After work/Before Dinner snacking

Do any of you struggle with walking thru the door and wanting to snack until dinner?! It's a horrible habit of mine that I NEED TO BREAK.

Any tips or tricks that have helped you overcome this horrible habit?
thanks in advance.


  • McSpike
    McSpike Posts: 34 Member
    The wife and I take the dogs for a walk before dinner. If I'm doing something, I'm not eating!
  • palmerar
    palmerar Posts: 489 Member
    Yes 100% yes this is me, I get a snack and am satisfied but then keep on goin back. I know I'm not hungry but I am alone in a house full of food! I don't really have any advice on this, I fel your pain I am also looking for help in this area.
  • Astacia74
    Astacia74 Posts: 166 Member
    I busy myself with chores or a quick workout. Keep yourself busy and you won't think about snacking :happy:
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    fiber one bars make u fuller. I eat one at like 730 pm.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Do any of you struggle with walking thru the door and wanting to snack until dinner?! It's a horrible habit of mine that I NEED TO BREAK.

    Any tips or tricks that have helped you overcome this horrible habit?
    thanks in advance.

    I workout as soon as I get home from work. By the time I'm done and my appetite has returned, it's time to start dinner.
  • I have the same problem. I try to replace the snacks with a cup of tea or two which often helps. Also if you keep going back to the fridge I found it helpful to have a chewing gum. It will get rid the good taste that you keep craving and also gives you something to do at the same time.
  • f8thwks
    f8thwks Posts: 11 Member
    :laugh: Yeah... i go through the same thing... What I found to help me is to drink water... It is good for you and it will curve your appetite...
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    I eat a small snack shortly before I leave work. I am diabetic and that is usually a blood sugar low time for me. I try to eat some cheese and fruit or peanut butter and fruit and it tides me over till dinner. I don't get the horrible hungries.
  • KylieJordan16
    KylieJordan16 Posts: 36 Member
    If I didn't workout that morning, I workout in the evening & as soon as I'm done I'm usually starving for dinner so I just get to cooking!
    If I feel like I NEED a snack, I'll grab a cup of grapes or even rice crackers and a serving of hummus.
  • fatboymax
    fatboymax Posts: 90
    Plan plan plan!

    Having a snack and planning the snack has worked for me. I usually have almonds and couple of glasses of water. Sometimes yougurt or fruits. But it is planned. As long as i stick to my plan i am ok till dinner.
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    This is ME to a T! I am not hungry-very rarely am I ever TRULY hungry but yet I can shove food in mouth!

    With the weather getting better now, hopefully I will be hitting the streets for my run instead of the kitchen! I found that it really makes me sick to run after I eat so I have to refrain from eating at least 2-3 hours before running. Hopefully that will help.

    Another BIG problem of mine is "taste testing" while cooking dinner also. I think we just need to make a conscious effort to say NO to opening our mouths!
  • JudiCJ
    JudiCJ Posts: 5
    This is also my biggest challenge...maybe a bad habit from being a kid? I'd come home from school STARVING and Mom would tell me not to eat because I'd spoil my appetite so I'd sneak food. Now when my kids come home from school they can finish whatever is left in their lunchboxes (usually fruit) and I get dinner going right away. We eat early (4:30) and a light snack before bed.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    After work/before dinner is the WORST time of day for me re: snacking, too! I find that if I eat something I was going to have for dinner anyway, like a salad, that holds me until dinnertime. :)
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    I eat my main meal at noon so the rest of the day for me is pure snacking within my calorie intake.
  • ice1200s
    ice1200s Posts: 237 Member
    Instead of fighting it, accommodate it. Make that your snack time and budget your daily calories for it. That's how I handle my after dinner snacking. Ciao, Marc
  • I hate to say it but i know exactly what you are talking about... There is no sure fire way to cure this that i know about... if there is i am sure someone with all the text book answers will reply but in my opinion, different things work for different people. What works for me??? The only time i am able to forgo a snack after work is when i excercise before getting home (I typically go jogging on my lunch break which is not a luxery that many people have) but also if i am not able to go during my lunch break i go jogging directly after work for like a half hour or so and then by the time I get home I feel full already (I know that jogging releases something that makes your tummy feel full or something to that effect). In addition to feeling full, I feel enegized and ready to do more productive things around the house than grab the bag of spicy chilli doritos and sit in front of the TV and kick my shoes off and indulge in the snack that I've earned after a hard days work... I digress... anyway. Not to mention, lastly, after I work out I'm less likely to want to do anything to 'ruin the skinny' as (Wendy Williams would say) with snacking. I snack less on the days that i work out because i honestly do not feel hungry and even if i were hungry I would be less likely to reach for something unhealthy after just killing myself Jogging and flushing all that hard work down the drain... :happy:
  • KyliAnne26
    KyliAnne26 Posts: 209 Member
    Can you eat dinner earlier? When I had this problem my fiance and I just started making dinner at 5pm when we got home and I would reserve roughly 200 cals for an after-dinner snack if I decided I needed an apple and tbsp of peanut butter or something. Also, I find that cutting crunchy fruit is a good way to prolong snacking. Just cut up an apple and/or pear and put it on a bowl and every time you wander back to start 'poking for food,' you'll go for that.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I usually have a snack because I'm legitimately hungry at that time. But if it's boredom hunger, I try to keep busy. I cook dinner most nights which keeps me busy from the time I walk in the door to the time I eat dinner. Last night was tough - dinner needed to cook in the oven for an hour so I went upstairs and watched some TV and caught up on some other stuff. The further away from the fridge, the better off I am.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Why do you need to break the habit? I'm always hungry before dinner. Save a coupe hundred calories so you can have a little snack before din din. Go for a brisk walk on your lunch break so you can "earn" some more calories to add to your daily total.
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    eat dinner earlier, it worked for me! I found Im hungry usually during the middle part of the day, I was eating dinner around 630-730, now I eat at 5 and I usually feel fine until bedtime this way.