This is BS - 70 days and this is it?

This is half vent, half cry for help.

I started on MFP Jan 22, 2013. My start weight was 245, I am 5'6", work at a desk all day, don't exercise (other than walking to and from work). I started out with the MFP settings (1270) and I lost 5 lbs right away, but wanted to seriously hurt someone - I was Hangry. So, I read everything I could find on this miracle "Eat more to lose" - I calculated my BMR/TDEE and took off the 20% because I have A LOT to lose. I was told to be patient, it takes 6 weeks to work - for my body to adjust to the change. Well, it has now been 8 weeks (since switching to TDEE - 20%) and I lost 4 lbs, but gained back 5. WTF?

My diary is open, feel free to critique (be kind - I am asking for help, I am not perfect, but I try and I do track honestly everyday). Since last Wednesday I have had somewhat of the attitude of "what's the point" and my eating reflects that. Prior to that though I was doing well, I have added in WAY more fruit/veg than I have ever eaten in my life. I just don't see how I can go from how I used to eat to eating what I eat now (even if it is crap food somedays, I am still usually under my calorie goal) and nothing?

I am so frustrated. That being said, I do feel better - no stomach issues/heartburn anymore (Yeah!) but I cannot believe that after 70 days all I have lost is 4 lbs?

Also, I do not track my water intake but it is sufficient - I start my day with 24 oz before anything else, and drink another 36 oz throughout the day.

Also, I have taken my measurements, not much change there - I would say down 2" in my waist, but if I eat alot of fruit and get bloated, I am right back to where I started.

Any suggestions/support?

Thanks, Lisa


  • Sarah_cm
    Sarah_cm Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Lisa. Sorry you're struggling. :flowerforyou: Have you tried forgetting all the figures and calculations? They bog me down, so I try and keep it simple. I've upped by protein (only by 5%) at the expense of my carbs and feel fuller for longer. Also try getting a little more exercise in as it will help to speed up your metabolism and get things moving. An additional 30 mins brisk walk a day may help. I don't believe in all the insanity, mega burn type stuff. I hope this helps.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    you need to eat breakfast and morning snacks, you also need to get a good calorie burn going like lifting weights, hiking, running ect.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    you need to eat breakfast and morning snacks, you also need to get a good calorie burn going like lifting weights, hiking, running ect.

    You DON'T need to eat breakfast or morning snacks. You DON'T need to exercise (though exercising is always a plus)

    Do you have a scale to measure your food? Have you tracked your sodium? I can gain 3-5 pounds from high sodium days and if eat high sodium most days that could explain seeming to hold some weight. Did you try a few different sites to determine your BMR/TDEE maybe it's not quite right.
  • NYFAN07
    NYFAN07 Posts: 7 Member
    you need to eat breakfast and morning snacks, you also need to get a good calorie burn going like lifting weights, hiking, running ect.

    Agreed; any exercise helps. Start walking on a treadmill for 30 minutes every other day and maybe add in a few light weight training sessions.

    If your not working out, your limiting your growth
  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    Do you have a scale to measure your food? Have you tracked your sodium? I can gain 3-5 pounds from high sodium days and if eat high sodium most days that could explain seeming to hold some weight. Did you try a few different sites to determine your BMR/TDEE maybe it's not quite right.

    I agree. I found that when I started actually weighing my food, it opened my eyes. I was overestimating the amount of meat i was eating, underestimating the amount of fruit, etc. Food scales are the most accurate way to measure out your food. Sodium is also a huge factor, it may be water weight.

    Are you weighing yourself at the same time of day, the same day of the week? Are you wearing the same thing each weigh in?

    I found for whatever reason that if I get 100+ grams of protein/ day in my diet I tend to lose weight faster/better than when I have more carbs/fat. This is just personal experience though. I suggest trying different foods, upping/lowering your calories by a few hundred and trying that for a few weeks.

    Calculating your BMR/TDEE on multiple sites can also help. I've seen some sites that calculate a few hundred higher/lower than the average site.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I see a lot of processed, high-sodium food choices in your diary - Subway bread, poutine, etc, all can cause water retention that can inhibit weight loss. I'd start small - cut the regular soda and the high-calorie morning coffee out in favor of fruits, vegetables, salads. These will help you feel fuller for less calories.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    i'm sorry but if what everyone said about sodium was true, I'd be holding onto 50 pounds of water weight. it's not super glue for fat. i agree it can have some effects here and there after a big meal or binge day but everyone always blames it on sodium like you could eat 1500 calories for 6 months while running a marathon and lifting heavy but salting your veggies is making you fat.
  • WVWahine
    WVWahine Posts: 3
    Have you had blood work done? I too was struggling and my doctor ran a complete panel of blood work. Everything was normal EXCEPT my Vitamin D. Seven weeks after he started me on Vitamin D supplements I started losing weight. I also met with a Nutritionist who helped explain the reason the Vitamin D deficiency was interfering with my weight loss (in a way I could understand!), helped me figure out how many calories I should be eating (turned out to be more than what MFP recommended) and also helped me understand the importance of eating breakfast and eating at regular intervals as well as the importance of both cardio and strength building exercises. Weight loss doesn't seem like it should be this complicated but for some of us it is! Good luck!
  • TriEli
    TriEli Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there, you mention stomach issues and bloating after fruit, you don't have IBS or other stomach issue? Fruit is notoriously difficult for some people with IBS to digest and when eating too much and having an IBS flare up of the constipation kind, it can make it look like you have serious weight gain. I have roaring IBS but if I am very careful with food, I can somewhat control it and stay off heavy duty meds in any case. Can't dream of touching fruit though. Or sugar substitutes. Bad IBS flare up and the scale can go up 6 lbs in a couple of days.

    And eating breakfast does help as it resets your metabolism from sleep/starvation mode to awake mode. Extremely important.

    Finally exercise really really does help shift the weight. It is frequently the little nudge that gets things going.

    Hang in there. You just have to trust in the process and know it will work but it may take time.
  • Jujubie
    Jujubie Posts: 130 Member
    I did a few spot checks on different days of the week on different weeks. What struck me is that in the days I consulted there were little vegetable or fruit. Perhaps by purposely upping those you will eat less of the processed stuff. I assume from your food entries that you are Canadian. We are lucky to have access to tons of unprocessed food. If you're not sure what to do with raw ingredients, let me know and I'll share my favourite recipe book.
  • serluk
    serluk Posts: 1
    I'm just getting started on this trip, but I have to say cudos to you for staying determined. Try to relax, don't worry about all those numbers. You know what foods and amounts are right for you, just take it one day at a time. Think of this as your new LIVE IT plan, and enjoy yourself. I'll keep rooting for you!
  • GreenEyedLady1
    for just straight up weight loss, it's all about your diet. what you eat and how much.

    my opinion is that you need to stop getting so many calories from drinks. you get a lot more to eat that way and will feel fuller. this makes you less likely to snack. also, pay attention to your macros (carbs, fat and protein). try to get more protein. and get more fiber, which helps you feel fuller longer.

    also, you are still eating a lot of highly processed foods. i would try to cut that out as much as possible. eat more veggies. :)

    if you want to really make some changes for weight loss, start lifting. exercise is good for your heart and overall health, but not necessarily for weight loss. lifting for weight loss. exercise for health. get some walking in, or cycling. but seriously look into a weight lifting program of some sort.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Exercise then. I think it's all BS that you don't have to do any to lose weight. I know if I didn't workout then I'd still be fat regardless of the food change.

    I know it's hard at a desk all day, but even 30 mins (hell use your lunch break) is more than enough to get some cardio in. That WILL help.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    you're probably eating more than you think if you're not using a scale to weigh and measure food. Dry and liquid measuring spoons / cups can be very misleading.

    Sodium can make you retain some water... but it's not an end all be all. Processed foods or not, veggies or not, eat in a caloric deficit and you should lose.
  • snaapz
    snaapz Posts: 41 Member
    Maybe you would have more success on weight watchers (points system), my fiancee switched to that and it is working wonders for her... MFP works for me.
  • janiesue101
    janiesue101 Posts: 84 Member
    You might need to up your calories.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Track your sodium. High sodium can make you retain you retain water.
    Are you weighing EVERYTHING you put in your mouth? If not, get a food scale & do so. I weigh every thing. Like serving for peanut butter is 2 tbsp (32g) or mine is. Do I use the tbsps? Nope. I weigh it all out. Serving for these pretzels I eat is like 9 or 30g. I weigh them. It's more accurate. Also, what are you using to figure your TDEE? What activity level are you using? Those calculators are only giving u an estimate. So sometimes u gotta tweak a little bit.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Exercise then. I think it's all BS that you don't have to do any to lose weight. I know if I didn't workout then I'd still be fat regardless of the food change.

    I know it's hard at a desk all day, but even 30 mins (hell use your lunch break) is more than enough to get some cardio in. That WILL help.

    Well, weight loss is 80% diet, 20% exercise. U can lose without it. Fat burning is all about a calorie deficit. Exercise allows u to eat more & look better in the end. It's also healthy to do. But it's not a must.
  • rainavsfood
    rainavsfood Posts: 79 Member
    Exercise then. I think it's all BS that you don't have to do any to lose weight. I know if I didn't workout then I'd still be fat regardless of the food change.

    I know it's hard at a desk all day, but even 30 mins (hell use your lunch break) is more than enough to get some cardio in. That WILL help.

    Agreed. Best of luck! :)
  • eperezamora
    eperezamora Posts: 42 Member
    i just took a look at your diary and your eating tons of things that are full of carbs. Dinner rolls, soda, alcohol. try to stay away from those as much as you can. Give yourslef a cheat day a week to indulge and get those craving out of the way, trust me. I have been eating good and on my first 2 cheat days i felt so sick to my stomach, I learned my lesson... only you can make the chaneg if you really want to. Good Luck