Eating out of the litter box



  • Fox_n_sox
    Fox_n_sox Posts: 283 Member
    Wonderful Idea recycling the kitty pan! I wish one of my friends would do this for me! I think cow tails could be used as well, and the granola is the PERFECT look for the kitty litter because of the all natural look! Great thinking!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Consider yourself officially excused from any and all pot luck's that I attend. (Please, God, let them live on the other side of the world!!!!)
  • HealthyWarrior
    HealthyWarrior Posts: 394 Member
    "I have a cat box that I can use already. I scrubbed it really good last night,"

    So, is this cake for a friend?......with friends like that (one who give birthday cakes made in used litter boxes), who needs enemies?

    Really, a new litter box is what, $5 at Walmart. Splurge.

    omg this just made my day. LMAO!!!!!
  • HealthyWarrior
    HealthyWarrior Posts: 394 Member
    Consider yourself officially excused from any and all pot luck's that I attend. (Please, God, let them live on the other side of the world!!!!)

    I'm feeling the same exact way!!!
  • staceypunk
    staceypunk Posts: 921 Member

    scoop for $3

    box $8

    Seriously, it's a cute idea but I would be so angry if I ate from a used litter box. I don't care how many times you wash it. Or go to your dollar store. They probably sell both items there.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    OMG I'm cryin over here laughing so hard!! "It'll be PURRRfect like a Cat Birthday, Liz Lemon!!"

    new litter pans are like 5$
    Even if I was making a cake for my CAT I'd get a new one.
    Really I get new litter pans when I'm tired of scrubbing them.

    For my cats I like to put a candle in a can of Fancy Feast for them. They don't blow out the candle though. Disappointing.
    Ah well!

    For humans, cookie dust covered caramels would look like cat refuse. also if you make like, chocolaty cookies and dusted them in crumbs as well. In in shapes. Those cats never pee in a regular shape!
  • Becoming_A_Butterfly
    Becoming_A_Butterfly Posts: 2,534 Member
    We actually made this cake once, at my stepson's request. ONCE. If it's made right, it looks so gross that no one will eat it anyway, and it's all a big waste.

    We used a foil baking pan, not a litter box, new or otherwise.
  • chefmomster2
    chefmomster2 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm sure it couldn't be any worse than eating out of a freshly scrubbed and disinfected toilet and we do that all the time. My sons wash up in the toilet, too. Their bathroom only has one sink after all! It reinforces their immune system.

    I'm sure the dishwasher couldn't be an issue either. I know it sometimes leaves little bits of food on my dishes, but that won't happen with the litter tray. Dishwashers are very thorough, right?


    Waste of a "cleaned" litter tray.....$5
    Price of intensive care.....$1500/day
    Loss of a friend.....pricelss

    Thanks for the laughs!
  • ItsmeLeahh
    And this is why I have such a problem with eating food other people make other then my family! If we go to a cook out or something I will only eat the food of the people I know who prepared it. This really makes my skin crawl ????
  • Ashkea76
    Ashkea76 Posts: 7,145 Member
    how could I forget Almond Roca??? seriously, it's like PERFECT.
  • summersbest
    summersbest Posts: 194 Member
    I will send you the money for a new litter box and scooper!
  • willrac
    willrac Posts: 4

    cat fecal matter all over your dishes now.

    lol that's exactly what i said too. YUCK.
  • FoodPwnr
    FoodPwnr Posts: 153 Member
    Everything about this post just seems wrong O_0
  • bunjijk
    bunjijk Posts: 44
    Seldom do I read an entire post. I am crying from laughing so hard... I can't believe someone would think of using a used cat box for this; scrub it really good and send it through their expensive dishwasher to super clean it. REALLY??? Buy new materials - part of the birthday present! Just disgusting!
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    for the love of God, PLEASE get a new litter box!! ... or jsut don't do this at all, because YUCK!!

    and leave the price tag (and any other tag) on it so the guests know it has never been used.
  • jbbrannon
    jbbrannon Posts: 167 Member
    Gross, no!! Don't use that litter box!! Please buy a new one!!!
  • robsgurl
    robsgurl Posts: 97 Member
    you can't use a used liter box no matter how clean you clean it, it was still used by a cat,,,that is just need to go buy a new unused one. To put a used liter box through the dishwasher is gross as well.
  • TabithaMichelle85
    TabithaMichelle85 Posts: 92 Member
    Im totally going to make this lol.... with a NEW litter box of course!!! Dude, seriously. ?. I really hope you bought a new litter box!!!
  • Darcyclementine
    Darcyclementine Posts: 46 Member
    Bahahahahaaaa! :bigsmile:
  • jayrae87
    jayrae87 Posts: 36 Member
    For the love of GOD, no!