

  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    As I posted in your other thread. The amount of food you binged on was the surplus you hadn't eaten for the week. No harm done.
  • SMcCormac66
    SMcCormac66 Posts: 1 Member
    You should not give up! Why don't you allow yourself one day a week to eat whatever you want? I have tried this and you still lose weight. That way you have something to look forward to and you can relax on that day.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I get into the same situations sometimes..I read something the other day that said " One bad meal isn't going to make you fat, just like one good meal is not going to make you skinny" It's a work in progress. Not every day will be a success. But each meal or snack is a new opportunity to do better. It's hard to get over that feeling that you've ruined the day with a couple bad choices, but you just have to push through the bad days. I think of it like pushing the reset button. Good luck.:wink:

    Absolutely! You can eat absolutely perfectly for a week and lose maybe one pound. So if you eat not-so-perfectly for 2 days you're hardly going to pile on 20lbs!

    Just start afresh and get back on it!

    Personally I have a cheat meal once a week which means I can have some 'bad' food and it keeps me on track for the rest of the week.
  • emmajoy_21
    emmajoy_21 Posts: 9 Member
    Just imagine how terrible you are going to feel in a month or so when you start putting the weight back on. All you will think about was how close you were and you just let it go.

    A couple of bad choices isn't going to affect you that badly, just pick yourself up and keep plodding along.
  • Smudgemama
    Smudgemama Posts: 7 Member
    Nooooooooo!!!!!! Please don't give up now!!! You've done so well till now. Some advice I was given that stays with me is to set yourself a daily/weekly goal. Just one. Then see how you feel at the end of the day. My first weekly goal was to cut carbs at supper. And I did it. Set small goals for yourself and you'll feel great when you've reached it. Please don't quit
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    aint no thang but a chicken wang..... accept the lord and cleanse yourself of your binge..... hallow be thy name, thou shalt not eat one hundred peeps and cadbury eggs..... just forget about it... srs... i dont even diet thru holidays... i take a few steps backwards and say F it... i got time...

    youll overindulge less if you dont feel guilty about it
  • SophiaKnows
    SophiaKnows Posts: 2 Member
    Today - just do 1 situp, 1 pushup and 1 side bend. That's it. Tomorrow do 2 situps, etc. We all fall back, don't feel discouraged. Just try again and never ever give up. Another thing, do something kind for someone today and you will feel better. All the best.
  • HappyKite
    HappyKite Posts: 36 Member

    youll overindulge less if you dont feel guilty about it

    I overeat sometimes. I enjoy the food, try not to feel guilty and move on.
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    I don't understand why you would want to give up after a few days of bad food! I took a week off to celebrate my husbands and my 10th wedding anniversary. Although I didn't fill up on junk food, I had large lunches and dinners, a small slice of cake each evening and a few glasses of champagne. I ended up gaining .8 of a pound! I thought for sure I would have gained more. I weighed the next day and it was down to a .2 of a pound!

    Thing is, as soon as we returned home, I got back on it! We will have good days and we will have bad days but this is a life long journey and these days will pop up, you just have to stay in the mindset of sprinting forward no matter what comes your way.

    Now, get back to it! You can finish this!
  • susiepet
    susiepet Posts: 68
    The first thing: It's just a thought. I spent days sitting on a pillow at a Buddhist retreat, sitting doing nothing, which was damn near impossible for me and the lesson I learned after all that time was, "It's jut a thought. Let it go."

    The second thing: For ten minutes. Five. One at a time.

    And then do it again. It's just a thought. I can do anything for one minute. I can be my own best friend or my own worst enemy. I choose the thought.

    Just wanted to let you know how inspirational I found this. I'm printing it out to paste on my refrigerator. Thank you!
  • Miss_Meliss86
    Miss_Meliss86 Posts: 372 Member
    OP, the fact that you posted this thread shows to me that you are NOT ready to give up. If you were, you would have simply disappeared from the site and no one on here would know of your struggles. I think that because you posted, deep down you know you still can, and you just need a bit of encouragement, which is exactly why we're here!

    I hope that you are reading these posts and feeling the love and encouragement from all these strangers who have been in your situation before! Two days is not going to cause you to go right back to the beginning. You're going to be fine! Like so many people in this thread have already said, it's just a thought.

    Good luck, and we all know you can do it :)
  • Wombay
    Wombay Posts: 21 Member
    Can't? Now there's the real c-word...

    Why do you want to give up? What positives will that bring??
  • LeeDahlen38
    LeeDahlen38 Posts: 119 Member
    Read your own profile picture. Join my #OnePound Challenge. Take the pressure off.... Stress kills weight loss as well! But more importantly, you wrote this post becuase you haven't REALLY given up. You just want some help! That's what we are here for! Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/918510-introduction-blog-required-instructions-welcome Then friend me if you like. and most of all.... Know that I Believe In YOU! Lee
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member

    > Your mind gives up before your legs do!

    lol I am pretty sure my legs were begging my mind to let them stop yesterday during my workout.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    "Whether you think you can or think you can't - you're right". - Henry Ford
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Well you can give up and go back to where you started from and really feel like **** about yourself OR you can pick yourself up off the floor, wipe your tears, get off the couch and get your *kitten* back to the gym ad continue on with your day. :smile:
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    I know what you mean! It gets daunting at times and this applies to everything in life. For me, I realised that giving up my 'perfectionism' helps. I made myself believe that I HAD to follow this perfect diet I had in mind, and NO MISTAKES can be condoned. Being too strict is bad because when you slip up it feels especially painful ):
    It took me years of mentally torturing myself and yo-yo weighting like crazy before I have finally 'given up' on the all or nothing mentality. Because really, if you're going to continue being alive, you have A LIFETIME to lose weight... There is no need to rush it! Doing it healthy way works... It just takes more time and hence PATIENCE is key. I used to be so skeptical, hence leading to the restricting and binging habit... And now Binging is with me for life. Even if I am no longer restricting now, I still have binging urges, still do have bad binges etc but well I have to live with the mistake.

    Yes you can be pissed off, get down, throw a tantrum, cry a river.... But do that for a day and NO MORE. No moping for consecutive days. Wallow in self pity for one day, release that stress, vent all the angst, and then tell yourself YOU ARE GETTING BACK ON YOUR FEET.

    I have also realised that unless you have some medical conditions or allergies, do not every feel like eating 100% clean is a must. Yes eating healthy natural raw foods are good, aim to eat as much as possible, but there WILL be days where you just wanna eat crap. DO IT. Try to arrange it such that you stay near your caloric goal. Do an extra workout to compensate. Even if you don't and you go CRAZY with the calorie intake, LOOK AT YOUR WEEKLY average. Your body will not be RUINED because of a few days. Heck, after being very strict and having a nice body, I had ONE WHOLE WEEK of absolutely no exercise and stuffing myself with junk all day and then yes I got bloated and looked bad, but I was no where near where I started, and after that I got back on track and a few days in the bloat was GONE. Then about a week and I WAS BACK TO MY SLIM SELF. Remember, drastically increasing calories causes BLOAT, that reflects on the scale and the reflection on the mirror and you THINK you've gained back ALL THAT FAT just in the few days. NADA.

    If this is all too overwhelming, take a break. Heck, a diet break IS good for breaking plateaus! Focus on MAINTAINING maybe? You sure don't want to go back to where you started and wasted all your efforts?

    BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, while I don't know what your caloric goals/exercise goals are like, and whether you're being too restrictive, but if you are, I URGE YOU to go to https://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/937712-in-place-of-a-road-map-ver-3-0 and try to do it the healthy way.. I AM IN THE PROCESS OF TRYING IT AND IT DOES WORK.. And definitely feels much more sustainable.

    You need to know that whatever changes you make, you have to KEEP IT UP FOR LIFE. So drastic changes are not advised.

    Sorry for the rambly preaching, all the best and stay positive x
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    Like someone said you could give up but is that going to get you to your goal? NO. Dont give up. Just push through this. I know what your going through. One moment I am so determined and i get down to 180 then I go off and eat bad and gain. I have been trying for weeks to get in the 170's and its driving me nuts because i keep messing up and putting myself back. It will take me one day to put on the two or three pounds and several just to get it back off. Today I just reached 180 again and I have decided I am not going to mess up and I am going to keep pushing. Losing weight is not an over night thing its a very long journey. There are going to be rough spots but you have to keep your head up and keep pushing. You will lose the weight just keep it up. Keep counting and keep exercising. Then when you reach your goals it will all be worth it! =) Maybe you just need a push or more inspiration. I like to go on youtube and watch people's success videos. I keeps me motivated and makes me feel like I can do this! Every time I mess up I try not to sweat it. Tomorrow is a new day which means a chance to try again.
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    "Whether you think you can or think you can't - you're right". - Henry Ford

    Thanks for this, it spoke to me
  • mrs_joshica
    mrs_joshica Posts: 275 Member
    I've done so well. I've lost 16 pounds in a little over 2 months, and I've lost 6 pounds while doing MFP for the past month. But in the past 2 days, I'm pretty sure I've ruined it all. I've eaten SO MUCH. I feel so guilty all of the time now. I couldn't even make time to work out today. I can't take the amount of pressure I put on myself. I feel like a fat hippo who can never amount to anything because I end up failing anyways. I'm ready to give up. I'm just so done with constantly putting myself down..and I know I shouldn't feel the amount of shame I feel when I eat something I know I shouldn't, and that just makes me eat more. Please help...

    First step to weight loss is this, "LOVE YOURSELF" You've got to love yourself enough to know when NOT to be hard on yourself, and enough to know when to push yourself, and walk in the wisdom to know the difference. I don't think there is an honest person on this weight loss journey that has NOT been in your shoes. Please remember that this is a journey, it is not a race to the finish line. Take a step back, evaluate what you are doing, and why you are doing it, and then give yourself time TO DO IT.

    Yes, there are some days where we fall completely on our faces and miss the mark totally; these are the days where we have to just get up, dust ourselves off, and say, OK, I failed, but I'm going to keep trying. Take "I Can't" out of your vocabulary, and put "I Can", and "I WILL" in its place, because YOU CAN DO THIS! But, you have to want to.Too often do we give up on ourselves prematurely. Let this be your turning point to allow yourself some time to evaluate what you need to stop doing, what you need to continue doing, and where you have opportunities to improve, but NEVER EVER GIVE UP!