Period is in the way of diet

I notice by eating healthy my skin feels better, my energy is better, and my outlook is better. However when my period comes I get really hungry and the cravings take control. All my progress goes to junk food... ehh Does anyone out there have any advice on what to eat?


  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    I usually drink tea, coffee and water. I'm already bloated and the liquid would make me feel even more bloated and disgusting. So, I wouldn't even dare to binge.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Stick to your diet. Think about how great you will feel after your period if you stuck to your eating plan. Don't blame eating out of control on your period. Ultimately you make the decision what to eat.
  • starfinale
    starfinale Posts: 309 Member
    I'm the same way. I just take a nap when I'm on my period to keep from eating. I do buy a lot of fruit during that time! I need help too!
  • That's true, but I just get so hungry. I know that your body is doing more work to prepare so I am wondering on foods to stop this from happening.
  • LuLuChick78
    LuLuChick78 Posts: 439 Member
    Bump to hear the responses
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    That's true, but I just get so hungry. I know that your body is doing more work to prepare so I am wondering on foods to stop this from happening.

    What type of foods do you crave? Look at what's in them and see if that gives you any clues to make better choices. Personally I crave iron rich foods so I eat more beans. Sometimes I'll crave carbs so I'll eat a baked potato or something like that instead of something junky like potato chips.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    Eat more healthy stuff - sweet potatoes, avocado, almonds, cucumbers, citrus, dark greens to fill the void. Extra sugar and white flour just amplify cramps. They make your mouth happy for a second or two and then pow! the rest of your day sucks. Plus they stay in your intestine longer and who needs that extra weight during their period?
  • carbs and sugar! Pizza and breadstiks!
    Those are good ideas you listed. I know I am going to stick with my diet this time. I enjoy how I feel by eating right, I just got to put myself in check!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I'm the same way. I just take a nap when I'm on my period to keep from eating. I do buy a lot of fruit during that time! I need help too!

    5-7 day naps sound GLORIOUS!
  • They make your mouth happy for a second or two and then pow! the rest of your day sucks. Plus they stay in your intestine longer and who needs that extra weight during their period?
    You're so right about this whole statement. The happiness is gone real fast!
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Sometimes you think you're hungry when you're really just thirsty. Try drinking some water and see if it helps. I drink a ton of water during that time...:drinker:
  • I have similar cravings during that time of the month! I've found some good recipes online (especially on Pinterest!) that are low-cal versions of some of my old favorite treats. They aren't exactly the same, but they usually fill that craving and leave you feeling satisfied without ruining your diet. Of course you have to watch your moderation on those!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    honey in tea or fresh pineapple
    or get the high % cocoa chocolate
    I also make chocolate milk out of chocolate whey protein powder
    if you crave pizza and such.. try making your own.. it might not be less calories (mine never are lol) but they are healthier!
    I also really feel better after a good hard workout, more-so during that week then others. I don't know if that's weird.. but it def helps.
    I also keep kedeem tea biscuits around.. 2 biscuits are 35 calories and they are pretty sweet... you find them in the kosher section. Just don't eat the whole sleeve. lol
    I make my own strawberry jam and will slather that on whole grain toast with peanut butter or chocolate butter (like nutella, but i buy an organic brand)
    You can have 5 large marshmallows for a mere 100 calories if you must have junk.. you can put a small squeeze of Hershey syrup, microwave and dip apples or bananas into it after it melts.. or just eat it.. not healthy, but better than the whole snickers bar.
    Dark chocolate covered nuts are a healthier option as well.
    I tend to crave salty stuff, so get baked chips (or make my own) or put my sauerkraut on things or bake a ham or cut a tomato sprinkle with salt and eat it.
    I also like those dark chocolate nuggets with almonds or peanut or almond m&ms.. but i have pretty good self control with them and can stop at one or two.. i wouldn't suggest having that bad lay around if you're just gonna eat the whole thing.
    Fig newtons... mmmm
    Mint Chamoele tea helps for some reason too.
  • maggs155
    maggs155 Posts: 258
    I always crave sweet stuff like chocolate so i like to have a special k chocolate crisp if i am craving chocolate real bad dont know if its a lot better but it helps me. I also eat a lot of sugar free jello it helps with the sweet taste and low cals. Also sugar free pudding. I know its hard at that time but i also try to eat a lot of clean foods at this time because im so bloated and feel fat anyways and it makes me feel better. I also exercise a lot more it helps my mind with how i feel during this time. Men are lucky they dont have to deal with this with their weight loss lol:)
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    I pretty much give in, but I try to at least make healthier "subs" for what I'm craving. I'm actually in this phase myself and have been cooking up a storm the past few days. Instead of the brownies I was craving, I made laraballs (nuts/raisins/coconut/sunflower seeds/oats/flaxseeds/coffee). Made cashew french toast, but subbed the maple syrup I wanted for loads of strawberries. Gave into one batch of nachos, but then made pasta and a killer cashew white sauce with asparagus. I also wanted dumplings, so we made a cabbage/beet soup to go with them. Craved pudding so I made a banana/avocado "mouse". Craved ice cream so I made a few banana soft serves with mixed frozen fruit. I've definitely eaten a few too many laraballs & snuck in some tofutti cutie ice cream sandwiches, but also made a lot of green kale/beet leaf smoothies to fill me up as well. I think the trick to the horrid "eat everything in sight" period phase is to at least try to surround yourself with healthier indulgent choices so you don't eat the entire box of your treats in one sitting.
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    Ill give in to my cravings 2 or 3 days a month, it really doesn't matter and won't mess up your diet as long as you're being good the other 27 days!
  • FitSuga
    FitSuga Posts: 259 Member
    I'm pretty much ravenous right before that time of the month, so I eat at maintence on those days. It helps a lot with the hunger/cravings and keeping it under control. I feel like I'm indulging when really I'm not and usually still end up losing !
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    laraballs (nuts/raisins/coconut/sunflower seeds/oats/flaxseeds/coffee).

    Um... YUM!! I will have to try these! I have everything on hand but the sunflower seeds (cause the ones i have are shelled.. and i'm not deshelling enough to cook with LOL)

    Do you just mix everything together and roll into a ball? Do you need to bake them?

    Recipe?? LOL
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    someone posted an article here once per "jillian" about that your body burns more cals during that time, and that also if you kept everything else the same, eating and workouts, you'd have that extra burning as like a head start on weight loss. it hase made me more grateful for those days of the month than I have any right to be. it's like "passive workout days" or something in my mind.
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    This may not be the right advice, but I had the contraceptive implant inserted in my arm in June 2011 for contraceptive and period pain reasons, and have not had a period since. My life is perfect except for that I can be a moody b- on it :L