what is your REAL take on insanity?



  • Karri_Lynn
    Its a challenge but I loved it! I have completed it a few times. Once on its own and another as a hybrid. I always bring it when I travel because since there is no weights involved, its the perfect hotel room workout. I think it's a great workout that you can use forever. My mom is 53 and she has done it more times than I.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I think if you do insanity, you ARE crazy!!! MMUUWWAAHAHAHAHAHA
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    Insanity is great. I love it because Shaun T is fun and motivating. I did the program last year to jump start my weight loss. I lost 14 lbs. at first, I couldn't do it everyday so I rotated the the videos until I could do them every day then I started the whole program.

    I am a runner that did p90x over the winter. On the cardio days in p90x, I rotated in Insanity and running because the p90x cardio videos weren't a challenge. I don't have knee problems and never did with Insanity. I did get shin splints but that was because I was out of shape.

    My point here is if you like athletic type conditioning then Insanity is perfect. I ran faster after Insanity and I still do the videos now and then. If you are wanting the ripped look (muscle gain) from lifting then go the P90x or lifting route. It's really in what you are looking for.
  • verzanie
    verzanie Posts: 54 Member
    Everyone can do it, you just have to take a break when you need to. If you have heart problems I suggest you speak to your doctor first and also get a HRM. I'm on day 53, I only lost 5 lbs but I'm down 2 pants sizes and abs are starting to show. I couldn't keep up at first then at the end of month one I was OK - THEN Month 2 happened and whack it knocked me out. Took 2 days off and carried on and I now manage to do 90% of workouts of month 2. What I will say is that you should take an extra day rest if you feel like it. Eat enough as you need it and don't try and do too many other workouts while doing it. I made the mistake of doing a circuit class same day and it killed me. I now only do yoga on top of it and the odd class. My heart rate has improved dramatically as well as my stamina and at 43 I don't think I've ever looked better (still needs improving but.. ;-) ) I plan to keep doing 2/3 days a week after I finish. I use a very thick rug (sheepskin) under my feet when I need to jump as it will mess up your joints
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Overall it is a very poorly designed program that is very unsafe with no real structure to it. The only reason people have so much results doing it is because of the high emphasis placed on high intensity cardio. To be honest though you can get the same results with other, much safer programs.
  • lqmustang
    lqmustang Posts: 125 Member
    I finished the program on Feb 17th but still do the workouts every day along with some weight training as well. It's tough, you need a lot of dedication and will power to get thru the workouts. As others have said, go at your own pace, don't try to keep up with all the insaniacs in the video. If you watch they all take breaks and some more than others. Shaun T makes it look easy because he keep moving around from person to person and isn't working out the entire time. As you go thru the program you will get better and be able to keep up more. I've had great results and have lost 21 pounds and many inches.
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Be prepared to jump a lot
  • kakes80
    kakes80 Posts: 251 Member
    Its AMAZING! I did it for a month last year, but I am about to start it Tomorrow again! INSANE for the next 60 days!
  • tyraun_b
    tyraun_b Posts: 65
    it sounds to me like if you've had any major joint and limb problems stay away from it. it sounds like the smart thing to do is pace yourself with it and not try to over do it. the crazy part is i plan on doing this and also starting back up with my crossfit training!!! hahahahaha
  • tyraun_b
    tyraun_b Posts: 65
    right now i am focusing on flexibility, muscle endurance and leaning out more, and not so much getting bigger. i already have the size. i don't need to get any bigger.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    it sounds to me like if you've had any major joint and limb problems stay away from it. it sounds like the smart thing to do is pace yourself with it and not try to over do it. the crazy part is i plan on doing this and also starting back up with my crossfit training!!! hahahahaha

    I think even if you have had minor joint problems, and if you are not familiar with exercises and if you don't know what you can take and how to hold proper form, but sounds to me like you are good to go ;)