
  • Sam3622
    Sam3622 Posts: 172 Member
    Eggs are not unhealthy! They just have a bad rep! Try 1 egg/ 2 egg white omelette with peppers/onion/spinach/cheese.

  • youareorange
    youareorange Posts: 74 Member
    I'll have egg whites or oatmeal with some fruit. There's also turkey bacon or chicken bacon which has less fat.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    If you don't like breakfast, don't eat it.

    I hate lunch, so I almost never eat it. It has not hampered my fat loss. The "must eat breakfast" thing is a myth.
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    I am fine with balancing my foods for lunch and dinner but breakfast kills me!

    I never know what is a good breakfast. Cereal is high in salt (which I have to watch) eggs can be fatty and high in cholesterol... I am stuck and about to give up on the normal sense of breakfast and switch to eating things like lunch and dinner foods in the morning!

    Please tell me your favorite "Healthy" breakfasts.

    Then just skip breakfast, eat more food at lunch and dinner time. Do whats convenient, meal frequency is irrelevent to body composition.

    Anywho: Turkey Sausge, Pork Sausage, bagels, bread, pizza, eggs, cupcakes, greek yogurt protein pancakes (PM me for recipe) bacon cereal, oatmeal, uhhh i think thats it.
  • Annawhat
    Annawhat Posts: 7 Member
    My absolute favorite breakfast for a normal/work day with limited time, is a piece of sprouted toast with 1 tablespoon of Almond Butter on it, a banana on top cut up, then drizzle with Agave Nectar (or honey). It is SO good, and it usually holds me over until 10:30ish when i have my first snack. Bananas in the morning really do the trick!!! Also, the more you eat breakfast the easier it will become, and eventually you will look forward to it!!! It is my favorite meal of the day. Hope that helps!
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    1/2 a liter of vodka and whatever food is stuck to the side of my face from the previous night.

    This is the best thing I've read all day!!!
  • mrsfoster102613
    mrsfoster102613 Posts: 126 Member
    I love breakfast foods, but I typically eat light to heavy. Thus, if I’m going to eat traditional breakfast foods, I eat them at dinner lol!

    I drink freshly-squeezed juice almost every morning. I juice one head of celery, five or six leaves of kale, one lemon, one apple and a tablespoon of ginger. After that, I’ll usually have a banana and/or some other fruit. I drink a cup or two of herbal tea with raw honey, raw lemon juice and raw apple cider vinegar, and I’m good to go until lunch.

    It maybe not be something that suits you every day, but I highly suggest trying it! It’s very energizing and contains tons of vitamins and nutrients. Good luck on your journey!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    If you don't like breakfast, don't eat it.

    I hate lunch, so I almost never eat it. It has not hampered my fat loss. The "must eat breakfast" thing is a myth.

    amen brother!
  • Madeline137
    Madeline137 Posts: 1 Member
    One of my favorite breakfasts is 1/2 Cup of Greek Style Non Fat Yogurt - I sprinkle 1/4 Cup of Pumpkin Flax Granola, 1 teaspoon of black chia seeds, and some fruit on top of it. (any type of fruit will do - 5 strawberries in slices, 1/2 banana, an apple, kiwi, whatever. I like it because it is quick and healthy. For years I avoided breakfast. I just didn't like all of the fuss in the morning. My idea of breakfast was a cup of coffee - just didn't want to get into cooking and all that stuff. I like a simple, quick breakfast, unless of course we go out to eat breakfast - then I'll enjoy a veggie omelet with whole grain toast. Keep moving forward...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    1/2 a liter of vodka and whatever food is stuck to the side of my face from the previous night.

    ALthough the vodka sounds perfect I have an option!
    (I hate breakfast too...)

    I found this recipe:

    Breakfast: Scrambled Grains with Mushrooms
    Rinse, trim, and slice 1 lb mushrooms.
    Put 2 Tbsp vegetable oil in large skillet over medium-high heat.
    Add mushrooms and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
    Cook, stirring, until brown, 5 to 10 minutes.
    Add 2 cups cooked grains (like brown rice or quinoa) and 1 small minced fresh chile.
    Cook 3 to 5 minutes.Stir until set.
    Drizzle with 2 Tbsp soy sauce.
    Sprinkle with 1/2 cup chopped scallions.
    Serves 4.

    Read more:

    Im making it today (for lunch and leftovers for breakfast tomorrow).

    Sounds too yummy!

    if you hate breakfast then why are you forcing yourself to eat it????
  • flyingwrite
    flyingwrite Posts: 264
    So don't eat regular "breakfast" foods. You can have lunch foods for breakfast if you like and especially if they fit nicely into your calories/macros. I had a tuna sandwich for breakfast this morning =)

    ^this! Also had tuna for breakfast the other morning. I normally have a protein green smoothie and oatmeal, but if I want broccoli for breakfast, I'm going to have broccoli. After I went to Costa Rica, I had beans and rice for breakfast for a while. It was a nice switch. There are no rules. Eat what fuels you. And if your life is awesome eating dinner for breakfast, go for it!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Skip breakfast then. No reason not to.
  • aphillips8180
    aphillips8180 Posts: 77 Member
    I'm sure it's not for everyone but since I've always had a hard time eating breakfast (but I force myself to because it is important) I've recently begun having protein shakes. They're quick to make and healthy (depending on what you put it in). Plus, they help me reach my protein goals for the day! Good luck!
  • You might want to try skipping breakfast all together for about a week.....gauge how you feel & take it from there. This method has worked wonders for several people I know! Helps your body concentrate on burning more fat for energy.....Good Luck!
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    I have my protein shake every morning, an apple and banana cut up with a tablespoon of natural peanut butter between 8 and 9am and I have a pear or some other fruit around 11 and I'm good until lunch after the gym around 1:30pm.

    When I hated breakfast, I use to just put in some fruit with my protein shakes as a meal replacement so I wouldn't feel sick. Slowly, I got use to eating in the morning again.

    When I do high cardio days - I have a begal with cream cheese so I can burn off the carbs while spinning/bodycombat/running etc.

    Try greek yogurt and berries, real oatmeal (not the quick crap) with some honey and almonds (that's freakin' yummy! now I want that! LOL) hard boiled eggs and a piece of fruit... there's a ton of stuff! I also love Special K... I'm kind of addicted and shreddies with berries or a banana and almond milk.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    If you don't like breakfast, don't eat it.

    I hate lunch, so I almost never eat it. It has not hampered my fat loss. The "must eat breakfast" thing is a myth.

    amen brother!

    Sister :)
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Right now I am on a Ezekiel cinnamon raisin bread toast with almond butter, chia seeds and banana for breakfast.

    Cage free vegetable fed eggs are not as bad for you as once thought.

    Refrigerator oatmeal is amazing.

    Breakfast for dinner is completely acceptable so dinner for breakfast is too. If you like it, eat it. I find that if I eat breakfast that I do not over eat during the day. If I skip it, for some reason I eat all day long trying to fill a ravenous hunger from out of no where. So I believe breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Dont skip it.
  • JeniferEverx3
    JeniferEverx3 Posts: 219 Member
    When I am at work I eat 2 hard-boiled eggs either plain or lightly salted & peppered and one of the following:

    1 packet of Rachel Ray's instant oatmeal, which I sweeten with 1 packet of honey
    1 container of 90 calorie yoplait light yogurt (many flavors to choose from)
    1 container of Chobani flip (a few flavors to choose from)

    I eat between 8:30 and 9:30 because I heard you should eat your breakfast before 10 am to get your metabolism boosted.

    The reason I do the 2 hardboiled eggs is because they are packed with protein which should help keep you full longer, and then I add one of the above items so that in my "mind" I feel like I ate more than just 2 measly eggs :) This usually keeps my satisfied until lunch time and it's around 300 calories give or take.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Kodiak Cakes whole wheat oat and honey flapjack mix, with crystallized ginger spread and a pat of butter. Jamaican coffee ( best in the world IMO) with International Delight white chocolate mocha creamer. Maybe a banana or fresh ripe papaya. Never get tired of this.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I'll often eat leftovers from last night's dinner for this morning's breakfast. I'm not a big fan of the idea of certain foods for certain meals.