Any beer drinkers out there who still lose??



  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    I drink beer and lose!

    Actually, I have 1 or 2 drinks a night, usually wine, and have had no problem losing. I just log it and work it into my daily calories. My goal is 1700 calories/day, so I usually alot 1500 to food and 200 to alcohol. It works!

    If you just want to have a few (or more than a few!) beers on the weekend, just be sure to account for it with a good daily deficit.
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    My boss likes to say "You can drink or you can eat, but you can't do both". There might be some truth to this.
  • jensoleandersen
    jensoleandersen Posts: 8 Member
    I spend three hours kickboxing on Saturday mornings, which earns me more calories than I could possibly drink and still remain ambulatory. Saturday nights are generally spent in my favorite brewpub washing down a blue cheese burger and fries with several pints of a fine IPA, and I'm still in calorie deficit when I get home. Ironically, I often find I've lost a couple pounds the next morning.
    Right on!
    A good IPA and a good burger - that just adds so much to quality of life and without that whats the point anyway.
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member

    to weigh less!
  • appletonirvinea
    appletonirvinea Posts: 100 Member
  • sburde2
    sburde2 Posts: 178 Member
    Oh yeah I love beer! I usually have about 6-8 a week. I just fit them into my calories for the day (or go over if it's a cheat day). I also do crossfit 4-5x a week.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    I drank beer nearly every day when I was losing weight.
    I still drink fairly often, but I'm cutting back now just to give my liver a break.

    If it fits in your macros, go for it.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    My husband drinks a lot but he also runs every morning and does weight every night and pulls a 12 hour day ( he is in the army)
  • TammySue57
    TammySue57 Posts: 11 Member
    Just include your beers into your daily calorie count....should still lose weight and enjoy your fav beer!
  • EmGetsFit
    EmGetsFit Posts: 151 Member
    I love my wine a few nights a week & I'm doing fine. Cheers!
  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    I definitely still loss from it but I can say that I think my results would be alot better if I laid off from drinking so much on the weekend...I am currently doing a challenge just to see what a ddiference it will make with No drinking...Hard yes but I know it will be worth it in the end...and hopefully I can minimize it to maybe 1 or 2 every now and then...
  • tasson
    tasson Posts: 37
    A life without (good) beer is hardly worth living.

    I definitely drink it, just not every day.

    Yeah! I had to stop drinking beer every day. The weekends are fair game. I shouldn't, but I don't eat as much on weekends because I know I am going to drink beer. I've found lean protiens and low carbs work for me.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Currently drinking a cold beer...

    I just make sure it fits with my calories, which usually means going for a big hike at the weekend so I can drink lots on Saturday night!
  • carolstartingover
    carolstartingover Posts: 83 Member
    i used to be a beer drinker back in the day and I was thin then. I drank some pretty good low cal beers. There are some out there that don't taste too bad. Also, if you exercise it may afford you the calories for drinks. I do however, know people who did not eat enough and drank beer who got Cihrrosis. Moderation is the key I beieve, (though I did my share.)
  • KaraAlste
    KaraAlste Posts: 168 Member
    Easily. Beer is extremely light. Just don't drink more than two ina day, even if they are light. :drinker:
  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
    Bump :drinker:
  • Rockstar_JILL
    Rockstar_JILL Posts: 514 Member
    Yes, I drank beer and still do...2-3 a night sometimes several times a week. I will not give up my beer. I still lost weight and now that I am so close to my goal, I am pretty much maintaining. I swap it out sometimes with red wine, but I am usually under my calorie goal as I exercise a lot almost every day.
  • A life without (good) beer is hardly worth living.

    I definitely drink it, just not every day.

    Said the girl in the Get Lucky sweatshirt!! LOVE IT!! I am from MN,too and I ran the Get Lucky as well. That was fun to see!
    Yes, I drink beer and still lose weight. I count it in my daily intake. I also drink Micholob Ultra. Yeah, I know, it's water to most.
  • khandi_j
    khandi_j Posts: 9
    I go to the bar once a week with my coworkers... I snack during the day and have a hearty meal at the bar. Include your beer calories with your daily allowance. I'm not light beer drinker either... gotta have my Guinness!!!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    A life without (good) beer is hardly worth living.

    I definitely drink it, just not every day.

    Yeah! I had to stop drinking beer every day. The weekends are fair game. I shouldn't, but I don't eat as much on weekends because I know I am going to drink beer. I've found lean protiens and low carbs work for me.

    Atta girl.