C25K and struggling

Hi all. I started the couch to 5 K program with a group this week. Well actaully, I missed the first week so I had to start on week 2 and I am struggling. I am very obese and very out of shape. My shins and calves are killing me while I do my extremely slow jog. Had anyone done the C25K and struggled in the beginning. Does it improve or is every week a battle? I am just curious if it will get better.


  • Jennymcwb
    Jennymcwb Posts: 88 Member
    I am on the third time trying it. The first time was brutal and you can repeat the weeks. Just take your time. It is better as you work out and get in shape.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    I weigh 230 and started this week, I'm following the Zombies Run 5k Training. It seems to start out alot easier than other c25k's for the first week you do a 10 minute warm up walk, the 10 sets of 1 minute walking, 15 sec running, followed by a 10 minute walk or run your choice. I really like it so far, granted I'm only doing week 1 so who knows what will happen in weeks 2 and 3 hah
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    What do you mean you missed the first week?

    Start on your own time, start slow and definitely do NOT skip any weeks!

    No, it doesn't get any easier but you will get stronger.

    However, if you are experiencing sharp pain (as opposed to dull aching or burning from over-exertion) then you should definitely see a doctor before you continue.

    ETA: Also lower leg pain (esp. shin splints) can be caused by ill-fitting shoes. If you're dedicated to running, you should invest in a supremely fantastic pair of shoes fitted by a professional.
  • panchorino
    panchorino Posts: 1 Member
    I'm half way though week 3. I don't know if I will be able to do a 5K at the end, but I will be able to jog for a decent amount of time. The whole point of that program is to slowly build it up endurance. Skipping the first week, well that isn't recommended. You should start with week one, and if you need to, repeat it. I am thinking about doing week 3 again. Just to solidify my endurance. But, also, you don't have to be running at 6.0 either. The first day of the week I do about 3.6, then the next 3.8, and last day 4.0. But if I can't keep it up, I do not hesitate to move it down a few points. I'm looking for endurance and adding some time to my overall running/jogging abilities. When I finish this, maybe I will do again, and speed it up some more.
  • GlitterMamma11
    GlitterMamma11 Posts: 143 Member
    You should start from the beginning. You need to work up to the next week. It's also important to do it at your own pace! You might need to repeat a week or two but no biggie! You need to listen to your body. I had to take two weeks off and my hubby and I are repeating week 3. I was finding it too difficult and having some knee pain. (I pushed through it last time and really messed my knees up!) Make sure you have good shoes and if you run the same path every time make sure you switch directions every run day. If the path slopes in one direction you will be working one leg more than the other and it can cause leg and knee pain. It does get better the more you do it! When I did it a couple years ago I got to the point I could jog 20mins straight and i'm NOT a runner! I was shocked and proud of myself! Stick with it but listen to your body and go at your own pace! :smile:
  • lostemt
    lostemt Posts: 152 Member
    I weigh 230 and started this week, I'm following the Zombies Run 5k Training. It seems to start out alot easier than other c25k's for the first week you do a 10 minute warm up walk, the 10 sets of 1 minute walking, 15 sec running, followed by a 10 minute walk or run your choice. I really like it so far, granted I'm only doing week 1 so who knows what will happen in weeks 2 and 3 hah

    That sounds like fun. Are you using a app? Also if you can you give me the name of it.
  • chellebublz
    chellebublz Posts: 568 Member
    Yes it is an app. It's called "Zombies, Run! 5k Training" I think I paid 99cent for it when it was on sale, not sure how much it is normally. It's by Six to Start
  • jackilync
    jackilync Posts: 30 Member
    Oh my, YES. Last summer I did C25K and made it to week 3 before giving up. The other day I tried Day 1 again and only made it 10 minutes in. Granted, I had just done zumba, BUT still, it didn't feel good! Since I know my own limitations, my new plan is to do C25K every other day, but instead of just doing each day once I am going to repeat them. For example, March 30th and April 2nd will be Day 1 Week 1. April 4th and 6th will be Day 2 Week 1. And so on. It might take me slightly longer to finish it, but I think my body will respond better this way. Plus, I have a 5K to run on July 14th and doing the program this way will put me finishing up about a week before my run which is good because then I can run a mile or two each day of the last week to get ready for the run. I know other people find it easier to do things differently, but I think we each have to know our own body and work accordingly. I would DEFINITELY not recommend skipping any days and certainly not a week, but I do think you're pretty brave for attempting that. Good luck!!
  • Thanks everyone. I missed week1 b/c I joined a group. Luckily we are repeating week 2 next week. I understand going at my own pace, but I am also in this group b/c I need the push. I have let myself off the hook way to many times b/c exerccise hurts. I am not hurting my body, but I don't think my body understands that I can push iit either. I am going to refit some shoes. I go to a professional running store, but they discontinued my sneaker and I had to go with a different one and I have not been completely happy with it. I can get through 4-5 of the 6 jogs so far. I will take it easy and even if my group moves onto week 3 and I feel I need to do week 2 again I will. Thanks.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You need to be fitted for proper running shoes. They seem expensive but it's well worth the price to not be in pain. Shin splints are the muscles in your shins screaming because they haven't been used before. You can help avoid the pain by running with proper form. Don't land on your heels, take small steps with your weight coming down midfoot. You can also do some exercises to strengthen those muscles. Stand on a step with just the ball of your foot on the step and raise yourself up and down. Also sit with your feet flat on the floor and just lift your toes up and down.

    Running does get easier but take it at your own pace. If the others in the group are moving forward and you don't feel you're ready then you may need to take more time but know that moving on will always be a struggle. It's supposed to be, you don't get stronger by doing the same thing forever.
  • FestivalDiva
    FestivalDiva Posts: 84 Member
    Firstly, well done for starting the C25K plan! Im on week 3 session 1 and it is tough, yes. I had done some 'speed' walking on my treadmill for several months before I heard of the C25K plan, but it seems a good way to gradually build up your stamina. However I am no expert but as you are struggling, I dont think its a good idea to put yourself off by overdoing it, I would suggest you start by using brisk walking as your first goal, and build up gradually. Make a plan ie walk briskly for 15 mins Monday, Wednesday and Friday 1st week, 20 mins M W F the next week etc. Best of luck.
  • GreenStars
    GreenStars Posts: 16 Member
    I started C25K the beginning of February...and just graduated (finished the program)! The first few weeks were super hard for me...shin splints and calf pain, oh my! I had to stretch and then ice for about 30 minutes after a run just to function. It definitely gets better! If you stick with the program, you'll be amazed at what your body can do!
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Can you currently walk 5k without pain? I think that should really be your starting point, if you can walk it without trouble, you should be able to do the program, but if not you should work on just walking first.
  • krs5201
    krs5201 Posts: 30 Member
    After week 1 I've been fine so far. Granted, I'm not overweight, but I have had a big knee injury that makes running difficult. Since the app I'm using cues me when to run and when to walk, I'm hoping it will help me build up strength in my knee. I know it gets harder, but I think overall, with a majority of cardio, etc, a lot of it is a mental thing. You can't think about how bad it sucks, because it will just suck worse.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    I'm on w3 D2 of the c25k. I'm not a runner , but this time it's getting better. I have done other 5k before and I finish it but I have to walk some of it. So this time my goal is to run the whole thing. I just keep telling my self I can do it..
  • paulajed
    paulajed Posts: 21
    Hi! Congrats on trying- that is one of the biggest steps!!

    I was also very out of shape and weighing in at 190- Week 1 was "OK"- week 2 and 3 were BRUTAL!! Shin/calf/ and quads pain- I had a hard time walking, climbing steps- almost quit. I iced my legs several times a day and after running- lived on ibuprofen (advil)- I honestly can tell you- it gets better!!

    I still survive on advil but I am running a 15 minute mile- 4 miles/run, 4 times per week- AND AM LOVING IT!! What a feeling of accomplishment! I tell myself that the pain is a symptom of my SUCCESS!! However- what I am feeling is bad aches (like growing pains), throbbing, soreness, and tightness- I am still icing and stretching every chance I get, it helps!

    take your time- repeat weeks, build up basic muscle/joint strength- if the shin pain becomes severe- seek medical attn and rest them.

    My new idea is I'm going to try running in compression tights as research is indicating they may lesson joint stress and injury.
  • Laura42012
    Laura42012 Posts: 180 Member
    Yes! There will be improvement. Keep a log and note how you feel during the run. IN a few weeks, when you look back, you will be able to see how much you've improved. Just keep pushing away at it. You'll break through and get in your groove.
  • Melissaol
    Melissaol Posts: 948 Member
    I'm on week 3 day 2 of the c25k. The run before this one was really bad, I finished it but not pretty. This time I did so good , I wanted to yell it from the roof top... Cause that run was so good . Today I should go and run, but I'm so sore from laying tile that . In not sure if I should go or not.
  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member
    here is the best advice i have got:

    KEEP GOING. When I started running, I couldn't do more than 3 minutes without thinking I'd die! But here's what I've learned by slowly adding time (doing the intervals is really wonderful and C25K has helped me IMMENSELY): YOU CAN AND YOU WILL IF YOU WANT TO. :)

    I swear. I am not lying to you!!!! It's a LOT more mental than you think. Oh boy did my heart pound and my mouth feel phlegmy and gross and my shins and calves KILLLLED. But now? Now I can do 20+ minutes without stopping for a break! I am LOVING running now.

    And what's super fun is that I only started running 1.5 months ago. I improved my cardio endurance by 17 minutes by perseverance in only 1.5 months. I would definitely like to continue to improve because I know that I can do more and that I will do more. I can't imagine how much better I will be in another 1.5 months.

    Just do a little more every single day and I swear it will get easier. You just have to remember that you're NOT going to die and you're NOT going to fail!

    Best of luck to you-- you CAN do this. :)
  • Thank you Thank you Thank you. I am not giving up on this. I know my body will feel pain, but I won't break it. I am going to keep at it. I am meeting a friend after work in the cold northeast rain. We are repeating week 2. Our group is on spring break, so this will be a nice week to catch up. I am also going back to the running store to get sneaks specifically just for running.