Girls-let's lose 20 lb together!



  • Mandino788
    Mandino788 Posts: 226 Member
    Please add me, especially if you're 18-22... could use some younger friends.

    Ouch. I'm 24. You just made me feel ancient lol
  • dkennedy0998
    dkennedy0998 Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in too, please. I have a total of 50 to go but 20 is a great start. Have had a good 3 weeks on MFP but haven't seen much on the scale. Just quit smoking 3 weeks ago and think it's a matter of metabolism in shock at the moment. I added back a few calories to go from 1200 to 1500, hoping that will get the scale to budge some; but am also walking/working out hard a few days a week so the scale may not be the best measure. At the moment, I don't see/feel any differences but am sure that will change with a few more weeks of effort.
  • youjustgetbetter
    youjustgetbetter Posts: 22 Member
    Please add me, especially if you're 18-22... could use some younger friends.

    Ouch. I'm 24. You just made me feel ancient lol

    Okay, 24 is NOT old... haha. I'm 19 though, so I was just looking for people in that range in particular. BUT all friends are good! :D
  • Violetngn
    Violetngn Posts: 38 Member
    I lost 10lbs and 10 more to go :)) I'll wear bikini in this summer for the first time. Can't wait!!!
  • Mandino788
    Mandino788 Posts: 226 Member
    Please add me, especially if you're 18-22... could use some younger friends.

    Ouch. I'm 24. You just made me feel ancient lol

    Okay, 24 is NOT old... haha. I'm 19 though, so I was just looking for people in that range in particular. BUT all friends are good! :D

    I've been all dramatic about hitting my mid-20's and when I saw that I was like OMG I'll just go check into the nursing home now! lol!
  • Count me in! I'd love to loose 20 pounds (or about 10kilos) by july. I have all of these pretty winter jackets that I need to fit into again by that time :-)
  • I'm in! I have about 9kgs to lose so I can fit into all my lovely winter clothes. Feel free to add me - I'm 23 and new to MFP.
  • BlackEyedPanda
    BlackEyedPanda Posts: 86 Member
    Feel free to add me! I am 24, new to myfitness pal and really going to shed that 20LBS!!!!
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I am trying to loose 25lbs by June 1st!!

    Me too! :)
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    Feel free to add....I have ~30 to go...but 20-25lbs down by June is my goal :)
  • youjustgetbetter
    youjustgetbetter Posts: 22 Member
    Please add me, especially if you're 18-22... could use some younger friends.

    Ouch. I'm 24. You just made me feel ancient lol

    Okay, 24 is NOT old... haha. I'm 19 though, so I was just looking for people in that range in particular. BUT all friends are good! :D

    I've been all dramatic about hitting my mid-20's and when I saw that I was like OMG I'll just go check into the nursing home now! lol!

    Honestly, 24 sounds like the PERFECT age... old enough to live on your own and have your own job and money, but young enough to be able to live without too many responsibilities... can't wait to be a bit older.
  • Mandino788
    Mandino788 Posts: 226 Member
    Please add me, especially if you're 18-22... could use some younger friends.

    Ouch. I'm 24. You just made me feel ancient lol

    Okay, 24 is NOT old... haha. I'm 19 though, so I was just looking for people in that range in particular. BUT all friends are good! :D

    I've been all dramatic about hitting my mid-20's and when I saw that I was like OMG I'll just go check into the nursing home now! lol!

    Honestly, 24 sounds like the PERFECT age... old enough to live on your own and have your own job and money, but young enough to be able to live without too many responsibilities... can't wait to be a bit older.

    Lol well I've got the job and such....but the cost of living is so high here that I can't afford to live on my own. Hopefully my BF will be getting a new job soon and we can live together :) I know my mom wants me to move out lol
  • canichange
    canichange Posts: 23 Member
    Please add me .... I have been going round in circles for ages and getting nowhere, could do with some motivation! :embarassed:
  • sallsamama
    sallsamama Posts: 5 Member
    That sounds Awesome, I really need motivation especially this April. On April 27th I want to be at 199.0 I lost more than what is stated on myfitness pal, the amount on myfitness pal is the amount ive lost since being on here. On April 27th I'm doing the walk against rape, I do it evey year and I raise alot of money, but this year I also want to get a healthier lifestyle. here is my link if you want to check it out and please motivate me! Add me I hella need it! by the way let's go Giants! :happy:
  • sallsamama
    sallsamama Posts: 5 Member
    Count me in and pleaaaaaae add me this *kitten* needs all the motivation it needs to get going!
  • Hi, I'd like to join, please add me :-)

    I have 26lb to lose for June/July! I have been this weight before so I know I can lose it but with workin 9-5, it's pretty hard to eat right and stay motivated!

    Bring it on :D!
  • I'm in... i want to loose 10kg which is very close to 20lb
  • rainbowkim
    rainbowkim Posts: 29 Member
    My goal is to lose 15lbs but 20 would work for me, i'm going overseas in June:)
  • sivankeren
    sivankeren Posts: 105 Member
    I'm going for 15 pounds, feel free to add me :)
  • im up for joining, i want to be able to take my son to a few out door parks this summer and in order to do that i need to lose at least 20 pounds