jillian michaels weight loss supplement?!?!



  • Brandzilla
    Brandzilla Posts: 51 Member
    I looked at the pills and the price and kept walking...but I did purchase her protein drink powder. I was hopeful because it is sweetened with Stevia. It tastes awful!


    I think it's really yummy if you blend it with 1% milk and some ice cubes and few strawberries, but it's really pricey for the small amount you get.
  • princesspurple
    pal8523 ....i think you are right.
    jillian is great...perfect? probably not, i don't think any of us are:) I do think she is obviously in great shape, she got there from hard work and she constantly says that you have to work hard and change things at home to get where you want to be. I missed her show last night because i went to bed early, but will be looking for it on Demand.
    I have not bought into these supplements because I don't even like to take advil when I have a headache, though I have no problem having a cocktail:)
    no matter if you want to get the supplements or not, work hard and eat a bit healthier and there will be changes:)
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thumbs up to Jillian Michaels for working to help people achieve a normal weight and for the time and work she put into the new supplements. And... :yawn: ..... you other negative people responding about Jillian's work. Why don't you negative, ignorant gossips check the fat content in your brains?! Negative Negative Negative. You just might trip on your fat tongues one day. Why are you spending so much time criticizing Jillian Michaels? I just don't get it. She's doing a good work. And the old saying, "A good deed never goes unpunished" is also living out with you negative gossips criticizing Jillian Michaels. Look at the huge imperfections in yourselves before you criticize someone else's small imperfections. It's infuriating :angry: that you all here on these posts are SO NEGATIVE and CRITICIZING Jillian Michaels who is making an effort to help people. YOU PEOPLE posting this negative stuff behave sick sick sick :sick: .
    SICK NEGATIVE IGNORANT GOSSIPS. Not healthy to read negative stuff. And I'm not reading your ignorant, negative, gossip replies... NO, not even ONE. BYE. :frown: :angry:

    Jillian....is that you????

    Wow. Take it easy. Jillian does do great work but that doesn't mean someone can't ask a question or even question her intent.
  • hymiesmom
    hymiesmom Posts: 76
    "Hi guys, I am addressing your questions about why I created a line of weight loss supplements!

    First off, this isn't an endorsement deal. It's MY line. It was my idea and I created the products with the top bariatrics doctors in the world. And I do mean the world. These are some of the same doctors I have been working with for years to help me with my Biggest Loser contestants and my books — especially Master Your Metabolism. I have ALWAYS been an advocate of supplementation. Not as a total solution, but as a means to accelerate weight loss, and enhance your performance in every aspect of your life be it metabolic, immunity, antiaging and so on. For reference, you can take a look at Making the Cut (pp. 251-262), where I talked about which supplements work and which don't. In my latest book, Master Your Metabolism, I talked about natural ingredients that can boost metabolic function, like caffeine, vitamin C, and zinc. For years I have advocated the use of caffeine and white willow bark to increase performance in the gym and speed metabolism. I have recommended fiber blends to help curb appetite. I have referred people to different multivitamins, fat burners, protein powders, bars, drinks, etc.

    The problem for me was that every line out there has stuff in it I don't like. There are artificial colorings in the gel caps, or artificial sweeteners in the protein powders. There is soy in all the protein bars. Often the ingredients in the supplements aren't combined properly so they are not effective and so on. There is NOTHING, and I do mean NOTHING, harmful in these products. They are all natural. Have a look at the ingredients: Calorie Control: Yerba Mate leaf, Coffee (bean) Extract (Coffea arabica) - standardized to 70% natural caffeine ,Guarana (seed) Extract (Paullinia Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) ** Fat Burner: White Willow (bark) Powder (Salix alba), Grapefruit (fruit) Extract, Bitter Orange (fruit) Extract , Blood Orange (fruit) Extract, Sweet Orange (fruit) Extract, Coleus forskohlii (leaf) Extract, Forskohlin , Tribulus terrestris (root) Extract - standardized to 20% steroidal saponins ) - caffeine Cocoa (seed) Extract

    All Natural stuff, no drugs, no chemicals. They even have the perfect amount of caffeine. No more than 200 mg so you won't release stress hormone. Caffeine when supplemented properly has MANY health benefits. It improves cognitive function, fights Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, helps insulin resistance, reduces risk of liver cancer, and speeds metabolism by up to 6%. If you don't believe me check out this link and see what Dr. Oz has to say: http://www.coffeesage.com/archives/2008/02/good-news-on-coffee-from-oprahs-dr-oz/

    With all that said, you still MUST eat right and work out. This stuff is just meant to support your body while training and accelerate your results. Ok, that’s all for now. Have a killer weekend! "


    On that note....who's going to try them and let me know if they work or not!!!! :laugh:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thumbs up to Jillian Michaels for working to help people achieve a normal weight and for the time and work she put into the new supplements. And... :yawn: ..... you other negative people responding about Jillian's work. Why don't you negative, ignorant gossips check the fat content in your brains?! Negative Negative Negative. You just might trip on your fat tongues one day. Why are you spending so much time criticizing Jillian Michaels? I just don't get it. She's doing a good work. And the old saying, "A good deed never goes unpunished" is also living out with you negative gossips criticizing Jillian Michaels. Look at the huge imperfections in yourselves before you criticize someone else's small imperfections. It's infuriating :angry: that you all here on these posts are SO NEGATIVE and CRITICIZING Jillian Michaels who is making an effort to help people. YOU PEOPLE posting this negative stuff behave sick sick sick :sick: .
    SICK NEGATIVE IGNORANT GOSSIPS. Not healthy to read negative stuff. And I'm not reading your ignorant, negative, gossip replies... NO, not even ONE. BYE. :frown: :angry:

    Oh, darn. And I had such a good snarky one all ready, too.

  • E_Lo_8080
    E_Lo_8080 Posts: 1
    Wow! I think someone is having a bad day, all they wanted to know was did the suppluments work and frankly I think they are smart for researching and asking questions before anything like that is purchased. Personally I don't think any of that stuff works and it's not healthy, but don't make other people feel ingnorant for asking other's opinions that's just rude, next time take a deep breath or go get some exercise to replenish your endorphins before blogging ;)
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Look. Another pill pusher. Just what we need in this industry. I'm surprised some of you are surprised. Most any high profile trainer checks his or her integrity at the door in an effort to maximize the thickness of their wallets. It comes with the territory.

  • Rea_K
    Rea_K Posts: 51
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I have mixed feelings about Jillian Michaels. I follow her on FB, and I think she's a good person, I do. She seems awesome. Also, her workouts kick my *kitten*. I have 30 Day Shred, and Fitness Ultimatum 2010 (for the Wii) and both are really, really good workouts. I do have a bit of a love/hate relationship with her because I tend to swear at her a lot while doing these workouts.

    That being said, I'm not the kind of person who will just blindly do whatever ANYONE says without question. I'm not such a JM follower that I'll buy the cleanses or the potions or powders or pills or whatever is out there just because it has her name/face on it. I disagree with a lot of what she says/promotes. At the end of the day 'Jillian Michaels' has become a product.

    Some people are REALLY avid fans of hers, and they WILL buy into anything she endorses. Which scares and saddens me, to be honest. But just goes to show how IMPORTANT it is that role models such as her have integrity and only endorse real, healthy methods for weight loss.

    I believe that supplements have their place in weight loss- when we're talking about adding vitamins or protein that your body needs (if you're having a hard time getting them through diet alone). But when we're talking about potentially dangerous or harmful pills that are pushed on desperate people so they can 'lose weight faster'? I just can't get behind that.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I just tweeted Jillian about this on Twitter and she was kind of a ***** about it.... guess she has been hit with this a lot....
    HEre is the info she directed me to...

    "Hi guys, I am addressing your questions about why I created a line of weight loss supplements!

    First off, this isn't an endorsement deal. It's MY line. It was my idea and I created the products with the top bariatrics doctors in the world. And I do mean the world. These are some of the same doctors I have been working with for years to help me with my Biggest Loser contestants and my books — especially Master Your Metabolism. I have ALWAYS been an advocate of supplementation. Not as a total solution, but as a means to accelerate weight loss, and enhance your performance in every aspect of your life be it metabolic, immunity, antiaging and so on. For reference, you can take a look at Making the Cut (pp. 251-262), where I talked about which supplements work and which don't. In my latest book, Master Your Metabolism, I talked about natural ingredients that can boost metabolic function, like caffeine, vitamin C, and zinc. For years I have advocated the use of caffeine and white willow bark to increase performance in the gym and speed metabolism. I have recommended fiber blends to help curb appetite. I have referred people to different multivitamins, fat burners, protein powders, bars, drinks, etc.

    The problem for me was that every line out there has stuff in it I don't like. There are artificial colorings in the gel caps, or artificial sweeteners in the protein powders. There is soy in all the protein bars. Often the ingredients in the supplements aren't combined properly so they are not effective and so on. There is NOTHING, and I do mean NOTHING, harmful in these products. They are all natural. Have a look at the ingredients: Calorie Control: Yerba Mate leaf, Coffee (bean) Extract (Coffea arabica) - standardized to 70% natural caffeine ,Guarana (seed) Extract (Paullinia Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) ** Fat Burner: White Willow (bark) Powder (Salix alba), Grapefruit (fruit) Extract, Bitter Orange (fruit) Extract , Blood Orange (fruit) Extract, Sweet Orange (fruit) Extract, Coleus forskohlii (leaf) Extract, Forskohlin , Tribulus terrestris (root) Extract - standardized to 20% steroidal saponins ) - caffeine Cocoa (seed) Extract

    All Natural stuff, no drugs, no chemicals. They even have the perfect amount of caffeine. No more than 200 mg so you won't release stress hormone. Caffeine when supplemented properly has MANY health benefits. It improves cognitive function, fights Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, helps insulin resistance, reduces risk of liver cancer, and speeds metabolism by up to 6%. If you don't believe me check out this link and see what Dr. Oz has to say: http://www.coffeesage.com/archives/2008/02/good-news-on-coffee-from-oprahs-dr-oz/

    With all that said, you still MUST eat right and work out. This stuff is just meant to support your body while training and accelerate your results. Ok, that’s all for now. Have a killer weekend! "


    I don't really think that's *****y, I just think that's her style. She's firm and to the point. I do like that she pointed out that these are all natural, which is fantastic because thats what's scary about most suppliments. I think that to each is own, and that if you DO want to go on a suppliment, which a lot do, not myself, but others do, at least there is a chemical free option. I think that that is more her point than anything. I used to swear by the 30 Day Shred till Dr said no impact because of my knees, and do believe that for the most part she knows what she's talking about.
    Anyway, that's just my two cents :bigsmile:
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    Yes- i was surprised to see her " pills on the market.
    Yes- she has been advocating supplements all the time- but somehow i didn't think she would have her own line- for me she was just a " kick -a.. " workout person.. that will push you till you cry blood. And that's why i loved her workouts.

    No- i don't think that the response she wrote is " b... y . at all - . Her answer was to the point. You asked and she answered. I'm sure if she gave you a vague and imprecise answer you would complain and say how she is trying to " talk her way out " - well she has nothing to hide i guess, she said the way she thinks - and from there it's an individual choice- take it or leave it.

    I have not tried it yet- because i swore to myself that i would not try another pill in my life. Now i'm thinking on " breaking " that and maybe try it. Only thing that's keeping me from it is the price.

    I'd like to see this topic go in a more constructive direction with a bit more information , rather than " b.. ing " and complaining. If you don't like it- put it back on the shelf and keep walking - no one " has " to buy anything.

    It would be nice to hear some comments from the ones who actually tired it. Anyone ?
  • pfenixa
    pfenixa Posts: 194 Member
    SICK NEGATIVE IGNORANT GOSSIPS. Not healthy to read negative stuff. And I'm not reading your ignorant, negative, gossip replies... NO, not even ONE. BYE.

    Obivously that's not true or you wouldn't know that everyone is "ignorant" and "negative." Ta-ta.
    I just tweeted Jillian about this on Twitter and she was kind of a ***** about it.... guess she has been hit with this a lot....
    HEre is the info she directed me to...

    Take a look at the first part of this post where she says that the statement from JM was something she was directed to. She didn't say that the statement was b*tchy, she said that when JM responded with the direction to the info that she was b*tchy about it. Just relax, lol.

    That being pointed out, I only recently even became interested in JM and I guess I'm not really suprised that she has a supplement out. She may have the best of intentions with the ingredients and such but it still stands that she's become a brand and in the weight loss brand everyone wants a magic pill. Even if it's not all about money for her, she's sticking to what people want. I personally don't intend to try it. I've tried pills before and it wasn't until I simply started exercising and eating right that anything really happened. If I can lose weight without supplements (other than a multivitamin) then I'm just gonna save myself some money, lol.

    I'm curious if it works too, but the thing with supplements is that it seems that when people try them is when they put the effort into eating and exercise too so that you can't tell if it's the supplement or just that they're on the right track.
  • GIBride01
    GIBride01 Posts: 328 Member

    All Natural stuff, no drugs, no chemicals.

    Natural does not equal healthy all of the time. Last time I checked, arsenic was natural. Just cause its natural, doesn't mean you want it in your body. Vit C, Zinc a little caffiene..yes, the other stuff, no.
