3 days into 30 day shred....

Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello everyone! I just came across this website while I was searching about 30 day shred results and tips. Thought I would join and see if anyone wants to do the 30 days with me. :) I am 3 days into it and feeling really good! The first two days really kicked my butt!! Can't wait to get home tonight and do it again!

One thing that i have noticed is that I have larger legs and now my calves just feel like huge rocks. They are all muscle. Anyone have this same issue? I really hope they don't build up but eventually slim down. Anyone experience this?

Let me know who would like to join me!! Always great to have some motivation! :)


  • I've been doing the shred off and on for about a month, I haven't been nearly as dedicated as I should be. But, my wedding is coming up in 38 days so I'm back on the band wagon and giving it all I've got! I'd love to do it with you!
  • marlenia
    marlenia Posts: 33
    I am on day 3 too! How cool is that??? I so agree with you about the first 2 days killing me!!!!!!!!! I did find today's soreness wasn't as bad! I also walk in the afternoons with some friends. I would love to compare results with you! Thanks for started this thread!
  • the jillian michaels video?
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    @marybeth....Congrats! I just got engaged myself. Another reason to going hard core on the work outs! :)@marlenia That is soo funny you also started the same day as me! Great minds think alike! :) I think my son hid my measuring tape cause I really wanted to get measurements. I guess I could use a regular tape measure. Hmm. Anyways, the only downer is that I have gained two pounds but I think that is because I seem to be getting muscle. Yay! I am excited you guys! Mainly so there are people going through the torture with me. haha
  • skluemper
    skluemper Posts: 10 Member
    Today will be day 3 for me as well! CRAZY! Anyway, I'm on beginner level and the hardest part for me is the first stregnth circuit. I'm blogging about my experience in my blog on this site. I
  • starlitkate
    starlitkate Posts: 28 Member
    Oh wow. Thanks for posting this. I had never seen it before and just checked it out. I know what I'm gonna purchase early next week. I found it on Amazon for around $9. It starts ya off on a old school type of level workout and builds up. Just what I need! Thanks guys!
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Yay for all of us starting at the same time!!!!

    @star I purchased this at Target this weekend. Hit up the store...then you don't have to wait for shipping!
  • DawnMangrum
    DawnMangrum Posts: 2 Member
    I have big legs too and when I first began I felt the same way. I am telling you right now you think it is all muscel, but the fat is there. I have now lost 56 pounds and my calves and thighs have really slimmed down. I believe that I have lost a total of 6 inches in my calves alone. Don't be discouraged, it will take time, but mine are still going down.
    Good luck to you on your journey! By the way, I love 30 day shred, we even broadened our horizons once we got used to that one and bought all of the biggest loser videos. My friend and I can now do them all.......we are tired when done, but what a rush to know you did it!
  • size7again
    size7again Posts: 81
    hi! i just finished day 8 of level 1 and my calves are rock hard too... starting to notice SOME difference but not much just yet.. hang in there ya'll i love it now... not her so much but the workouts great!!
  • starlitkate
    starlitkate Posts: 28 Member
    Yes, you are right. I'll have to check and see if Walmart has it. Target is 1 1/2 hrs away and I won't be going up that way till about another couple weeks. So I'll have to check to see if it's at Walmart when I go Frid. Thanks!
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    @dawn....6inches! Wow! That is what I needed to hear because my dad and I joke about how we have the family stumps. There is just nothing feminine about them. (well I know my dad wouldn't want feminine legs) But darn it! I would!

    @size7....Glad to hear that you are having the same issue. Cause I really hope they don't stay this way. But with some of the jumping parts of the workout mine hurt!

    I really hope to slim down and tone up!
  • starlitkate
    starlitkate Posts: 28 Member
    Just checked Walmart.com and it's available there but not in the stores so I'll have to order online. I'll be safe and order from Walmart rather than Amazon and Walmart ships pretty fast. And you can't beat .97 shipping.
  • size7again
    size7again Posts: 81
    Just checked Walmart.com and it's available there but not in the stores so I'll have to order online. I'll be safe and order from Walmart rather than Amazon and Walmart ships pretty fast. And you can't beat .97 shipping.

    i bought mine at wal-mart in store although every store is different.. she also has ones for after the shred (im guessing) for those " hard to tone" spots im going to get that after lol... i always yell at her at the same place (its strength after the chest flies) the lunge parts easy but raising those weights eye level everytime gets me... so i yell at her and tell her she's evil and so on lol anyhow.. its an awesome workout you will get more than you pay for either way !!:flowerforyou:
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    OH I KNOW!!!! Those damn lifts are killer! I swear my arms are going to fall off!!! I saw that Hard to tone one and almost got that instead of the shred but maybe if I ever master the shred (haha that just made me think of shredder from TMNT) anyways maybe I will move onto that one!
  • size7again
    size7again Posts: 81
    OH I KNOW!!!! Those damn lifts are killer! I swear my arms are going to fall off!!! I saw that Hard to tone one and almost got that instead of the shred but maybe if I ever master the shred (haha that just made me think of shredder from TMNT) anyways maybe I will move onto that one!

    im so glad im not the only one that has a hard time with that part!! and lmbo shredder!!! thats funny!!! i took a look at level 2... i start that in 2 days... m slightly skkeeerrd nut i know it'll be ok.... look forward to hearing how you do tho....:happy:
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    Sorry I didn't get to post last night but it was quite busy! I had to mow the lawn then I did the shred for the fourth time and my stamina is really kicking into gear! Awesomeness!!! I am not really in much pain or anything but I feel really good. Almost considered getting on my elliptical last night but I had to clean and do some laundry!

    It was so hillarious though Blaine (my 4yr old son) had not seen me do the shred before so he sat there and watched me then he decided to join! It was soo cute! Feeling really good. Once again, can't wait to get back home and do it tonight! :)

    I am really noticing though that I am starting to really tone up....AND I LIKE IT! Yay!

    So how did everyone else do? Everyone keeping up? We can do it!!!
  • size7again
    size7again Posts: 81
    sooo day 9 of da shred.... feeling stronger i can feel my abs getting stronger too!!! this is sooo swesome i love it!! one more day of level 1 then its on to 2 im actually excited about it.... m sure i won't be when i do it tho anyhow hope everyone is still doing well !!
  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    sooo day 9 of da shred.... feeling stronger i can feel my abs getting stronger too!!! this is sooo swesome i love it!! one more day of level 1 then its on to 2 im actually excited about it.... m sure i won't be when i do it tho anyhow hope everyone is still doing well !!

    Awesome job! Last night I shredded then I did 20 minutes on my elliptical! Then this morning before work I even shredded! I am feeling sooo awesome! I cannot believe how I am actually starting to tone up! Not to mention I was actually able to do 15 push ups (modified) in a row! I have no upper body strength so that is a huge acheivement for me. YAY YAY!

    So is it normal to do each level 10 days? Or should you wait till level one gets easy then move to the next?
  • size7again
    size7again Posts: 81
    sooo day 9 of da shred.... feeling stronger i can feel my abs getting stronger too!!! this is sooo swesome i love it!! one more day of level 1 then its on to 2 im actually excited about it.... m sure i won't be when i do it tho anyhow hope everyone is still doing well !!

    Awesome job! Last night I shredded then I did 20 minutes on my elliptical! Then this morning before work I even shredded! I am feeling sooo awesome! I cannot believe how I am actually starting to tone up! Not to mention I was actually able to do 15 push ups (modified) in a row! I have no upper body strength so that is a huge acheivement for me. YAY YAY!

    So is it normal to do each level 10 days? Or should you wait till level one gets easy then move to the next?

    first of yay for the push ups!!! that was a biggie fo me too m so wimpy lol and i dont know how doing the shred makes me feel better but it sure does. i spent allll moring and half the afternoon in court felt horrible and tired but did my day 10 and now i feel great!! i have heard different comments on how long to do the levels i am going 10 days because i am comfy with 1 now so thats how im going to do it. but if u dont feel comfy going to 2 by day 10 stay till u are i say....hope that helps
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who curses at her for those side lunges and strength :P I just finished Day 2 of Level 1. I tried the video a few months ago, and couldn't handle it, but now I'm back at it with a vengence! Good luck everyone!!!
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