Too big to exercise?

Up until now I've been raised and lived in a lifestyle where sedentary was encouraged and almost praised. Now I'm at the very unhealthy weight of 220lbs at 5'2 and only 23 years old.

I want to be healthy for a number of reasons; I like to be active and involved with out door activities, I want to have energy to keep up with my daily life, and above all I want to feel great about myself.

But I've tried looking up all kinds of exercises and routines, cardio and strength, but with the amount of body fat I have lots of poses and such almost hurt to do because of the contortions the stretches require to effect my muscle. As embarrassing as it is to say; the fat is in the way of doing a complete crunch or knee-high, or even push-ups.

Where do I start? I literally -can't- do a lot of these muscle-toning activities. Is walking/jogging/cycling really my only option for now?

For some of you "bigger" folk, or some of you that started "bigger", what did you do to shave off your initial inches?


  • JamBlaze
    JamBlaze Posts: 90 Member
    I really would say "just" start with walking. It's really tempting to go all out at first, guns-a-blazing, which puts yourself at high risk of total burnout or worse - doing yourself an injury. Walking can still be a terrific challenge, which you can vary by time, speed, incline, and type of terrain. It's also much kinder on your joints than jogging. Start off slow, keep at it, and I bet in just a few weeks time, you'll already begin to feel the benefit. Good luck!
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    I am absolutely no expert, but if it hurts you to do the exercises then if I were you I would start off slow and build up. You can walk, cycle, swim... even use the elliptical type machines that don't need any contortions! And Just keep pushing yourself a little more each day and once the fat starts to budge out of the way you will get more bendy and be able to do anything you want, the sky will be the limit! Good luck and you CAN do it!!
  • juleszephyr
    juleszephyr Posts: 442 Member
    I am only 5'3" and starting at 260lbs. My best advice is take it slowly and build up some stamina... For calorie burning try walking and swimming and if you feel you want a bit more try some of The Biggest Loser workout DVD's. They are designed for bigger people, but don't overdo it to start with or you will just give up...

    You can do this. Good luck and add me if you like.
    Jules xx
  • HollyColeman91413
    HollyColeman91413 Posts: 78 Member
    im 5'5 and im 377, so i get ya!!! there will be days where it hurts but if your just startin out, i would do a brisk walk. I found just starting out i LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEE turbo jam or any kind of kickboxing video. but turbo jam is my fav do to the fact its not that intense for us bigger people. i have worked up and moved onto the more intense workouts now. But do what your body is comfortable doing :D eventually you will be able to do something more.
  • McManda89
    McManda89 Posts: 27
    I really would say "just" start with walking. It's really tempting to go all out at first, guns-a-blazing, which puts yourself at high risk of total burnout or worse - doing yourself an injury. Walking can still be a terrific challenge, which you can vary by time, speed, incline, and type of terrain. It's also much kinder on your joints than jogging. Start off slow, keep at it, and I bet in just a few weeks time, you'll already begin to feel the benefit. Good luck!
    Thank you so much. I am lucky enough to have a community center that doesn't charge for using their indoor track and basketball court so I will start with doing some walking up there. I also joined the 50 miles in April challenge so I'll see if I can accomplish walking all 50!
    I am absolutely no expert, but if it hurts you to do the exercises then if I were you I would start off slow and build up. You can walk, cycle, swim... even use the elliptical type machines that don't need any contortions! And Just keep pushing yourself a little more each day and once the fat starts to budge out of the way you will get more bendy and be able to do anything you want, the sky will be the limit! Good luck and you CAN do it!!
    Thank you for your encouragement! I do have an elliptical machine, and I have tried using it but my legs are terribly short and it's kind of like putting a 7 year old on an adult bike, and they can't reach the pedals haha! But my local community center has a lot of cycles in different shapes including some that you can even lean back in. I'll have to see what it costs to get to use that kind of equipment. Thank you for your imput. I also didn't even think about swimming but that will take a LOT of courage lol.
  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    another one for walking here, set a certain distance say.... 10 miles, time yourself and keep trying to improve your time add this to a decent diet and you'll see the pounds fly off
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I would highly recommend to start with Leslie Sansone Walk At Home dvds. They are absolutely wonderful for those who are larger and just starting out. They are not intense with the moves, and it is not hard to do at all. Leslie is very good at motivating and reminding you that if the miles are getting to intense to just "go back to walking". :)

    I have done these dvds to lose my first 40lbs (I started at 250lbs). I am going to be starting turbo jam here soon to step it up a bit, but yeah - Leslie Sansone...very good place to start! (You could probably find some of the miles on youtube) and the dvds are really cheap. They are usually sold at Walmart for like 10 bucks a dvd.

    Good luck!
  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    I am couple (2) inches taller than you and was 60 pounds heavier when I started......JUST START MOVING! Cardio will start the process do what you can....walk /treadmill/elliptical/bike......start stretching using those muscles ....and keep trying! Don't let anyone tell you that your too big to exercise ! And it should not be painful like an injury but at times your journey will not alwAys be comfortable you gotta put an effort to keep going ! ( make sure your doc knows your plans too)
  • toomuchbootyindapants
    toomuchbootyindapants Posts: 811 Member
    I was 220 when I started and everything hurt. I cried sometimes when I had to walk upstairs because my knees were in so much pain. I started off with walking.....indoors. I did Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds 1 mile DVD and gradually increased the time and distance I did it. Eventually as the weather got nicer I moved outside and walked, always trying to increase my pace a little, toss in a tiny bout of jogging here and there, whatever I could do to challenge myself. The weight came off slowly, my knees got stronger, and it stopped being so painful. I also did a lot of Wii Fit games in an effort to introduce variety. Also some Dance Central or Just Dance. Anything, really, to get my butt moving. Eventually at 185 lbs I did C25K (Couch to 5K) and at 180 lbs I did 30 Day Shred. THEN...I discovered strength training through Chalean Extreme and followed that with New Rules of Lifting for Women.

    It can be's going to take some patience as you strengthen your body. Don't give up. Get yourself a good playlist of fun songs and have at it.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 228 and totally get it. Walking and the elliptical are great. You'd be surprised what you can do in a short time. I started the 30 Day Shred DVD in March and even though the belly gets in the way of a lot and I hate to bounce, I do some of the modified versions - one of the people on it does the lower impact stuff while the other one goes all out. And I notice an improvement over time, I can do more. Strength training is important too, you can do things at home, there are lots of sites for home workouts. YouTube has a lot of great videos. Started doing the 30 Day Squat Challenge yesterday, I'm hoping for a time when my squat doesn't involve my belly resting on my thighs.

    Good luck.
  • Stasiasaurus
    Stasiasaurus Posts: 22 Member
    If you have access to a pool, swimming is good cardio exercise that's easy on your joints and adjustable to your current fitness level (switch up time, distance, speed).
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member

    Here is a beautiful example of Leslie Sansones exercise - very simple, yet after 1 mile, you will be sweating!
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    At 220, you are NOT too big to exercise. At 240, I started running. I do believe that if you are not sure of your health to get checked by a Dr first.

    Just get out and exercise and don't let anything or anybody around you, stop you. I wear running tights and tees and at 173 pounds, I still have my apple, but it's comfy, makes me feel sporty and and when I'm done, I feel amazing for completing it.

    You can also run the stairs or take a low impact class. I just discovered classes and I love them! I was the biggest person in my body combat class but I still kept up. It's just great having people around you trying to accomplish the same goals.
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    find any exercise that you like, be it riding a bike, swimming, water aerobics, jumping on a trampoline, walking in your neighborhood, doing videos at home on the Wii (I do the Fitness Coach workouts) and just keep doing it. You will find yourself getting more fit within a few routines, and within a few weeks you'll notice a big difference in your mobility and flexibility. The most important aspects of starting is finding something you like (and will therefore keep doing) and keep doing it! It'll come. I started at 301 pounds, so yeah, you can move.
  • ThreeKeys_
    ThreeKeys_ Posts: 93 Member
    Dude, I'm 313lbs and I train four times a week for American Football (In season) and am in the gym another four times a week.

    I know how much it hurts afterwards and the day after but after a few weeks of a routine and warming up/cooling down properly and you don't feel it so much any more. The pain turns into an ache and then the ache turns into... Well, kind of a healthy feeling knowledge that your body has been worked.

    Get on it!
  • xampx
    xampx Posts: 323 Member
    Walking actually burns a lot of calories. I walked 20 minutes the other day and burned 220something calories according to my heart rate monitor. Even if you can't walk far, aim to walk around your block a couple of times a day, and gradually increase.
  • succubaeangel

    Here is a beautiful example of Leslie Sansones exercise - very simple, yet after 1 mile, you will be sweating!

    +1 Low impact, good workout!
  • ThreeKeys_
    ThreeKeys_ Posts: 93 Member
    Another point to make, looking at your profile you say "I always feel like people are judging me."

    That was my biggest hurdle and I would make all kind of excuses about why I couldn't exercise, including being too big but really it all boiled down to being embarrassed and thinking everyone was looking at me thinking "What's that fat idiot doing!".

    What I'd say to that is that the vast majority of people will be nothing but encouraging and supporting, and those who aren't? Hey, who gives a shi* what that moron thinks?
  • chinatbag
    chinatbag Posts: 249 Member
    I think it is different for everyone. I started off at 300+ lbs at 5' 11". Now I'm about 230 lbs. I still don't run, bad knees and bad back etc. I used to try to work out and then injure myself every few weeks. I dropped a lot of my weight purely through low carb and caloric deficit. Now I go to the gym weekly, about 3-5 days per week. I really recommend that if you do exercise, do it safely, as in, don't skimp on learning proper form and getting good equipment (shoes, gloves, etc). Best of luck. You can do it!
  • McManda89
    McManda89 Posts: 27
    Thank you to EVERYBODY for all your encouragement and support. I will definitely be looking up Leslie Sansones when I get home!! I purchased a 30 Day Shred DVD a while back ( Actually now that I think about it... it was a year ago ) And I never even took it out of the plastic because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to do it, and didn't want to feel like crap because I wouldn't be able to keep up. But after all your posts and positive reinforcement I will slip it in to my DVD player and give it a try after a couple of weeks. c: Thank you all again, I will remember you when I'm making MY Success thread. <3