Losing 30% body fat in 3 months to a year possible?



  • mnqi
    mnqi Posts: 36
    Every % down until you are in the normal range is a good goal.

    My BMI is 36% :( so my goal for now is 30%. People can lose weight fast if they work really hard (eating good food, exersize, building muscle), but it is something most people can't do....work, kids, life. If my job was only me and working out and eating right is all I had to focus on.....I might be able to lose 60or even 70 lbs in 3 months.....and that would get me to a bmi of 25%....still no where near 18%. I think your goal is unrealistic. Maybe in a year or two....good luck.
  • in_this_generation
    in_this_generation Posts: 75 Member
    I picked 18% because that's a general physique of a personal trainer (according to charts) and that's what I want to be
    That's great! With your dedication you can shed a lot of lbs within 3 months and you will feel great. You are also looking to put on a lot of muscle if you don't have it already, so you will be able to sculpt your body over time. I think you could meet your weight goal within the year for sure.
  • vodkoffee
    vodkoffee Posts: 160 Member
    I went from 47% body fat at 197 to 25% at 156. I started in the middle of last summer. I've gained 13lbs of muscle in that time and lost over 50lbs of fat. I was a size 14/16 when I started and I now wear anywhere from 8 to 4. I want to be down to 18-20% body fat by summer. Feel free to add me. :)