Quiting sugar...



  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    Probably the biggest thing you'll notice is the headaches. I wish you all the best with them.
  • samgolod
    samgolod Posts: 93 Member
    I've been doing it for about a month now and it's been really worth it...I've found my taste buds have completely recalibrated so now even milk tastes sweet... and it definitely is compulsive. I have a biscuit and I finish the packet, that doesn't happen with the fruit bowl!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    That worst part about it is when you decide you want that bit of Dark Chocolate after all..... the sugar hits you. I get it so bad now off a tiny bit that I actually pass out....as if I'm drunk. Then wake up the next day with a hangover that lasts all day & wont go away no matter how hard I try.

    Be careful going sugar free.... it's not all fun.
  • cleanandlean2012
    cleanandlean2012 Posts: 71 Member
    I am cutting out refined sugar (includes bread, pasta, cakes, biscuits), processed foods and alcohol. Essentially, my diet is lean meats, fruits and veggies. Lots of water and minimal caffiene. I did it dilligently for 4 months, then slipped. Now I am back at it. I noticed within a couple of weeks people complimented me on glossy hair, sparkly eyes and really clear skin. I have also lost 41lbs. Another 80 to go, hence my recommitment!
  • karimah_jamila
    karimah_jamila Posts: 16 Member
    I'm all in.
  • jsidel126
    jsidel126 Posts: 694 Member
    I focused my sweet cravings to sugar free no calorie beverages. I then lost cravings for all other food items that contain a lot of sugar. I don't crave sugar much any more... Makes managing calorie intake much easier...
  • theycallyoumister
    theycallyoumister Posts: 222 Member
    Good move! I stopped the sugar habit many years ago because 1) I didn't want to be a slave to having things sweet, 2) food tastes great without adding it and I knew I could learn to enjoy, 3) long term health viability. It takes a little while of adjusting your taste buds but once you're there you can't believe how you could have eaten such sugary food before! :smile:
  • TinaBina90
    TinaBina90 Posts: 19 Member
    I took out refined sugar and enriched flour last week, as well. Being fresh off my first week, it is isn't so bad. I haven't had super strong sugar cravings, I feel really good, and I haven't been moody. I feel really happy and motivated and excited to have made this change. I do live alone and completely purged my apartment of white sugar and flour, which really helps. I still use organic sweeteners like honey, agave, and organic sugar and I eat whole grain pasta and whole wheat bread without high fructose corn syrup. That is one super tip, read your bread label because HFCS can sneak up on you!

    Some of my staple foods have been:
    - Quinoa with sauteed vegetables (quinoa is used in place of a grain, gluten free, high protein, and very filling, and easy to cook)
    - Greek yogurt mixed w/ honey and cocoa powder and put in the freezer (so good if you need something chocolatey), or honey and cinnamon, or organic fruit preserves, or a banana.
    - Lots of fruits and veggies
    - Seeds,Nuts and Natural Nut butters (The other day I had an apple with unsweetened almond butter, and it was delicious because the sweetness came from the apple and not from added sugar)

    Best of luck! I am right there with you!
  • yoshna
    yoshna Posts: 69
    Awesome to hear from people who've done it. I'm now on Day 2 - first steps! Feeling good so far, but I have a feeling that soon it's going to stop being an exciting challenge and start being just a challenge (I have no doubt that the headache is coming, especially considering how much sugar I consumed last week!)

    How's everyone else doing?
  • Southern_Cross_Girl
    Southern_Cross_Girl Posts: 29 Member
    Yep thanks everyone! Love some of the suggestions :)

    So far so good today...
  • aperrillioux
    aperrillioux Posts: 115 Member
    I too am in! God, I hate the sugar! It's so addicting. =[. But I'm gonna start tomorrow because I want to get rid of all my Easter candy as well. Plus I've already had a chocolate bunny and Rice Krispie treat this morning. Yeah. This is going to be hell for me. But I'm glad we have this now! It's such a hard battle for me to do alone. I always end up getting super pi$$ed at myself. Yay for no more!

    But I will still be partaking in my alcohol...
  • JTS_go
    JTS_go Posts: 65 Member
    I've been off sugar for four weeks now. Don't assume it will be bad. I had one day of short-temperedness, but other than that, I've just felt better. I have an apple, orange, or pear if I crave something sweet. Sometimes at night before bed I'll have frozen cherries if my wife is having ice cream.

    If no one else has posted it already (and you haven't already seen it), this lecture was a HUGE motivator for me, and I think helped make quitting easier.

  • Southern_Cross_Girl
    Southern_Cross_Girl Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks heaps, that's really encouraging!
  • Berki150
    Berki150 Posts: 1 Member
    For those of you who have already quit sugar, did it translate into weight loss?
  • skinnylynnie74
    skinnylynnie74 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm motivated to quit sugar for myself and my 10-year old for the SECOND time ( first time was fall of 2010, and it made a BIG difference in her behavior and my moods). It has been creeping back into our lives latly... I will tell you what is promoting me to cut it out completely (we don't keep cookies, candy, or cake in the house, but love to go out for ice cream now and then). I saw a video by Dr. Robert Lustig. He talks about how sugar is toxic. Not just fattening, but down right poisonous. I'm sticking with lean protein and lots of vegetables. And after seeing his talk, I am cutting WAY back on fruit. It seems like it stalls my weight loss and is a trigger food for me, in any form. Maybe someone else already mentioned Dr Lustig. If so, sorry for repeating it. I'm new on here and didn't read every post on this thread before I hit Reply.

    Okay...I hit edit to say that the person who just posted above me mentioned a link to the very video to which I was referring! Is that "irony?" Or a "sign?" I need to watch this video every day to stay on track! Good luck!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I've lost about 14/15lbs since Jan 1.. more like 19lbs but gained 5lbs of muscle.. I just don't put any processed sugar in my body and in turn, my body doesn't crave it. Stevia is natural, healthier than processed sugar and you only need a little bit of it to sweeten things (for those of you who really, REALLY struggle without sugar).
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
    why? Is that how you want to live the rest of your life. If so, I hope you do it. But for me, I rather cut down, because I like sugar and just need to make sure I eat within my calories. It's keeping the weight off years after I lost it that is the battle, and I know I want to be able to eat what I want, just not as much as I want. That's what is going to keep me on the path of a healthy weight.
  • Can be really difficult. Am not quitting sugar but trying am cutting down. Already starting to feel withdrawal symptoms, mainly headaches! You forget how much it is like a drug!

    same withdrawal symptoms... migraine like headaches and crankiness ... but im trying to cut down drastically :)
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    That worst part about it is when you decide you want that bit of Dark Chocolate after all..... the sugar hits you. I get it so bad now off a tiny bit that I actually pass out....as if I'm drunk. Then wake up the next day with a hangover that lasts all day & wont go away no matter how hard I try.

    Be careful going sugar free.... it's not all fun.

    Sounds legit.

    OP unless our diabetic there's really no reason to cut sugar out of your diet. It won't make you lose weight any faster.

    Just stay within a calorie deficit and enjoy life. There is nothing wrong with eating sugar in moderation.

    I couldn't imagine a world without oatmeal raisin cookies. :cry:
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member
    I did the Whole30 challenge...(no sugar and other stuffs for 30 days). The first day off was Easter and well, my sugar monster is not dead yet. Dammit. I am not craving the same kinds of sugars I was before (sour candy) but I want ALLLLL your chocolate right now. :P Good luck!