
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    Nope, not possible!
  • Relax. As everyone else has mentioned, it's water weight. If you drink plenty of water, tea, and/or coffee (plain), that weight will drop within 24-48 hours. Eat light the next 2 days. Little if not any sodium. More vegetables to help flush out your system.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    You ate like cr@p, thats how. Eat better today and drink plenty of water. Most of those foods were high in sodium so I would assume most of that weight is water weight.

    ^^^^ Absolutely.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    no this is not a joke im like crying so much right now....

    so yesterday i weighed myself in the morning and in weighed 120 i was so happy...but for some reason i ate really bad i gad

    130 cal pack of nilla waefers
    2 large mcdonalds fries
    one reg mcflurry (oreo)
    one small strawberry shake
    a thick slice of banana bread
    a BIG cinnamon roll
    a slice of pizza with stuffed crust cheese
    some tyson chicken nuggets

    I dont know why i ate all that!!!! But im so mad at myself and when i weighed myswlf this morning i was 130 how did i gain 10 pounds):

    after reading all of the comments i feel alot better thank you! yeah i now realize that if i didnt eat 35,000 (haha) i couldnt have actually gained 10 just dissapointed inmyself i guess but thank you!

    There's eating bad and then eating destructively. How on earth did you even fit all that garbage into your body? It sounds like you have an eating disorder.

    It's do-able if it's split throughout the day.

    Breakfast: 130 cal pack of nilla wafers (which isn't much, maybe four of them) and the big cinnamon roll
    Snack: Banana bread
    Lunch: 2 large fries, McFlurry, and shake (one of these may have been a snack in the afternoon)
    Dinner: a slice of pizza with stuffed crust cheese
    Snack: some tyson chicken nuggets (she didn't say how many)

    I'm not saying it's healthy, but it's do-able. If it was only one day, I wouldn't go so far as to say she has an eating disorder. PMS, maybe, but not an eating disorder. If she ate like that every day, then yeah, maybe. That's a lot of comfort food and some poor choices, for sure, but not indicative of a disorder if it's just the one day of "OMG WTF DID I EAT?!?"
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    16 oz = 1 lb water so 160 oz
    You have volume oz and weight oz confused.

    At 100F degrees pure water weighs 8.2877 lbs per US gallon, or 132.6032 US oz.
    I use 100F as that is close to body temp.
    At 70F (room temp), it would be 8.3290 lbs.
    Mind you, we are talking exact gallon volume (0.13368 ft^3), rather than "I filled the gallon pitcher and drank it". Waters density changes with its temp.
  • kokalvt
    kokalvt Posts: 143
    I just laugh at this post and keep moving on to the next

    Seriously unnecessary- comments like that get people even more down then they already are. The OP is young and may have limited knowledge of nutrition and fitness basics. Why shouldn't she come here and ask her questions?

    It's Friday, c'mon! Be a good person and just ignore if you think her post is so ridiculous...
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Holy cow. As if you even need to ask this question. Quit the junk food self-sabotage ASAP.
  • cleback
    cleback Posts: 261 Member
    10 lb water-weight gain is impressive... If you were old with heart failure, you'd be in the hospital with your lungs drowning. I have to wonder if there weren't some other factors. Maybe the 120 lbs wasn't entirely accurate? Clothes different? Weighed at different times of days?

    Anywho, although that day sounds absolutely delicious, ten pound fluctuations-- even if it's just water and excrement-- isn't good for anyone. Get right back on the horse! Good luck!
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    When is your next period?

    I'm guessing this is a pms induced binge + pms bloat. Try using the Ovuview app for phones. You can track your cycle so you know when you're ovulating and when pms and menstruating will begin. Then there's no second guessing and you just dont step on the scale the week before your period. And it helps you plan holidays and stuff around your period, and gives you time to warn loved ones that the dragon personality is about to bust through.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    What led to your food choices that day? What is your usual calorie deficit? (Was it in response to too much calorie deprivation in the days/weeks before?)

    As others have said, no, you didn't actually gain 10 pounds in one day...however, you have highlighted a potential problem with your eating habits that may be very useful for you to figure out.
  • Bighiker2
    Bighiker2 Posts: 100
    I just laugh at this post and keep moving on to the next

    Seriously unnecessary- comments like that get people even more down then they already are. The OP is young and may have limited knowledge of nutrition and fitness basics. Why shouldn't she come here and ask her questions?

    It's Friday, c'mon! Be a good person and just ignore if you think her post is so ridiculous...

    Well said. I couldn't agree more.
  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    Why on earth did you eat all that food? I don't mean to judge, but that is well beyond the occasional treat some people talk about splurging on. That was a binge. If this becomes a regular behavior for you, you might need to see a specialist.
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    My docotor once told me there is no way to gain 5 or even 10lbs in one day unless you are pregnant. It's all from the sodium and crap in the food you ate (just the fries alone will getcha) dont beat yourself up about it , I've been there and had those days where I was so excited to finally be at the lowest weight I went crazy. Just drink drink drink lots of water and whole clean foods for the next day or two and you will see it flush out of ya :-) Now go turn that frown upside down and remember that one day doesn't make or break you it's what you do day after day. You got this!!

    ps congrats on getting to 120 (and even 130) I'm clawing my weight there shortly way to go on what you have accomplished so far!!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    Obviously the scale is not helping you. Get rid of it. Eat healthy, build strength. The scale says nothing about body composition or real progress. Of course a pig out is going to register on the scale, but if it's an isolated incident it really won't matter to your body composition. jeez.
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I just laugh at this post and keep moving on to the next

    Seriously unnecessary- comments like that get people even more down then they already are. The OP is young and may have limited knowledge of nutrition and fitness basics. Why shouldn't she come here and ask her questions?

    It's Friday, c'mon! Be a good person and just ignore if you think her post is so ridiculous...

    Well said. I couldn't agree more.

    I will still laugh because 1. she just joined. 2. Its her first post. 3. She hasnt been back to say anything else in 3 pages of replies. 4. I cant believe so many took it serious enough to answer.
  • synthomarsh
    synthomarsh Posts: 189 Member
    10 pounds is 35,000 calories. If you honestly think you ate 35 THOUSAND nutritional calories, I have some prime oceanside property to sell you in Arizona.

    I love Arizona oceans!!!!!
  • Bighiker2
    Bighiker2 Posts: 100
    I just laugh at this post and keep moving on to the next

    Seriously unnecessary- comments like that get people even more down then they already are. The OP is young and may have limited knowledge of nutrition and fitness basics. Why shouldn't she come here and ask her questions?

    It's Friday, c'mon! Be a good person and just ignore if you think her post is so ridiculous...

    Well said. I couldn't agree more.

    I will still laugh because 1. she just joined. 2. Its her first post. 3. She hasnt been back to say anything else in 3 pages of replies. 4. I cant believe so many took it serious enough to answer.

    You are who you are. Keep on laughing.
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    I just laugh at this post and keep moving on to the next

    Seriously unnecessary- comments like that get people even more down then they already are. The OP is young and may have limited knowledge of nutrition and fitness basics. Why shouldn't she come here and ask her questions?

    It's Friday, c'mon! Be a good person and just ignore if you think her post is so ridiculous...

    Well said. I couldn't agree more.

    I second that, why can't people just build each other up I mean come on we have enough in this world tearing us down without doing so to another human being.. If you laugh and move on that do so in silence and dont bother commenting ugh this is why I dont post on the boards people can be real TROLLS!!!! To the OP just ignore the negative and focus on the positive bravo to you for having the courage to put yourself and your true journey out there, there is a lot of people who would lie and say they are doing great while eating 2x what you did so don't worry about these nasty people.

  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    10 lb water-weight gain is impressive... If you were old with heart failure, you'd be in the hospital with your lungs drowning. I have to wonder if there weren't some other factors. Maybe the 120 lbs wasn't entirely accurate? Clothes different? Weighed at different times of days?

    Anywho, although that day sounds absolutely delicious, ten pound fluctuations-- even if it's just water and excrement-- isn't good for anyone. Get right back on the horse! Good luck!

    I'm not sure you understand exactly how water weight gain works.

    Also, the average person can fluctuate anywhere from 4-8 lbs on an average day, depending on food choices, when they are weighing themselves, when they last ate/drank, etc. 10 lbs isn't too much of a stretch either. This is the exact reason why the scale is not the preferred choice to gauge success. Measurements, how you feel, how clothes fit, and comparison pictures are way better for showing actual change than the scale is.
  • MayaSPapaya
    MayaSPapaya Posts: 735 Member
    I know that's a lot of high calorie food, but I highly doubt it adds up to 35,000 calories. It's probably just water weight from all the sodium. Get back to your normal routine and you'll lose it in no time :)
    By the way, 120 is awesome! Congrats!