Eating The Same Things Daily

I was always very much like my mother... until I started dating my ex and started eating away from home more often then not. I'm not talking about eating out at restaurants, mainly at his house. It was then that I started gaining weight uncontrollably. At first I did not notice it, but after a while my pants stopped fitting. I moved out of the house to go to college, and I didn't gain the infamous Freshman 15, I gained the Freshman 30. Being away from my mother turned out to undo all the years of good nutrition education she had given me.

Now I realize that my mom does something that I haven't done since I lived with her. She eats the same thing every day. Maybe it was from the years of being in a third world country where many food items aren't available but it seems to work for her. She is 5'6" and weighs 116. So... I decided to follow suit and see how it works out. I will eat the same thing every day, with an exeption of one cheat meal when I go out with my friends. I will take a whole food multivitamin to make sure I'm not losing any nutrients.

It is day 3 of this plan... and I feel so much less stress. I know exactly how many calories I am taking in. The food are things that I enjoy. AND... its SO much cheaper. I used to spend 65(ish) dollars a week on food. This week I spent 35.

We shall see. :)


  • SamDanielleB
    I can't imagine doing this myself, but good for you!

    The riskiest thing for me would be that my body would end up fighting me until I went on an all-out grease & sweets binge one day. By changing up my diet my body behaves a bit better.
  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    Let us know if this works. I've thought about doing this also.
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,295 Member
    There is a school of thought that eating the same things daily is an important element of weight loss. I will cite, the book 4-hour body for this .
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Actually studies have shown that if you eat the same thing every day, that you tend to do better w/diets...for health or weight loss. I usually eat the same thing for breakfast, lunch, & snack, but then vary my dinners.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    If it works for you then that is great! I get how it is easier to know what you will eat but I would personally get bored.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I pretty much do this. I eat eat the same meal staples every day but I switch around small things like which fruit or vegetable I eat. It makes it easier because then I don't have to think about what to make later.
  • TAMayorga
    TAMayorga Posts: 341 Member
    I tend to do this with breakfast and lunch; mainly because I'm not a fan of meal planning/shopping/cooking and I eat those meals at work, so they have to be portable as well. When I find something that works for me in terms of Calories and convenience and taste, I stick with it. It doesn't bother me at all to eat the same foods every day. My husband cooks evening meals, so I get dietary variety there, but even then, we have a few favorite meals that get repeated frequently.
  • jcartwright2008
    jcartwright2008 Posts: 73 Member
    I do this during the week for lunches. Makes life easier for me. I eat the same breakfast every day because I enjoy it. Dinner varies. Helps me to remember that food is fuel, eat to live not live to eat.
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I like the thought in theory but wont you get tired of the same thing every day? I know I will eat the same thing for a few days in a row because I cook for myself and dont know how to cook just for one. But after a few days I am getting tired of it.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    I eat the same thing most days. I shake it up sometimes due to choices or not being at home, but I always keep it within my calories.
    My life has been easier since I've had a regular meals that I eat, takes away a lot of the thought process!
  • bugs5697
    bugs5697 Posts: 85
    I think it's a great idea! And please, let us know your progress. I am curious on results.
    Thanks for posting!
  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    My grandparents and mom are from the Philippines and they eat the same foods quite often as well (my mom less so since she's more Americanized). I think it's just a habit born of necessity concerning people from third world countries. For them it's always rice and a little side of meat/fish with veggies. Then leftovers, then repeat cycle of rice and side of meat/fish with veggies.

    Maybe something similar is worth a try. Haha.
  • LioshaM
    LioshaM Posts: 129 Member
    I eat the same thing for breakfast and snacks but with variation to break up the taste. So I will have a smoothie with Kefir as the base... I may switch up the flavor or the fruits to keep it interesting. The calories are the same though.
  • RoamingDuck
    I pretty much eat the same thing daily. I mix it up a bit, but most days are interchangeable unless I go out to eat.

    I know there are some people that can't stand to eat the same thing every day. However, when I find something I like, I have no issue eating it more or less daily. I don't really become tired of foods. *shrugs*
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I eat the same thing every day..

    oats or yogurt but not usually both
    and last night dinner for today's lunch or tonights dinner
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    I do this but unintentionally. Never seem to have much of a variety in the house.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Maybe not the EXACT same thing every day, but if you look at my diary, you'll see that I eat substantially the same thing every day. I don't tend to get bored, but then again, there was a span of time where I got a Chicken Kebab wrap from a local place every single day for 6 months ... so ... only you know if this would make you happier or less happy.

    But I'm like this in a lot of areas in my life. Clothes: I dont wear the same shirt every day, but all my work shirts are (depending on the season) Golf shirts or Button-down dress shirts. I dont have to think. I grab a shirt, any shirt, and pants, any pants and done.

    I'm happier for the most part this way. My wife thinks it's completely insane.
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    I too do this unintentionally. Or, was for about a month. It was so much easier and less stressful.
  • CristyMusicLovr
    CristyMusicLovr Posts: 179 Member
    I get tired of same foods...I have to switch things up all the, work outs. Whatever works for you!
  • bobf279
    bobf279 Posts: 342 Member
    breakfast and lunch are similar on working days with something different evenings, my weight loss really comes from exercise to make the calories out more than the calories in