Male verse female



  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    You girls get multiple orgasms.

    Get over it.
    We are supposed to get what?! Wait a minute...:angry:
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    You girls get multiple orgasms.

    Get over it.

    You're doing it wrong.....that's too much work......
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    Hubby goes to doctor. Nurse weighs him and tells him he lost 15lbs since last year and asked him what he's been doing. He tells her "my wife's on a diet." He didnt really do anything different. No extra activity. He eats whatever he wants. *deep sigh*
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    i thought this was going to have to do with poetry...


    LMAO - I do not cut everything out however over 1000 calories for a meal in itself is ridiculous diet or no diet :/ Everyone told me to diet I have to cut out or down my coffee....if you look at my food diary you will see CLEARLY I did not;. That is my ONE staple I refuse to give up. I do not use ff milk I use cream because that is what I like. I refuse to "diet" but rather change my way of living :) and sorry but coffee is my way of living! I do not "need" nor "crave" bread bowls I just like them but I like fried dough more haha...I WILL incorporate the fried dough every once in awhile because I know I or not. Done it before so i know I can enjoy it and not regret it.
    What worked for me before will not necessarily work for me now. I decide daily..."is it worth the calories /; fat / carbs" if not I choose something better that is. This has to be my life choice in order to maintain later. Food was NOT meant for was meant to fuel you to live..period.

    Main key of course is moderation with anything (healthy or not) was not like I was eating the crap daily before unlike my husband who did and still does. The things that cause me to gain (and I know for a fact the things I listed are the problem) need to be "enjoyed" far and few in between until I am at maintenance and can control gain / losses more easily.

    In 2000 I was below my goal weight from dieting and I lost 33 lbs in 6 months while enjoying life (and fried dough)..I am older now (makes it harder) and regardless of what any one believes MOST (not all..but most) men lose weight easier than woman like someone else said...muscle mass. My husband while over weight has some massive muscles and strength that I do not nor will I ever have therefore most likely burns more than I could.

    What i have that he does not is the endurance and drive. So while for now..he can lose faster in the long run...I will lose more weight but gain so much more in life! :)
  • dirtyd89
    dirtyd89 Posts: 170
    The reason why men lose more weight then women is a for a few reasons.

    1.) Men have way more testosterone then females which helps to burn more calories really quickly which leads to the greater outcome of losing weight faster then women.

    2.) Men don't have to have the burden of carrying children so we don't need the extra fat to survive.
    (Women need the extra fat to help keep themselves and their child their carrying alive through harsh weather conditions. All mammals have this.)

    3.) Men are designed to put on muscle by working and when muscle is built contributes to burning more calories.

    Comparing men and women in fitness is irrelevant because both genders function and work in completely different ways.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Hubby goes to doctor. Nurse weighs him and tells him he lost 15lbs since last year and asked him what he's been doing. He tells her "my wife's on a diet." He didnt really do anything different. No extra activity. He eats whatever he wants. *deep sigh*

    awful isn't it!!!! I bet my husband has lost recently too as I cut out non vegetable carbs from dinner...I told him if he loses even an ounce..I do not want to hear it LOL
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    The reason why men lose more weight then women is a for a few reasons.

    1.) Men have way more testosterone then females which helps to burn more calories really quickly which leads to the greater outcome of losing weight faster then women.

    2.) Men don't have to have the burden of carrying children so we don't need the extra fat to survive.
    (Women need the extra fat to help keep themselves and their child their carrying alive through harsh weather conditions. All mammals have this.)

    3.) Men are designed to put on muscle by working and when muscle is built contributes to burning more calories.

    Comparing men and women in fitness is irrelevant because both genders function and work in completely different ways.

    AGREE 100%!!!!!!!! :) I just wanted to vent
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    You girls get multiple orgasms.

    Get over it.

    ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Too bad those did not burn a whole lot of calories haha!! :)
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    The thing that ticks me off is men who obviously are able to drop 50 pounds like a hot potato, give advice to women who are having a lot of trouble dropping even 5 LBS no matter what they do. Then they act like they are suddenly experts on weight loss. Unfortunately, it is not the same for everyone. I find that when" that time" approaches I can't lose any weight no matter what I do. It's just one of those things. But there are the experts who refuse to understand biological differences.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member

    AS others have said.....muscle mass plays a big part. What are you doing to increase yours? Or are you worried about becoming bulky?

    I just recently started strength exercises (taking it slow as I tend to hurt myself in that area) :( But some is better than none I guess!

    Unless of course you consider lifting children several times a day, or laundry,trash etc. lifting LOL :)
  • laural007
    laural007 Posts: 251 Member
    You girls get multiple orgasms.

    Get over it.

    Sometimes our perks are beyooooond wonderful :wink:
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member

    AS others have said.....muscle mass plays a big part. What are you doing to increase yours? Or are you worried about becoming bulky?

    I just recently started strength exercises (taking it slow as I tend to hurt myself in that area) :( But some is better than none I guess!

    Unless of course you consider lifting children several times a day, or laundry,trash etc. lifting LOL :)

    Good for you. That's a great step. Keep your head up. You will get there. As hard as it is try to focus on you and not worry about your husband.
    SANCHLI Posts: 67 Member
    You girls get multiple orgasms.

    Get over it.

    Yes indeed sir.:bigsmile:
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    Hormones aside, it is just not true that men can eat anything and not gain weight. When you say "My husband eats whatever he wants, and he lost 15 lbs," what you are really saying is that he is satisfied with eating fewer calories than he burns, whether he is conscious of it or not. Thermodynamics. The rules apply to men just like they apply to women.

    It always amazes me when women say "My husband and I eat exactly the same things, but he's losing weight, and I'm not." Well, he is male, and you are female, and you shouldn't be eating exactly what your husband is eating. Even if you both ran 5 miles together every day, he still gets to eat more because he's a dude. His body requires more calories than yours.
  • OneEyeUp
    OneEyeUp Posts: 373 Member
    Yes, they can lose easier due to muscle mass / metabolism / hormones etc.. BUT we have boobs.

    That wins all arguments in this house, hands down. (in the figurative sense)

    This. Boobs are the single most powerful thing on earth.
  • OneEyeUp
    OneEyeUp Posts: 373 Member

    AS others have said.....muscle mass plays a big part. What are you doing to increase yours? Or are you worried about becoming bulky?

    This picture is so indescribably hilarious. On a darker note, your avatar picture is quite unsettling.
  • mushroomcup
    mushroomcup Posts: 145 Member
    I guess my boyfriend and I are in the "exception that proves the rule" category. He has a LOT of trouble losing weight, whereas I've always been slender and find it very easy to lose weight. I swear I've counted his calories as precisely as possible, and he doesn't lose nearly as much as online calculators say he will. Of course, he works long hours at a sitting-all-day sort of job and hates working out. Whenever he does actually hit the gym, fat melts off him like buttah.
  • mushroomcup
    mushroomcup Posts: 145 Member
    i thought this was going to have to do with poetry...


  • krhn
    krhn Posts: 781 Member
    Yes, they can lose easier due to muscle mass / metabolism / hormones etc.. BUT we have boobs.

    That wins all arguments in this house, hands down. (in the figurative sense)


    Don't play that boob card... :mad:

    *Think of something quick* we have more dedication! :blushing:
  • kahjam
    kahjam Posts: 17
    You girls get multiple orgasms.

    Get over it.

    Just have to say this made me laugh.. Well said!
    SOME women are very fortunate in that aspect..
    Not that this has anything to do with the topic, but it turned my frown upside down :smile: