100g of Protein a Day?



  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    I aim to get a minimum of 100g of protein a day. I love how great I feel since increasing my protein.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Echo'ing the 1g per lb/LBM. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that the RDA (which is what MFP is based on) is less than optimal and the 1g per lb/LBM is a far better target. Also, remember that the RDA is for people not on a deficit and not doing any - significant exercise, both of which increase protein needs.

    Greek yogurt is your friend ;-). Also, it is fine to supplement with protein powder if necessary. Whey is just a milk derivative.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I get about 150g a day, I eat lots of eggs, soy milk, tofu and meat (chicken mainly) as well as greek yoghurt and cheese.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Adequate protein also helps MAINTAINS muscle while in a deficit. It's not just for building new muscle.

    I've read it's 0.8-1 grams per pound of lean body mass, which for most women is about 100 grams a day so I've just started spitting that out rather than confuse people by making them guess what their body fat percentage is.

    It aim for 100 grams a day and can usually get it without protein power. Eggs, cheese, mean, yogurt, milk, etc. But I also eat a lot.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    hm. thanks for the info!
    Found this link: http://www.medindia.net/doctors/Clinical_cal/lean-body-weight.asp

    Looks like I should be having about 120g per day!

    LOL according to that I need 103, I would have to go over on cals or have nothing but protein shakes to get that.

    That's only 412 calories worth of protein.

    I assume you mean by super lean super gross protein shakes? Because I don't know how to figure that amount of protein into that few calories.
  • Proyecto_AN
    Proyecto_AN Posts: 387
    Depends what you want. For example, I want 200 lbs of lean body mass, so I eat 200 grams of protein. If you don't care about lean body mass and just want to lose weight, keep it low. But you will probably get sick in the near future.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Protein intake is NOT overrated. At 40 to 50 gram intake a day and exercising heavily, I ended up with a protein deficiency that wrecked my fingernails (didn't know any better and hadn't found mfp yet). It's essential to get enough for the health of your skin hair and nails, among other things. This is not to say you need to do anything stupid like eat 400 grams a day. But you don't want to under do it.

    And for the red something or other name girl who doesn't know how to eat 100 grams of protein.....16ish ounces of chicken is an easy answer. For about 400 calories. It's not as hard as you're making it.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Protein intake is NOT overrated. At 40 to 50 gram intake a day and exercising heavily, I ended up with a protein deficiency that wrecked my fingernails (didn't know any better and hadn't found mfp yet). It's essential to get enough for the health of your skin hair and nails, among other things. This is not to say you need to do anything stupid like eat 400 grams a day. But you don't want to under do it.

    And for the red something or other name girl who doesn't know how to eat 100 grams of protein.....16ish ounces of chicken is an easy answer. For about 400 calories. It's not as hard as you're making it.

    I'm actually vegetarian so I don't eat chicken anymore so I probably should have mentioned that. Whoops :flowerforyou:

    I do agree with you, protein is important, but keeping other nutrients in mind as well is essential too overall good health and to avoid other deficiencies. Me personally, I don't think I need 100 grams a day. I mean I feel okay as much as I can tell. I have knee pain but that's probably not related. I do vary my sources through out the day and try to get around 60-70g. Some days 50g but I dont' lose sleep over it, that's usually on non-exercise days.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Out of curiosity, how do you guys GET that much protein in your diet? Also, is it safe to use 2-3 servings of protein powder per day?

    Chicken, salmon, eggs... some veggies have a little. My shake gives me 17, but that's only a small portion.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Protein intake is NOT overrated. At 40 to 50 gram intake a day and exercising heavily, I ended up with a protein deficiency that wrecked my fingernails (didn't know any better and hadn't found mfp yet). It's essential to get enough for the health of your skin hair and nails, among other things. This is not to say you need to do anything stupid like eat 400 grams a day. But you don't want to under do it.

    And for the red something or other name girl who doesn't know how to eat 100 grams of protein.....16ish ounces of chicken is an easy answer. For about 400 calories. It's not as hard as you're making it.

    Didn't we already go through this? Where i explained to you it's possible it was a specific amino acid?
    It is over rated by most beginning lifter, "must have a protein shake for breakfast, one pre workout, one post workout, etc..."

    But yes as activity increases so should protein intake as in your situation, since you where exercising heavily.

    I asked the girl if she's having any complications due to her protein intake. If she's not, it's pointless to just increase it because some chart says so.

    It took 6 months for the effects of my deficiency to manifest. Obviously I had no noticeable 'complications'. As for you telling me anything about anything, I don't recall any interactions with you to date save today but i will say I don't give much weight to what you have to say so maybe I just overlooked whatever comment you're referencing.
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Protein intake is NOT overrated. At 40 to 50 gram intake a day and exercising heavily, I ended up with a protein deficiency that wrecked my fingernails (didn't know any better and hadn't found mfp yet). It's essential to get enough for the health of your skin hair and nails, among other things. This is not to say you need to do anything stupid like eat 400 grams a day. But you don't want to under do it.

    And for the red something or other name girl who doesn't know how to eat 100 grams of protein.....16ish ounces of chicken is an easy answer. For about 400 calories. It's not as hard as you're making it.

    I'm actually vegetarian so I don't eat chicken anymore so I probably should have mentioned that. Whoops :flowerforyou:

    I do agree with you, protein is important, but keeping other nutrients in mind as well is essential too overall good health and to avoid other deficiencies. Me personally, I don't think I need 100 grams a day. I mean I feel okay as much as I can tell. I have knee pain but that's probably not related. I do vary my sources through out the day and try to get around 60-70g. Some days 50g but I dont' lose sleep over it, that's usually on non-exercise days.

    It absolutely is not necessary for many people but its a good benchmark for people lifting or engaging in serious regular exercise. Your intake is probably sufficient. And, its harder as a vegetarian, but by no means impossible! Quinoa and edamame are great complete proteins worth adding to your diet. Dairy will help too, if your diet allows for it. I think the worst thing about meeting protein goals as a vegetarian is that it takes more calories to get your protein bc mostly its not just straight protein.
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    hm. thanks for the info!
    Found this link: http://www.medindia.net/doctors/Clinical_cal/lean-body-weight.asp

    Looks like I should be having about 120g per day!

    Sorry to be thick but how did you work out you need 120g from that link?
    All it told me was that my lean body mass is too high and i have an obese body type!! Great booster

    That link is pretty much garbage. There is no way to determine, based on height and weight alone, lean body mass. I had mine tested by DeXA scan so I know what it is and that site told me I have 10 lbs less lean body mass than I have.

    As far as protein, I shoot for a minimum of .8g/lb of lbm. I find it pretty easy to hit most days with a serving of meat, some cheese, yogurt, leafy greens, etc...

    I will supplement with a protein shake if I am not hungry and still short on protein.

    Some protein powders were found by Consumer Reports to have high levels of heavy metals which could be toxic at 3 servings in a day. I recommend doing a little bit of research into your protein powder but most are fine. The protein powder I use is 60g protein/serving so I usually only use 1/3=1/2 serving per day.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    hm. thanks for the info!
    Found this link: http://www.medindia.net/doctors/Clinical_cal/lean-body-weight.asp

    Looks like I should be having about 120g per day!

    Sorry to be thick but how did you work out you need 120g from that link?
    All it told me was that my lean body mass is too high and i have an obese body type!! Great booster

    That link is pretty much garbage. There is no way to determine, based on height and weight alone, lean body mass. I had mine tested by DeXA scan so I know what it is and that site told me I have 10 lbs less lean body mass than I have.

    Agree with you re the site. Has me at 15lb lower than I actually am.
  • DeniseMCronin
    DeniseMCronin Posts: 27 Member
    1g per 1lb lbm is a good amount. If you are lifting 3x per week which you should be getting the right range of protein will help preserve lbm. If you are eating at a deficit you will by default be losing some lbm but a high protein intake will minimize that amount you do lose. A novice lifter will be the exception to losing muscle will in deficit but not forever.

    Adequate fat is needed. Keeps hormones in check.

    Carbs can be filled with the rest. Some people go low some don't. It's however you feel most comfortable. There is no rule as far as carbs go, its personal preference. The last 3 months I've adjusted mine a couple of times. Just today I increased my carb intake by 25g.

    Protein powders are good if you need a boost but if you can get most or all of your protein from food that's even better. 4-5 oz of chicken or beef will fill you more than a scoop of protein powder.

    I got in 170g yesterday and do most days without ever using powder. Add me as a friend if you want to see my food diary. I have lost roughly 50lbs since 10th Jan on a high protein diet. I have type 2 diabetes that is starting to drop dramatically without medication. I was told that because of not treating my diabetes that I now had excess protein in my urine based on bloods taken on 28 Dec 2012, my ACR was 5.2 the cutoff is 3. But by eating high protein/green veg diet, weights 5 days a week (10 mins per day) and on avg 1 hour long stroll (not allowed get my heart rate above 120) per day I have reduced my ACR to 1.6. I have definition where there was nothing but fat....I love the results.
  • Mikemax125
    Mikemax125 Posts: 108
    Unlike fat and carbohydrates, the body does not store protein, and therefore has no reservoir to draw on when it needs a new supply. 100g sounds sufficient although you dont always have to go 100g. Time high protein meals around you workouts pre/post to keep an adequate supply.
  • Hollisss
    Hollisss Posts: 88 Member
    Upping my protein has improved my moods (less grouchy) and I see results faster.
    I spent years thinking I didn't need extra protein, boy was I wrong.
  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    The MFP default is not necessarily low in the eyes of an average Joe because that's their RDA - its like the baseline of protein that you must have at least ... ....
    For people who are trying to gain muscle mass/ lose weight but retain muscle then the protein count will be much higher to supplement that aim!

    I'm suppose to hit 160g-180g protein daily but I never really hit that probably 100+ daily...
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    hm. thanks for the info!
    Found this link: http://www.medindia.net/doctors/Clinical_cal/lean-body-weight.asp

    Looks like I should be having about 120g per day!

    LOL according to that I need 103, I would have to go over on cals or have nothing but protein shakes to get that.

    That's only 412 calories worth of protein.

    I assume you mean by super lean super gross protein shakes? Because I don't know how to figure that amount of protein into that few calories.

    Not really- just pointing out that in general protein is 4 calories per gram so getting 103 grams over the course of the day is not that big of a deal. There are plenty of lean protein sources available depending on your eating preferences.
  • savannah48
    savannah48 Posts: 2 Member
    I've reset MFP for 100+ grams/day. Most days it's real close and def goes over when I eat salmon. Greek yogurt is a daily in my diet. I spread protein out thruout the day to ward off getting the munches. It works. I've been below my goal weight for a year now.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    A good guideline is 1gm protein per. 1lb of lean body mass (which you can figure out via Googke search, I'm not home or I'd dig up a link). So for me when I started out that was 147gm a day! So yeah, 100 seems totally reasonable, and yes, MFP sets it's bar for protein absurdly low.

    ^^ This

    A study I read showed that when in a calorie deficit a woman should have a *bare minimum* of 72g of protein. I aim for 85g as a bare minimum, but try to hit 100g.