When do you see the skinny girl in the mirror?



  • tasson
    tasson Posts: 37
    Hey, I didn't see the fat then and I don't see the skinny now :huh:
  • keepitnewmarcia
    keepitnewmarcia Posts: 42 Member
    This board/topic has been very helpful for me. I am not loosing like I want to, but I'll get there. I have learned so much and now I am starting to get real. What struck me in all of these posts is that we don't like ourselves. I don't like myself and it is helpful to know at this point that just loosing the weight won't be enough. It will get me healthier, but it won't necessarily make me happier in my own skin. That takes some other work and I am worth it. I'll start looking into this part of the transformation. Thanks for the topic and thanks for the insights from you all.
    Norther Va
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    I hope I never do. To me "skinny" means stick-like, no visible muscles, skinny-fat, unhealthy and unattractive.

    I realize that is not how the rest of you define the word.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    Even when I was skinny I never could see that for myself. I always thought I was fat. Now that I am fat, actually obese according to my BMI, I am sure I will see myself differently once I lose 50 pounds.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    I think it's impossible to see ourselves as others do, I'm convinced I'll just never get there.
  • ekemsley1
    ekemsley1 Posts: 15 Member
    aim to be the most fit person not the thinnest... plenty of people weighing half of what i do that can't do the things i can do physically...

    then again i am not a woman so i dont really have image issues

    I am new to the forums, having really just discovered them today. I had to comment and make this my first post because I'm shocked that this comment didn't come off as sexist to anyone else.

    Men have image issues too, for the record. All kinds of men.

    On another note, no I don't see myself as skinny. Even though I know I'm fine, it doesn't seem that way in the mirror, I can always find room for improvement.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I'd be horrified if I looked into the mirror and saw a skinny girl.
  • anhellica2001
    anhellica2001 Posts: 9 Member
    I honestly never saw myself as overweight, I just didn't worry about my appearance. Once I started this journey, I really started noticing things I didn't see before. Its weird. I feel bigger now than before...
  • Rho_Ro
    Rho_Ro Posts: 201 Member
    I've just climbed back on the wagon, part 2 on it's way and I'm over half way to my goal - not a lot over half way, but over it I am. I've been yo-yoing since November over about 3 to 4 kgs so I've had a chance to adjust to how I look. And even tho I've been annoyed with this massive pause I think it's done me some good. I do see the me in the mirror now and yes it did take a while for reality to sink it. The one event that threw me totally was when I got my hair cut. It was a shortish style to start with but the hairs were just about all at the same length. Then all those hairs were layered and cropped around my ears and short at the back. I've gone even shorter now but thank goodness I didn't go straight to what I'm wearing now. I felt uneasy in the salon and when I got home I went straight to the bathroom mirror and just stared - I didn't know the person staring back at me. I was like that for two days and then I eventually accepted the straight lines outlining my face.

    Give urselves a chance - maybe go on maintenance for a couple of weeks so ur head can catch up. Don't give up - it's honestly all worth it. By the way, people tell me that I've lost enuff, but they don't see what's under my teeshirt, I do. BUT I've got the extra skin thing happening as well so I've got to really watch things when I get close to goal - I don't want to go too far. I've lost 86lb thus far and have 77lb to go, I'm heading to 156lb or 71kg.
  • lmanes1
    lmanes1 Posts: 64 Member
    I saw the skinny person in the mirror when I was at my highest weight ... thats why I got so big lol ... I only saw the fat person in pics

    ^This is my issue too!! I still think I am much smaller than I really am. Good to know someone else has the same problem.

    Me too! I only saw the weight in pictures. I took an "exercise bra and yoga pants picture" when I started, and take new ones wearing the same thing every so often. I have lost 19 lbs and just don't see it until I look at the pictures side by side. :smile:
  • Ladyeliah
    Ladyeliah Posts: 34 Member
    At my heaviest in college I was a size 16 and about eight months ago I fit into a size six, smaller than I had ever had as a goal, but I still felt fat. Then about two or three weeks ago I was walking down the hallway at work in my stupid black pants that are too tight and always feel like they're going to explode and suddenly I felt thin. It's not something I've ever felt before, and I don't know why it happened, but I'm so happy that it stuck around. Now I can look at the saggy skin and the thighs that make trying on pants a frustrating process and feel okay about being where I am and working toward where I want to be.
  • charliemarie923
    charliemarie923 Posts: 275 Member
    I apologize if this is on the wrong forum, but I was not sure where to ask it.

    Does anyone else have the same issue of losing quite a bit of weight and then not seeing yourself as the skinny girl/guy yet? I still walk into a store and head towards sizes of clothes that are too big for me and think of myself as being that overweight girl that I used to be. It baffles to me to fit into a size 7 or a small and I am thrilled to have made it this far. Just wondering.

    I used to do this all the time when i first lost 3 stone, i never saw the skinny girl in the mirror and one day in NewLook the shop assistant told me i was picking clothes for fat people! But now that i AM a fat person again...i see the skinny girl in the old photos and i tried on some old clothes the other day-that wouldnt get past my knees! That was a big realisation for me...so i never saw her til she was gone :(
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    I still don't see much difference in the mirror. THe only time I notice it is if I reach both my arms up and I can actually see my ribs and never used to be able to. But stepping out of the shower and seeing myself in the mirror is still gross. I had only planned on losing about another 13 pounds but with how I look right now, I may need to lose more to not have a lot of fat.
    I do see some difference in clothing when I look in the mirror.
  • luvya7sandra796
    luvya7sandra796 Posts: 124 Member
    I am going through that now, I have people tell me you lost weight , you look skinny! I just don't see it! I lost more than 20 pounds and I just still have in my mind, I don't look, how I want to look. I know that is a mental thing! Hoping to get over it soon! Have not bought anything new either. My clothes fit me big! Maybe when I buy something new, I might change my mind. LOL
  • I saw the skinny person in the mirror when I was at my highest weight ... thats why I got so big lol ... I only saw the fat person in pics

  • PattyJane167
    PattyJane167 Posts: 94 Member
    Not sure when we can see the "skinny" person, I would just settle for seeing a smaller person!
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    I'd rather see the strong girl in the mirror. She hides behind the fat b!tch most days though.
  • Willowana
    Willowana Posts: 493 Member
    The last time I lost a ton of weight, I had this problem too. I saw no difference and felt no difference....even though I KNEW there was a lot less of me. When I went shopping, I would always pick up what looked like my size. I'd put it on, and it would be 4-5 sizes waaaay too big.

    When I did figure out my "new size", I'd pick up a pair of pants or a shirt, and I'd smirk. Yeah right....like THAT'S going to fit!! And every single time....I was floored when it DID fit. I remember staring at a shirt and then back at my half-dressed self in the mirror of a changing room. I was so confuzzled. It was like some weird optical illusion. Like the sheer physics of me fitting into that shirt were impossible.

    But when I saw my before and after pictures...I could see the difference. I could look at my 'after' photos and see my hardwork and be proud. I still considered myself fat....just not morbidly obese.

    A lot of people attribute this to low self-esteem, but I never felt that way. I love myself, I love my life, and I'm confident in myself as a person. I think some of us have just been so fat for so long...it's ingrained. We don't know how to see ourselves any differently. I wish I could give you hope and say that I finally reached the point where I could see what everyone else saw....but, I hit a plateau, got frustrated, and gave up. Hence, the reason I'm here. I gained it all back and then some. :ohwell:
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I still can't see myself as thin. It is quite sad.
  • vdodev
    vdodev Posts: 1
    I'm 5'6 and went from 116lb (skinny but healthy) to 96lb and less, and from a size 3 to a 00 in pants. When I look in the mirror my bones look back at me, there is about an inch and a half of space between my thighs, I can't even make them touch when I press my legs together, yet I still feel like I look the same. I will never see that skinny girl but know I'm always the thinnest in the room. Sometimes the answer is never. Unless you're actually overweight, don't look for the skinny girl because you might spiral into a vicious cycle of being unhealthily underweight (BMI 16 or less) and doing a daily waltz around trying to gain some weight back and not letting go of your current, unsustainable body. That skinny girl is an illusion, an unattainable ideal. She's never happy with what she has and in the end no matter how much she disappears in the mirror, she'll keep pushing for more. If you wear a size small than you are small, don't let your eyes tell you otherwise.