working at mcdonalds

I got hired at mcdonalds and I'm really scared that im gonna gain all my weight back I have lost 27 lbs, I know its all high sodium and tons of carbs and loaded with fat. me and my boyfriend was talking about that, I told him you know I don't think I be eating all that food I have come along ways to lose 27 lbs, my plan is to eat side salad with grilled chicken and unsweeten tea, is there any suggestions that I can also d/o


  • EllaIsNotEnchanted
    EllaIsNotEnchanted Posts: 226 Member
    on your lunch break take a walk and bring your own lunch.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    You'll be surprised at how quickly you'll not want to eat their food, working there all the time. Bring your own food when you can.
  • Mutant13
    Mutant13 Posts: 2,485 Member
    When I worked around junk food it actually put me off it. You get tired of the look and smell of it very quickly, maybe the same will happen with you
  • chrisjathompson
    chrisjathompson Posts: 227 Member
    You might not want to eat that food after you have been around it all day anyway. Try and gross yourself out about how the food is stored, prepared, handled, ect :)
  • imstrong4me
    imstrong4me Posts: 119
    yea I could I don't live far from where I work at I can walk on the weekends but weekdays I need to car bc I have to get my son from daycare
  • KylieJordan16
    KylieJordan16 Posts: 36 Member
    Why do you have to eat the food just because you work there?
    Just bring some healthy meals and snacks along with you and you'll do great!
  • Mermaidyo
    Mermaidyo Posts: 125 Member
    I don't even consider mcdonalds food it's more like cardboard and stuff they grinded up and call a burger. Best advice is meal plan bring snacks and lunch/dinner whatever shift you're working with you. and also drink up on the free water :) you should be active from walking back and forth working at mcdonalds so that shouldn't be a problem but the food could be tempting but think of it this way do you want food that is so processed your not sure if it's a dog,cat or rabbit burger? vs what you know you made yourself? :D
  • spaghetti93
    spaghetti93 Posts: 140 Member
    on your lunch break take a walk and bring your own lunch.

    this is a great suggestion.
    If you try to completely ignore eating the food there all the time, you'll probably start to feel deprived and will crave some of the wort stuff mcdonalds has to offer. At least I know that would happen to me if I was exposed to the food all the time. You should figure out a way to indulge and enjoy one of the more unhealthy choices they have once in a while. It will give you something to look forward to and you wont constantly think about eating the food because you know you'll get some eventually. Just make sure it its into your plan and you will be ok.
  • charmander89
    charmander89 Posts: 37 Member
    I work at Wendy's and was worried about the same thing when I got hired back in November. With the staff discount sometimes its just way smarter to buy lunch than bring one with me.
    I plan in the morning before work what I am going to have, and enter into mfp so I know many calories it's going to cost me. I usually stick to the grilled salads and try and only use about a half packet of dressing. If I don't feel like salad, a nugget meal with fries and either diet coke or water is reasonable. Kids meals can also be reasonable. If it's a short shift and I want a treat, ice cream isnt too bad, and tends to have less sodium than the actual food.
    I eat food from work most days, and have been doing fine :) Just figure out what works for your goals!
  • BostonStrong617
    I worked there for a year and gained 15 pounds. It's actually how I got overweight.

    You are working 9 hours shifts if your schedule is set up like mine and employee meals were free and you're also likely to want to snack while you're there. The problem is you're around freshly made fries and chicken fingers and suck all day and you have access to all the food and condiments so you can make some pretty delicious tasking combos...

    It's very easy to crave the food when you're there. I recommend bringing your lunch and brining plenty of snacks. You can have a cheat meal once or twice but if you can kick up your exercise before or after work I'd do that as well.

    You WILL actually burn calories working it's A LOT of running around and it's wicked hot from all the fryers and such so unless you're working the drive thru window you'll actually be quite active but that doesn't mean you can't gain obviously if you're still at a surplus.

    It doesn't have to be a recipe for disaster you just need to be careful!
  • WendySPWarren
    WendySPWarren Posts: 63 Member
    You'll be on your feet all day and you'll quickly get sick of their food. I lost the most weight while I was working for them, so don't worry yourself silly about it.
  • dez_yaoichan
    I worked at mcdonalds for 4 years. lost 50 pounds in 4 months and then gained it all back when I stopped logging.

    I had a grilled chicken side salad with southwest dressing and strips. or I had a Canadian bacon biscuit with swiss cheese.

    I now work at taco bell :sad:
  • JonathonMars
    JonathonMars Posts: 358 Member
    I have worked there years? I think I've pretty much stayed the same weight, and when I did gain weight it was from choices I made outside of my work environment. Until a couple months ago, I did eat the food on my break, but now I always take my own lunch.

    And honestly?

    I don't think taking my own lunch has made a HUGE difference in my weight loss.

    I know many people may think I'm crazy, but it's true. In fact, last summer I lost 20-25 pounds and ate McD's daily. I have just decided for me right now, I want to focus on better nutrition choices.

    Also, I have always been kind of sensible about what I eat there. For the first 4-5 years I did not eat fries at ALL. Often ate grilled chicken salads or grilled wraps.

    I have a lot more self control than a lot of people, I guess?
  • peacemongernc
    peacemongernc Posts: 253 Member
    The grilled chicken ceasar salad with the Newman's Own balsamic vinegar dressing is really good! When I go to McDonald's I usually get that, with unsweetened tea. I also like the yogurt parfait once in a while. The premium grilled chicken wrap is supposed to be okay, too, but I haven't looked into that But I agree that you will pretty quickly get tired of being around the foods. Also, depending on how much flexibility you have, you might be able to invent your own stuff... maybe use the grilled chicken strips and some lettuce to make some sort of wrap...
  • JonathonMars
    JonathonMars Posts: 358 Member
    Also: I have to say I am about 5-10 pounds heavier than I was when I started working there right after high school. I have always been a bit overweight...

    The lowest weight I have ever been since I was 14 or so was 15 pounds less than I am now. So, I don't know. I don't think it's effected me much.
  • suemcmurry
    suemcmurry Posts: 188 Member
    Don't eat the food!!!
  • Proyecto_AN
    Proyecto_AN Posts: 387
    McDonalds doesn't make you fat, going over your calories does.

    ^ this
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    I got hired at mcdonalds and I'm really scared that im gonna gain all my weight back I have lost 27 lbs, I know its all high sodium and tons of carbs and loaded with fat. me and my boyfriend was talking about that, I told him you know I don't think I be eating all that food I have come along ways to lose 27 lbs, my plan is to eat side salad with grilled chicken and unsweeten tea, is there any suggestions that I can also d/o

    LOL My son was 17 when he worked at a McD's in Amarillo Texas. Poor thing gained almost 50 pounds in the six months he worked there because the manager kept feeding him free food and sending the night's leftovers home with him. He went to work at Walmart as a stocker there when he turned 18 and lost all that weight plus some in about 3 months! Hopefully after smelling that greasy food for days on end will keep you from eating it! :laugh:
  • migdalp
    migdalp Posts: 50 Member
    I agree with others, bring your own food. You can also just eat what is not too fat. I like there parfait; sometimes I eat it as a snack.
  • neacail
    neacail Posts: 228 Member
    My eldest son lost 40lbs in the year he worked at MacDonalds.

    Whether you continue to lose, or gain, is entirely up to you.