Blame it on the alcohol



  • Miche11e5
    Miche11e5 Posts: 114 Member
    Diet Tonic and Gin (Tanqueray) with a lime is my drink of choice. I agree with the post that says the drinks don't get me, it's the food I want after I've had a couple! :wink:
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    vodka and mio always works pretty good
  • erintgaffaney
    Vodka + soda water. Best bang for your buck. Very few calories compared to beer, and you're not putting any artificial sugars into your body. Now, drinking at all isn't great for you, but if you're going to drink anyway, go for clear liquors with mixers that aren't loaded with sugar (calories). Add a lime twist for extra taste :)
  • GnomeLover1984
    I know Merlot is over 100 calories for just 5 oz. I am a beer drinker, and if I really want something to drink, I will save calories or exercise to create room for a quality beverage. At least one or two.
  • amyLhuff
    amyLhuff Posts: 102
    I do the flavored water and vodka yummmm! I can't even do juice anymore it's way too sweet
  • GnomeLover1984
    I'm a BEER Lover and I usually only drink on the weekends. I can easily down my own 6pk. I hit a plateau and wasnt seeing any results on the scale for 6 months. The second I stopped drinking beer the weight started falling off again. I'm now drinking Grey Goose & RedBulls & The Skinny girl drinks are actually pretty good. :drinker:

    Same was happening to me after drinking a 6 pack on the weekends to myself. I tried switching to Miller Lite...but did not really see the point of drinking it after one or two. Now I am working on my self control so I can have one or two GOOD quality beers or glasses of wine on the weekend.
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    Vodka water with a splash of cranberry juice or another juice. Squeeze a lime wedge into it.
    I personally like beer. You can even go for the 67 cal one. You will 100% know how many calories that are in your beer. Whereas other alcoholic beverages will all be approximate and you can easily go over yoru sugar intake etc.
  • GnomeLover1984
    A beer is about 135 calories. If you don't go overboard, you can fit that in your caloric goals easily.

    10 beers? not so much.

    Miller 64 has, well, 64 calories. I like it. For beer drinkers, give it a chance.

    Yeah but it has half the alcohol in it.
  • mindygeske
    mindygeske Posts: 120 Member
    Bumping this for later.
  • janetteluparia
    janetteluparia Posts: 318 Member
    So funny to read since I struggle with the same dilemma's! Vodka is the lowest calories but I prefer wine and yes, I drink the whole bottle. Make smart food choices leading up but dont go out hungry. You will be starving and the alcohol will affect your decisions afterward. Also, Since fat buring requires the livers full attention, remember that you will not burn any fat while the alcohol is in your system. You can make up for it the next day. If you wake up lighter? Sorry, it's dehydration. You can have your drink and drink it too! Just plan accordingly.
  • barbaratrollman
    barbaratrollman Posts: 317 Member
    Woodchuck hard cider - "Crisp" variety. 120 calories a bottle and only 6g of sugar.
  • McCelmer
    McCelmer Posts: 99 Member
    Vodka soda with lime.

    I had a bottle of Dogfish Head 120 a few weeks ago - 450 calories wasted on one beer. I enjoyed every last drop but I doubt I'll do that again anytime soon :cry:
  • agidavis
    agidavis Posts: 36 Member

    Mikes hard limonade LITE is only 129 cal:)
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Honestly, between when I lost all my weight and now, I started working at a liquor store. I was almost never drinking when I lost the weight, and now I have a drink pretty much daily. I've noticed little to no change in my weigh and I hold steady at 130lbst. I could likely get my body fat a little lower if I gave up alcohol, but screw that, I like alcohol. I have many friends who have gotten into excellent shape and stayed that way who drink like I do (my boyfriend included). Not that I advocate being a wino like I am, but my point is alcohol isn't going to totally ruin your weight loss plans.

    These days I drink mostly beer and wine. If I drink liquor at all, I usually splurge for a nicer one I can drink on the rocks. I particularly love quality rums, since a nice bottle (aged around 12 years) is still only around $25 (my favorite is the Zaya Rum. Tastes like brown sugar and vanilla, no bit at the end, super smooth). Crown Maple is also one I enjoy neat, since it tastes like pancakes. Also, gin and tonic, or a vodka and soda with a twist are really nice and refreshing drinks that keep the calories low.

    The biggest thing I think is trying to eat well while you drink. Make sure you have healthy things to snack on and avoid drunken Taco Bell runs. I think that makes more of a difference than anything.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    A beer is about 135 calories. If you don't go overboard, you can fit that in your caloric goals easily.

    10 beers? not so much.

    Miller 64 has, well, 64 calories. I like it. For beer drinkers, give it a chance.

    Yeah but it has half the alcohol in it.

    Miller 64 has about 3% ABV. There are quite a few beers that have 4-5% ABV that are a lot higher in the calorie range - it really depends on style, ingredients, etc.

    This is a good starting point:
  • GnomeLover1984
    A beer is about 135 calories. If you don't go overboard, you can fit that in your caloric goals easily.

    10 beers? not so much.

    Miller 64 has, well, 64 calories. I like it. For beer drinkers, give it a chance.

    Yeah but it has half the alcohol in it.

    Miller 64 has about 3% ABV. There are quite a few beers that have 4-5% ABV that are a lot higher in the calorie range - it really depends on style, ingredients, etc.

    This is a good starting point:

    Half the alcohol of the beers I am used to drinking (and enjoy drinking), which are usually around 6ish%. Thanks for the tip, but I already use that website.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I'm pretty sure calories in alochol don't count... esp if it's consumed while celbrating something (like hey it's Thursday! LOL)
  • favreervaf
    favreervaf Posts: 54 Member
    As a macronutrient alcohol has the 2nd highest calorie content per gram right behind fat. Per gram, fat has 9 calories, alcohol has 7, and protein and carbs have 4. But, the real kicker is the alcohol can prevent the liver from performing lipolysis efficiently and can slow metabolism up to 66% for 24-28 hours after you drink!
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    As a macronutrient alcohol has the 2nd highest calorie content per gram right behind fat. Per gram, fat has 9 calories, alcohol has 7, and protein and carbs have 4. But, the real kicker is the alcohol can prevent the liver from performing lipolysis efficiently and can slow metabolism up to 66% for 24-28 hours after you drink!

    Boo. Way to suck the fun out of a thread.

  • Sunshyne150
    Sooooo. ..basically I can't get wasted without totally wrecking my diet. :-(