Runners: Where to put phone?



  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I have a running belt for my water with an extra pouch for keys and phone
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    The armband I just ordered from Amazon was for an S3 and you can order an armband extender for it if you are worried about it not fitting (which sounds like it might be the case?)

    Currently I am carrying it but it's getting hotter and I am going to start longer runs so I wanted an armband.
  • _Pseudonymous_
    _Pseudonymous_ Posts: 1,671 Member
    I put mine in my sports bra... unfortunately I do sweat... but my phone has always been fine. I double up my bras due to my womanhood and I stick it between the two bras.
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    Left spots bra strap/boob. I put it facing out with part of it sticking out the top so I can hear my Nike + app when it says the mile markers, I have a case on it so the sweat isnt a big deal.
  • sirabe
    sirabe Posts: 294 Member
    I wear a hip pack.

    They look bad but who cares while you are running. They are comfortable and I put my phone and keys in it. as well as a small box of raisins.
  • sss1966
    sss1966 Posts: 110 Member
    I have a bag that goes around my waist, for when I ditch my jacket x
  • laughingnome
    laughingnome Posts: 259 Member
    I bought a belt from avon, it has a place for a phone, water bottle and identification. It doesn't get in the way.
  • PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot
    PeteWhoLikesToRunAlot Posts: 596 Member
    I tried a variety of arm bands, but none were comfortable and not being able to see stats/distance was a turn-off. Now I just run with my phone in my hand. It's an iPhone 4S so it's small enough to not be a nuisance, plus the stats are right there - I know a lot of the Android phones nowadays are almost tablets, size-wise, so I'm not sure if it's an option for you.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member

    Love it. I actually got mine for an inhaler, but you can fit a lot of crap in it.

    ETA: I should mention WHAT I put in it: Key, inhaler, phone, tissues, drivers license...
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    Sometimes I hold it in my hand( I have a SII). Or I just put it in my sports bra.
  • hannakengu
    hannakengu Posts: 79 Member
    Buy a pair of baby socks (as in socks for newborn babies), stick your phone in that and put it in your sports bra. That's what I do - the sock keeps moisture out of the phone (and can be washed easily while you use the other sock of the pair), and the baby sock if the right size for my phone.
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    In le Bra
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    Left side of my boob. Cleavage just doesn't work for me.

    Me too, but on the right side of my right boob!
  • acstansell
    acstansell Posts: 567 Member
    It depends - if I'm using my phone as my music device/C25K tracker, I have a tune band. But I need a bigger one (large arms) and a new case (new phone).

    If I'm just carrying it (like when walking my dog or walking a 5k with a friend) I have this arm band with a zipper in it. It looks like a sweat band and it has a pocket large enough for an iPhone. I can tuck up under my sleeve of my jacket or coat.

    In the summer, I usually wear my arm band - so I'll need a new band in a month. :)
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    I use this iFitness belt when I want to run with water and stuff for more than 5-6 miles.

    ^^This! I have several iFitness belts (seemed to have collected them over the years) and when I just need to take my music, I wear the single pocket one. Longer runs, it's the water and single pocket one.
  • cococa
    cococa Posts: 122 Member
    I have a handheld water bottle with a pocket for phones. When I take my Iphone instead of my Ipod, I put it in there. The only problem for me is that my inhaler doesn't fit in the pocket with my phone, so my inhaler ends up in my sports bra instead. It gets a bit heavy, but after a while your hands get stronger. I do, however, find myself wanting the newer, lighter Iphone instead.
  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    I have a track jacket with a sipper pocket that i take with me running
  • Wear 2 sports bras. Put your phone in between them. Then you avoid getting sweat on your phone, and you have extra boob support.
  • Eatkansasbeef
    Eatkansasbeef Posts: 71 Member
    I've had a Samsung in the past and now an iPhone. They both fit in a ziplock SNACK size bag and it goes in my sports bra. I can still hear my Endomondo when I don't have my earphones in too. I can still work my touch screen though the great!
  • FitToFifty
    FitToFifty Posts: 164 Member
    Spibelt. I have done the tube sock, arm band, double sports bra, hand, you name it I tried it. I love love love my Spibelt. $20 at ****'s. There is no bounce, no constricting, no sweaty phone. Like I said- I love it!

    Edited because MFP doesn't allow me to name "that" sporting goods store....D i c k' s