Lose 5 pounds in April - Open Group



  • S_Tr_S
    S_Tr_S Posts: 249 Member
    SW: 169.5
    CW: 168.75
    GW: 164

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/1 -- 168.75
    End of Month :

    Total weight lost so far: 0.75

    Started cardio and calisthenics this morning for a good beginning to the month.
  • limico91
    limico91 Posts: 68 Member
    First time in, but after falling off the wagon and trying to clutch at anything I took Easter weekend off and now im back on it.

    SW: 196
    CW: 161.2
    GW: 156

    Weigh in Dates:
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    My goal for this month is to get back on it! I want to go on holiday in August and have about 25 lbs to lose before then!
  • Swanie76
    Swanie76 Posts: 75 Member
    This is needed, Im in
    SW: 229.8
    CW: 229.8
    GW: 224.0

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/1 229.8
  • SW: 115
    CW: 114.8
    GW: 109.8

    Weigh in Dates:
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth. What new event, habit or change are you going to accomplish this month?
    No more binging! I will NOT give in!
  • KrisInProgress
    KrisInProgress Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in!

    SW: 139.8
    CW: 139.8
    GW: 132

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/1 139.8
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: I am going to try to include yoga in my daily routine. Also give running a try.
  • davigoffslabaugh
    davigoffslabaugh Posts: 5 Member
    Today's Weigh-In


    Now that it's getting nicer outside, I am going to start walking and jogging again.

    Have A Nice Day!
  • SW: (Starting weight): 139
    CW: (Current weight) : 139
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) : 133
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    SW: (Starting weight)
    CW: (Current weight)
    GW: (Goal weight for the month)

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth. What new event, habit or change are you going to accomplish this month?

    I'm in! I need to hold myself accounatable for this month, because I really let it go the past couple of weeks!

    SW: 156
    CW; 136
    GW: 130 (for the month), 125 final goal.

    CW: I didn't weigh in this AM but will tomorrow. I have a fear of the scale, it tells me what I don't want to hear! (which is...put DOWN the gummy bears!")

    What new habit do I want to start this month? AM exercises. My husband and I share a vehicle and he just started working a new job, which means I don't get to leave my job at 4:30 like normal I have to wait until 5:30, and I miss a bunch of my prefered gym classes. So I want to do my kettlebell workouts MWF before work, and then go to the gym in the evenings for cardio. I'm not a morning person and have problems with sleep latency, so it's always been a challenge for me to jump on the AM exercise bandwagon.
  • coxlife
    coxlife Posts: 1
    Hello! I'm Hannah, and I haven't ever been in one of these groups before...

    Here goes:

    SW: 140
    CW: 134.8
    GW: 124 (end of April)
    UGW: 110

    H: 5'1 A: 19

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/1 134.8
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    I'm really trying to stay away from processed and carby foods, especially in situations like "Oh, only one wouldn't hurt" (because only one turns into only two and then only three...). Also trying to run more in the morning. Good luck to everyone!
  • JaymeLS
    JaymeLS Posts: 47 Member
    I'm in.

    SW: 254
    CW: 243
    GW: 235-237

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/1 245.5
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    I am back again after march being a fail month in terms of weight loss. However, I successfully quit smoking on 3/1 and maintained my weight during the month (until the last two days) so I will actually consider March a win for me. Now it is back to re-coupe from Easter weekend and the mass sodium buildup and to convince my body that it isn't getting the cigs back so it might as well get back into gear and release the weight it is holding onto as well.

    SW: (Starting weight) 211
    CW: (Current weight) 201 (was 197 three days ago - mass water retention)
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 192

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/1 - 201
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    Just for fun: Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth. What new event, habit or change are you going to accomplish this month? I think already hit my new habit of no smoking. Now to continue to make eating healthy and moving my body more a normal part of my everyday life.

    Happy April Everyone!!!
  • kathrine3
    kathrine3 Posts: 34
    I've never participated in one of these groups, but I'm up for giving it a shot!

    CW: 197.2
    GW: 189 (Hoping to get out of the awful 190s this month!)

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/1 - 197.2
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    Trying to make exercising a habit again. I'd also like to rid myself of fried food :)
  • I'm in again!
    March loss 5.2

    SW: 284.4 (in march)
    CW: 279.2
    GW: 274

    4/1 282.8... wow it's was a salty day yesterday... I know i'm not there! just hard to see!

    Total weight lost:
    Just for fun: Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth. What new event, habit or change are you going to accomplish this month?
    I want to be more active, And maybe I would like to go out... like walking outside... it's hard for me...
    I forget, I want to take less sodium, so it's probably one of the thing that I will focus on!
  • CCusedtodance
    CCusedtodance Posts: 237 Member
    Count me in!

    SW: 217
    CW: 206
    GW: 200 (for the month)

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/1--206 lbs
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)
  • mrscruz625
    mrscruz625 Posts: 59 Member
    I am in :)

    SW: 188.1 (1/10/13)
    CW: 166.8
    GW: 118 (for April 160)

    Ager 35 Height 4'10 1/2

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/1 166.8
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)
  • lharvey2797
    lharvey2797 Posts: 91 Member
    SW: 221 (October 2012)
    CW: 172.8
    GW: 167

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/1 172.8
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    I would like to be in on this goal / challenge. I do better with a goal.
    I have set a lot of short term goals thus far and have achieved all up until March. However, I am not discouraged.
    I feel confident that I am ready to embark on this new goal!

    Let's Go!! :smile:
  • mlrodgers381
    mlrodgers381 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm in!!

    SW: 224.6
    CW: 196.6
    GW: 189.9

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/1 196.6
    End of Month

    What new event, habit or change are you going to accomplish this month? Going to start making some of these Paleo recipes that I've collected, and try to implement them into my life. If any of you are actually Paleo, please let me know, I'd love to have more Paleo people as friends, I'm very brand new to it. :)
  • mazekah
    mazekah Posts: 52
    Me too!

    SW: (Starting weight) 194 (at Xmas)
    CW: (Current weight) 186
    GW: (Goal weight for the month) 181

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/1 186
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost: So far - 8 lbs. Feels good!

    Just for fun: Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth. What new event, habit or change are you going to accomplish this month? I have a big desk calendar leaning up against my office wall. On it I've written my three goals. Here they are:
    EATING: lower sugar, lower cheese, up water, 4 c. veggies a day, any form.
    ACTIVITY: heal my knee, 3x water aerobics a week, 2 x wt training a week, 15 mins (minimum) walk per day
    SUPPORT: MFP daily, health coach, staying within calories, prayer.
  • mazekah
    mazekah Posts: 52
    Hey there! Paleo and eating raw are closely related. Do you know about green smoothies yet? I;'ve posted two to this site. Hang in there and go for it! -- Deb
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    SW: 174
    CW: 138
    GW: 135

    135 was my original goal weight. Yippy if I reach it!!

    Weigh in Dates:
    4/1: 138
    End of Month (or whatever weigh in days you use)

    Total weight lost:

    Jan Loss: 2 pounds
    Feb Loss: 1 pound
    March Loss: 3.5 pounds
    April Loss: ?

    Just for fun: Spring is a time of renewal and rebirth. What new event, habit or change are you going to accomplish this month?
    I'm going to start a new exercise program. :)