not going to deal with the hotel for the catering for the reception. He is just too way up in the air. He tells me one thing and it is another. That is just too frustrating for me. I think we are just going to go with meat, veggie and fruit trays. Nothing fancy.

    Day 7-Sunday, 3 mile run. I DID IT!!! My ankle did hurt a little, but after a while it didn't. Weird. I did the entire 3 miles without walking. I sure had to talk to myself alot. LOL Then band practice. We have a full band right now. WHOOOHOOO!!! I am a little worried about our lead guitar player, he was really off and throwing me for a loop. Then I got to go home and veg out for the evening. It was nice to just sit and rest. I did eat clean all day.

    Day 8-Monday, Strength Training and Cardio Abs. Well, I go to the doctor this afternoon to see if there is anything that can be done about my ankle. I will be very upset if he tells me to hold off on any jumping/running. I am really scared that is what he is going to say. Of course, if I remember, I will ask him what I can do. I can't do what I did 2 weeks ago and let myself go. If I am moving I feel great, if I am not, I feel depressed. We will see what happens. I will let you know.

    Have a beautiful week everyone. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Belldandy-Please don't worry about not posting. You definitely had other things that were way more important.

    WHOOOHOOO!!! I am so happy for you and your husband. What a relief for the both of you. That is absolutely amazing. I am so excited for you.

    I am glad you are back and ready to start again. We are here to help you in any way possible. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Okay, it has officially been 5 weeks since I have started my supposed 12 week half-marathon training. I was way-laid for one week and tried to start again and make it a 13 week prorgram. Now, I have to rest my ankle for 2 whole weeks. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Really, does this have to happen to me? I guess it could happen to anyone, I just NEVER thought it would happen to me. I am so frustrated and wish this would not have happened. I would be almost half way through the training.

    I went to the doctor yesterday and he stated that it is part of my Achillies Tendon. It is what is around it that is inflamed. He put me on Predisone for 6 days and said to stay off it for 2 weeks. He said that I could ride my bike or swim, no walking or running. Oh yeah and no plyometrics or intense cardio of any kind. No jumping. UGH!!!

    So, here is my 2 week countdown. Trying to find the positive in this in any way shape or form.

    Day 1-30 min bike ride and strength training. It was kinda kewl to get on my bike again. It has been over a year since I have been on it last. I can say that riding on brick roads is not very comfortable. It actually kinda hurt my ankle from all the bumping around. Then when I got home I did my strength training. It went well. I had Jon show me a different way to do side delts. I HATE DOING DELTS!!! But I know they need to be done. GRRR!!! It iwas a good workout.

    Day 2-Bike Ride (at least 4 miles) and Abs. Looking forward to getting on my bike again. My bootie is a little sore, but I will work through it. Can't wait to do Abs. Can't do Plank position though, because it will put pressure on my ankle. It is just a no win situation right now. But at least I can do something. :bigsmile:
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Belldandy so glad to have you back and wow I am certainly glad things are better for you hubby!!! I hope this week goes well for you getting back in the hang of things!!!

    Jennifer I know that is a tough pill to swallow but I am so glad that the Dr was able to see what is going on and stopped you now before it got any worse or you actually tore it which would put you down for longer than 2 weeks!! Hang in there and I am glad you have a bike as a easy alternative but if you start to feel any pain at all I think you should stop and just rest for the 2 weeks maybe doing stretching or upper bod y strength workouts only!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I went to Zumba class and loved every minute finally I am back in the gym I am so excited I really needed to be back around other people the at home videos are great but I think I need a mix again I was totally depended on them for the last 3mnths and I use to be a gym rat. I am so happy to be back in the gym now. It is time to chip away at these last unwanted lbs!!

    On a bad note I was over 592 in sodium Yikes Can we say H20 all through the night to flush my system!!
    Also I took my daughter's guinea pig "Spike" to the vet he didn't makeit back home it's been really tough today for her so I have been trying to cheer her up all day!!

    Looking foward to making the rest of the week exciting and fun and not over doing the weekend even though it's the 4th I think I have celebrated enough the last 2 weekends and my goal for July is to enjoy every weekend without over doing it with food!!
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    I went to Zumba class and loved every minute finally I am back in the gym I am so excited I really needed to be back around other people the at home videos are great but I think I need a mix again I was totally depended on them for the last 3mnths and I use to be a gym rat. I am so happy to be back in the gym now. It is time to chip away at these last unwanted lbs!!

    On a bad note I was over 592 in sodium Yikes Can we say H20 all through the night to flush my system!!
    Also I took my daughter's guinea pig "Spike" to the vet he didn't makeit back home it's been really tough today for her so I have been trying to cheer her up all day!!

    Looking foward to making the rest of the week exciting and fun and not over doing the weekend even though it's the 4th I think I have celebrated enough the last 2 weekends and my goal for July is to enjoy every weekend without over doing it with food!!
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    Day 1: Back on the wagon. I did eat well today. I don't think I am going to get in any exercise today. I had a long day between work and taking my husband to 2 follow up doctor appointments. I plan to go for a walk/run first thing tomorrow morning.
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Belldandy so glad to have you back and wow I am certainly glad things are better for you hubby!!! I hope this week goes well for you getting back in the hang of things!!!

    Jennifer I know that is a tough pill to swallow but I am so glad that the Dr was able to see what is going on and stopped you now before it got any worse or you actually tore it which would put you down for longer than 2 weeks!! Hang in there and I am glad you have a bike as a easy alternative but if you start to feel any pain at all I think you should stop and just rest for the 2 weeks maybe doing stretching or upper bod y strength workouts only!!

    I know, it is hard to accept though. I appreciate the encouragement. It is very helpful. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I went to Zumba class and loved every minute finally I am back in the gym I am so excited I really needed to be back around other people the at home videos are great but I think I need a mix again I was totally depended on them for the last 3mnths and I use to be a gym rat. I am so happy to be back in the gym now. It is time to chip away at these last unwanted lbs!!

    On a bad note I was over 592 in sodium Yikes Can we say H20 all through the night to flush my system!!
    Also I took my daughter's guinea pig "Spike" to the vet he didn't makeit back home it's been really tough today for her so I have been trying to cheer her up all day!!

    Looking foward to making the rest of the week exciting and fun and not over doing the weekend even though it's the 4th I think I have celebrated enough the last 2 weekends and my goal for July is to enjoy every weekend without over doing it with food!!

    I have done a Zumba class and it is a lot of fun, just can't afford it right now. And of course, no jumping around for me. :explode:

    I would not worry so much about going over on your sodium, but everyone is different. I have not really kept track of the sodium that I take in and I have lost 50 pounds. Whatever works for you, is all that matters. :drinker:

    I am really sorry to hear about the guinea pig. I know it is hard to come home with bad news for your little one. :sad:

    You have made a great goal for July. I know you can do it. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Day 1: Back on the wagon. I did eat well today. I don't think I am going to get in any exercise today. I had a long day between work and taking my husband to 2 follow up doctor appointments. I plan to go for a walk/run first thing tomorrow morning.

    I hope your walk/run went well this morning for you. Nutrition is half the battle, and you have won that battle. Keep up the great work. :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Day 2-Tuesday, bike ride and Tummy Tuck. I actually rode for about an hour and it was 9.1 miles. It was really nice. The weather has cooperated for us this week and it has been beautiful. I did see several runners while I was riding around and really wished I was running with them, but yes, I know, no running for me. :sad: I can work through this. :tongue: I then ate my dinner and then did Tummy Tuck. I love that ab workout and I hate it. Sure can feel the abs burn, such a great feeling.

    Day 3-Wednesday, Rest day, band practice. So, I did take a rest day. Had band practice and then I decided since I was in town to go watch "Eclipse". So, did not get home until Midnight and in bed by 12:30am.

    Feeling very tired this morning and I have pinched a nerve in my neck. I am now having a headache with slight nausea. UGH!!! Hopefully it will work itself out. PAIN PAIN go away. Oh yeah, my ankle is starting to feel better. If it's not one thing it is another. WHEN WILL IT EVER END??? :bigsmile:
  • Iffer75
    Iffer75 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Day 4-Thursday, another rest day. I woke up this morning with a horrible pain in my neck and back. It just felt like someone was holding me back from everything. I was also feeling nausiated. UGH!!! I did get to sing The National Anthem last nite for the car races and get to do it again tonite.

    Obviously, now, no upper body workout until my neck and back are better. UGH!!! At least I get to sing. LOL

    Day 5-Friday. Starting out well with a great breakfast and morning snack.

    Make it a new and refreshing Friday!!! :bigsmile: