Early morning workouts--do you eat before?



  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    When I workout in the morning, I make sure to eat something light about 20 minutes prior. Usually I grab a small apple and an ounce of nuts with tea or water. I make my morning protein smoothie for AFTER when it won't sit in my stomach like lead. I find my workout is more energetic and I don't feel like crap later :happy:
  • vivaldirules
    vivaldirules Posts: 169 Member
    If I go out out for a run (6 miles or longer), I usually eat first or else I would often crater (presumably because my blood sugar drops) and I would often feel tired and sluggish the rest of the day. So I usually eat two pieces of dry whole wheat toast and a little fruit (plus coffee) half an hour to an hour before I run and then I'm always fine and, yes, I feel energized the rest of the day. If instead I do one hour elliptical trainer and strength workout, I never eat beforehand and never have any problems. Go figure.

    Good luck!
  • EmmaKarney
    EmmaKarney Posts: 690 Member
    I do morning gym classes on an empty stomach with just a tea or coffee beforehand.

    If I eat too close to a workout I'd be sick.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    i usaly eat a banana or orange before morning workouts and drink a 0,5 liter bottle of water
  • pcdoctor01
    pcdoctor01 Posts: 389 Member
    I eat after I workout.
  • RM10003
    RM10003 Posts: 316 Member
    Thanks for the replies! I think I'll try eating a banana or a bar or something on the way to the gym, and if that doesn't do it, try adding in an espresso as well.
  • briski_2005
    when i workout in the morning i dont eat anything before. typically an hour or or so after ill have breakfast and/or my protein drink.
  • eaglewoodwill
    Always. Usually half a PowerBar or a half a Clif Bar.
  • Jovan0609
    Jovan0609 Posts: 233 Member
    I typically don't eat before my early morning workouts (which I do around 5am). If I'm really hungry for one reason or another, I wil eat a snackpack of apples & grapes or just an apple. Generally I just drink water throughout my workout and then I will down a muscle milk (protein shake) right after I finish. Different things work for different people though so listen to your body.

    If you're worried about not having enough energy to get through your workout,, try a small snack before like some nuts or a clif bar and see how it affects your workout. Good luck! :smile:
  • myturn1976
    I read this, agree with this and thought I would copy and paste. It's from Jillian micheals......
    "The Truth: You should always eat something before exercising so your body has enough fuel to power through your workout.

    The rationale behind this widely accepted myth is that forgoing food before exercise will force your body to burn more fat during your workout. This is a big, fat lie: Starving yourself before exercising can actually be detrimental to your body. Let’s get to the bottom of this fitness myth once and for all.

    You need sugar to exert energy. Your body needs a certain amount of sugar for fuel when training. When that blood sugar is not there, your body will convert your own muscle tissue into energy. A recent study published in the Strength and Conditioning Journal looked at cyclists who ate before they trained versus those who fasted before they trained. The amount of fat burn was the same for both groups, but those who had trained without eating first had 10 percent of their calorie burn come from protein — including their own muscle mass. You’re trying to build muscle, not eat away at it!

    Your body needs energy to perform at a high intensity. You know I’m always saying that I want you to work out as hard as you can for as long as you can. How can you do that if you haven’t properly fueled your body? Think about it this way: Would you drive a car without gas? Use your iPhone without charging it? Nope and nope. If you haven’t eaten anything, your workout won’t be as intense as if you’d fueled up beforehand, not to mention that you’ll likely suffer from low blood sugar, which will make you dizzy and sluggish.

    You don’t need to gorge yourself; a healthy snack will do the trick. I suggest you eat something 45 minutes to an hour before training — you’ll have more energy and endurance to work harder, burn more calories, and improve your muscle tone. Aim for something with carbohydrates and protein. Here are a few quick, healthy snack ideas: a whey shake, low-fat yogurt with berries, or a banana or apple slices with natural almond butter.

    The Bottom Line: You should always eat something before a workout. I’m not suggesting you pig out. A small, healthy snack consisting of carbohydrates and protein will properly fuel your body for a killer workout."
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I do a long run on weekends and I normally have a cup of coffee and a banana before I go. And a massive breakfast when I get back!
  • BlueButterfly94
    BlueButterfly94 Posts: 303 Member
    If I eat before I exercise, I tend to get stomach aches! I used to eat before I exercise, mooonths ago. I don't do that anymore. :D I eat an hour or so after I exercise now (allowing my stomach time to settle).
  • LazerMole
    LazerMole Posts: 99 Member
    I loves me some fasted exercise!
  • Zerodette
    Zerodette Posts: 200 Member
    I eat before my morning workouts. But I eat so many meals a day, I basically eat before every action.
  • ttknowles01
    ttknowles01 Posts: 255 Member
    I work out at 5 AM, and I don't eat anything before. I just don't like having anything in my stomach.
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    Personally, I like to have about an hour between eating and exercising for the sake of comfort. So I usually don't eat before an early morning workout. Perhaps a little gatorade or water before and during, but nothing solid.

    For me, fatigue after early-morning workouts tends to be associated with getting up earlier or with simply having that energy expenditure spent at an early point in the day, not with whether I eat before or after.
  • helykey
    It depends on the person and also the workout style. If I am going for a long(ish) session first thing, involving strength and weight training I will always have something small, whether it is some cereal or a banana. If it is a cardio session or a run, I wouldn't eat anything as I would end up needing the bathroom! Hope this helps :) just try different methods and see what works for you!

  • zoober
    zoober Posts: 226 Member
    Nah, I work out first, usually around 6:30, eat later - like around 8:15 or so. Depends on the individual. This works for me.
  • goodgirlsue41
    goodgirlsue41 Posts: 6 Member
    I exercise most early mornings (bike ride and tennis), and I've found that I need a piece of fruit (almost always a banana) and coffee to function well during the workout. And this is from someone who used to never eat anything before 10. I'm a coffee junkie, and I feel lethargic if I don't have any beforehand and even have trouble keeping score without it. Hope this helps. I know everyone is different, but I imagine it wouldn't hurt to try a few things to see what works best for you.
  • quellybelly
    quellybelly Posts: 827 Member
    It's personal preference. For me, I only eat a granola bar or banana on my 20 min walk to the gym.