Called fat by a stranger.



  • lisitabonita
    lisitabonita Posts: 81 Member
    I have been called fat my whole life. People like the power they get from bringing others down. The fact is, I am fat (not as much as before but still fat). Yes. And when I decided it wasn't an insult but an observation, it no longer bothered me. I just keep walking. I don't give them the power and I just feel badly for them. What a sad life they must have to have to try and bring down strangers. I am the bigger person (both ways, haha). I am sorry they hurt you, never an excuse to be a horrible to another. Let it build you up, not bring you down.
  • mattschwartz01
    mattschwartz01 Posts: 566 Member
    have any of you ever been called fat to your face by a complete stranger?

    Yep, and I had quite a comeback. "I might be fat but you're ugly and I can lose weight!" That shut that little punk up faster than his mama's backhand could ever have.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Yep. It completely sucked.
    But it's what motivates you so in the same breath I am grateful for it now because it opened my eyes.
    It's completely ****ty for someone to do that but sometimes cruel strangers let you know things your friends/family should have the balls to tell you.
  • Mrs_Bones
    Mrs_Bones Posts: 195 Member
    Read this post and watch the video. ..

    It's one woman's fabulous response to people telling her online that she's fat.

    I think everyone should watch this. What a wise response to cruel people who don't know any better.
  • LJSmith1989
    LJSmith1989 Posts: 650
    i did get called fat once in france because i didnt give some homeless guy money.

    unluckily for him, my french is really good and i had no problems with reminding the guy of how much of a loser he was to resort to begging on the streets. i pretty much reduced the guy to tears and went about my business.

    that's really the only time that's happened to me. it's very rare that people say out of pocket stuff to me in general, but when it happens i relish in the chance to unleash the verbal krakken :devil:

    Dunno if that makes you any better?
  • kitjos
    kitjos Posts: 158 Member
    Happened many times to me aswell, mainly from friends and no foe.

    I was always the 'fat friend' even though I was a size 10 in secondary school. Kinda got used to having jibs made at me by boys we would meet up with. When I was 17 my ex called me fat while sat on his bed, he then turned around and showed me a picture of Gwyneth Paltrow on his computer and said "why cant you look like that".... Needless to say we only went out for a year.

    Another time was again when I was 15 and I was walking infront of my friends with school uniform on (skirt/blouse) and they were giggling and taking quietly to each other about my "fat thighs". I managed to stay composed to all the way home then burst into tears. These were friends I made back in primary school at 5 years old. I learned that day that regardless I knew these people for over 10 years, been through thick and thin, they could be complete *****es. I still see them around every now and again and smirk at how wonderful my life has turned out (great career, wonderful husband, big family home, one gorgeous little daughter), them? They ended up with nothing. Karma served them well ;) x
  • karenhray7
    karenhray7 Posts: 219 Member
    My very favorite response to that kind of idiocy is to smile very sweetly, tilt my head a little and say, "Awe, your mother must be so proud!" I may even applaud if I'm in the mood.
  • Niqkeema
    Niqkeema Posts: 17
    Its sad that this is society's view on others who are not a size zero or got a "look at dat *kitten*" figure. Kids follow what the see adults doing discriminating against others saying hateful and hurtful things to others
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Ignoring these kids is the best idea and remember they are kids, cursing back at them only affirms to them that cursing is okay. You're the adult, showing a better example is important, even if you're furious.

    True dat. We're all accountable for our own actions. Don't demean yourself by stopping to their level.
  • Samantha9000
    Samantha9000 Posts: 9 Member
    Yes. Some punks splashed me when they drove through a puddle and told me "whales need to be wet". Not a good moment. I cried and walked home. Thats when I hit my breaking point a couple weeks ago. People can be so mean there is a reason why people are mean though, they have their own issues. I dont know what to do about it besides taking that away from them by being beautiful and never doing that to others. ( What I would have liked to have done is chase him down and tell him Balooga the whale doesnt like water in a physical kinda way)
  • Wow some *kitten* pointed out that I'm fat today at work while I was making one of the six freakin lattes he ordered. It was all I could do to not throw it in his face! He ordered 6 coffees, then said let's face it your not a small person haha ...and then went on to say a couple gross fat jokes. And I just said that's rude take your stuff and leave , like I didn't know wtf shoot me now lol. I have have been working out and following a vegetarian diet minus dairy for a few months and have noticed results. This kind of thing really throws me off and bums me out :( I just signed up with this app and it looks helpfull.
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    People have tourettes I think. They can't help blurting.

    What is is. If you're fat you're fat. If someone says you're fat, the question is, why are you upset? Don't you know you're fat? Do you think it doesn't show?

    If they said 'your hair is red' would you get upset? Or 'you're wearing brown shoes'?

    Why can they describe any part of reality except your fat? Is your fat the 'elephant in the room'? Am I allowed to laugh at that or is that a fat joke?

    Honestly people. The sooner you stop getting all screwed up about being called fat, the sooner it will stop happening.