What is the root of your weight issue?



  • Anthomania
    Sadness.Also like others have said,when I stopped being so active I didn't realize that I needed to eat less:/
  • honey_dew
    honey_dew Posts: 28
    I love food... too much! I'll start my day off good and up until mid-afternoon I'll be doing great. Then I get the munchies and I justify it in my head, like "oh, I can have that...I did good today!" But, in reality it's not doing me any good!! This is just a really bad habit that I need to break.
  • PrinnyMartel
    PrinnyMartel Posts: 55 Member
    Emotional overeating tied to earlier memories. And laziness.
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I think my dad being big has a lot to do with it. That fact that him and 2 out of 3 of his siblings had weight loss surgery means it is kind of in my genes. My mom is also not small either. But it really really my dad. Not saying is 100% in my genes but also my parents weren't so great teaching me good habits.
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    My mom doesn't like food. She feeds herself but never eats for the sake of eating. I am like my daddy, I LOVE to eat but she made me believe that loving to eat means i'm greedy, so now i have binge eating disorder that i hide from people in my life.
    She never bought us a lot of candy because she wanted us to be healthy and not fat and ruin our teeth. When me and my brother were little we had to share all the candy so it means if you don't eat fast you don't EAT.
    Now I'm grown up, I live alone and I can buy and eat all the candy that i want - that's when the problem started!

    p.s. she loves us very much even though i made her sound like a monster :) it's a small mistake of hers that made me develop a binge eating disorder
    took me years to understand.
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Overeating. As a kid there were things in my life I couldn't control.....eating I could. I hid and ate crap ALOT. I was a chunky kid up til puberty....picked on and started my first "diet". Starved myself, over exercised, diet pills.....screwed my metabolism. I still have food issues. I cannot control myself mostly. I can eat and eat and eat. Even if my guts hurt I can keep shoving my face. Restricting myself leads to binges. I have been on MFP for 2 years and have only lost 1/2 of what I need to lose.
  • lheyens
    lheyens Posts: 62
    More just a lifestyle I want to live! Im okay with my weight, I want to be stronger and healthier. To keep up with my son and be in the best shape to live life setting an example for my boy :) I work out and eat clean for me, its so I can be healthy!
  • pterradactyl
    I've had a lot of body image issues since I was a kid that have led to a really unhealthy relationship with food--in fourth grade I thought I was fat and stopped eating unless my parents were sat down watching me. Lots of cycles of restriction followed by some pretty heavy binge/purging, but I am finally getting into a healthier mindset. I think that messing with my metabolism so much really helped pack on the pounds (on top of the obvious overeating/unhealthy lifestyle--how does healthy eating work?)
  • liketoyak
    liketoyak Posts: 187 Member
    Mine stems from being a VERY active kid/teenager that ate whatever she wanted. When I moved away to school I stopped moving and kept eating what I wanted. By the time I realized what was going on a had gained 50lbs (in 18 months from 150 to 200) and I was discouraged that I could keep up with anything so I gave up. :( Worst decision ever! I then went up another 24pounds. It has taken me years to get back into shape and learn to eat properly.

    My story is very familiar. Add to that dealing with infertility issues.
  • ac7ss
    ac7ss Posts: 15
    I feel that it was being brought up poor and not getting the nicer things. So I made sure I got the things (food) I thought I was deprived of so that I would feel successful. Food was an entitlement. Also a comfort and time killer.

    About 6 months ago it dawned on me that it didn't matter if I had the things, but that it was possible to get the things. I really was successful, I make more than enough, I have a wonderful wife (this time around), a good car, a house, a retirement plan...

    I will be able to enjoy my success if I am healthier. Besides, my wife is a little older that I am, I want to be there for her.
  • ThinUpGirl
    ThinUpGirl Posts: 397
    I never had to worry about weight until I became a mom.

    I got all my exercise from going out and dancing all night at clubs and could eat whatever I wanted.

    Now I'm a homebody and spend most nights watching movies and snacking.
  • margiemaillard
    The root of my problem is probably taking gabapentin. I have neuropathy of my feet and hands and it drives me nuts at night. I take half a gabapentin and all that goes away. But it makes me put on weight. I weight 148-150 then went on gabapentin and now I weight 153-155 no matter what I do. I haven't been taking that drug for a while, just in dire emergencies. Also when I eat out or with others, they are bad influences on me. Ha ha ha blaming others. I would like to weight 140 lbs. Any wuggestions?
  • mtdewforyou2
    Never thinking about calories....just thought I was supposed to be a big guy....now that I;m joining the Air Force, looking at a chart to see I'm way overweight is a huge wake-up call.
  • mjhedgehog
    mjhedgehog Posts: 249 Member
    I just liked food way too much.
  • katiekeene86
    katiekeene86 Posts: 12 Member
    Pure laziness, I'm not gonna lie. Portion control problems didn't help things. I've lost and gained over the years, but never really been a "healthy" weight. In the process of changing that.
  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I never gained weight and ate junk food all the time, then all of the sudden I started gaining weight. I gained 20 lbs in 3 months. Now I eat healthy **Wish I did that sooner.**
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I'm lazy. :happy:
  • edames
    edames Posts: 8 Member
    I thought it was just me! I don't think I have a problem. I just like food. For the most part it's kind of healthy. Not too much fried foods. Fresh veggies. I probably eat too late though. I hate being hungry again when I eat early. I don't go to sleep before midnight. And I skip lunch usually. I loves me a good breakfast! Which is usually around noon... When I worked I ate lunch but no breakfast during the week. My mind wants to lose weight but my body is sooo comfortable...
  • JonnyR214
    JonnyR214 Posts: 228 Member
    my problem is eating, I could eat healthy all day, then comes the stress of work ( retail ) or coworkers criticizing me for eating healthy and making me feel awful, also eating when im bored
  • lessjess0887
    The root of my weight issues at this point in my life now are a combination of my "all-or-nothing" thought process and allowing myself to binge out of hunger, desire to eat, being tired, emotions, etc. Somehow in my mind I've decided that if I "slip" a little or skip one workout I'm screwed for the day/week and then give myself permission to eat like its the last time I ever will.

    Up until this point in time, I've been able to healthily lose almost 80lbs, but I still struggle. I let myself do things that I know in the moment will hurt me later, but I'm too focused on having my immediate gratification to care.

    I know I'm capable of a lot more and have surprised myself at my strength and resilience in committing to myself and my health. For some reason though, I like to sabotage myself to have that temporary "happiness".