I feel like quitting..

My friend dropped seventeen pounds. Want to know what I dropped? Nothing. In fact, I gained. I'm so disappointed with myself...I just can't get over it. I don't like msyelf and I can't stick to anything, so why did I even think I could do this. Why shouldn't I quit and forget about this? I feel psycho...like I'm one of those people who are obsessed with their weight. That's what I feel like I'm becoming...

I jsut can't get out of this mindset, nor can I fight my food addiction...


  • fluffykitsune
    fluffykitsune Posts: 236 Member
    As long as you don't quit, you're still a winner in my book. :flowerforyou:
    Maybe try giving us some of your stats so we can help?
    Age / Weight / Height
    How much you're eating, how long you've been counting, what kind of job you have & if you're doing any workouts

    We're here to help :smile:
  • RichardSaulWurman
    RichardSaulWurman Posts: 7 Member
    Just throwing this out there, I have no context about the relationship between you two: Maybe use this situation as a time to re-evaluate why you are friends. If it's purely based on competition to the point one person wins and the other loses, personally I'd try to find new friends. We have enough "keeping up with the Jones" in the world.

    Or maybe ask your friend for some advice as a test to see how much support you get. A real friend will help you.
  • AlyssainNC
    AlyssainNC Posts: 19 Member
    Did your friend do some things that you didn't do? What are you doing to help your weight loss?

    It sounds like you have a lot bad feelings about yourself and your ability to lose weight. It's natural to be disappointed, but it's awesome if you keep trying!
  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    As long as you don't quit, you're still a winner in my book. :flowerforyou:
    Maybe try giving us some of your stats so we can help?
    Age / Weight / Height
    How much you're eating, how long you've been counting, what kind of job you have & if you're doing any workouts

    We're here to help :smile:

    I agree tell us more details and we'll see if we can help. Send me a friend request if you want to check in.
  • Age: 20 years old
    Height: 5.4
    Weight: 252 lbs (just weighed)

    I've only been doing this for three weeks so maybe I'm just freaking out. I'm just stressed out from my life. But my aunt gave me her elliptical and I've been trying to do fifteen minutes everyday. But lately, I feel lack luster towards myself and my abilities. I want to do strength training too, but I don't know how to start.

    And my diet isn't really straight. I tried eating better, but I spaz and eat. I feel so weak all the time. Plus there's an Mcdonalds right in my work place and I try to avoid it...I just...fail.
  • dayr1993
    dayr1993 Posts: 102 Member
    I go through this all the time so add if you need a friend, when i first started my firend lost loads of weight and i stayed the same i was happy for her but felt annoyed for myself (lets face it we are all selfish) i had lost 9lb a little while ago managed to put it all back on because i was stupid with my diet now its a case of loosing it all again...

    Add me as a friend it seems likew e have a lot in common and can chat properly (if you want ofc)

    :D (keep smiling lovely)
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    My advice is to stop comparing yourself to your friend and concentrate on yourself.

    What is the point in quitting? You want to make changes and that isn't going to happen if you go back to what you were doing before.

    How long have you been doing this....and what exactly is it that you are doing?
  • sem41278
    sem41278 Posts: 89 Member
    My scale is not being nice to me either. It really makes me want to rip thru a pack of cookies. Feel free to add me- ive being at it about 3 weeks too.

    Edit to add this time around- I lost 38 last year and found 25 of them again.
  • Yooperm35
    Yooperm35 Posts: 787 Member
    it looks like you've only been at it a month. Give it more time!!!!
  • JonnyR214
    JonnyR214 Posts: 228 Member
    Don't quit, focus on you only. You've gotta think, how bad do you want it? If you're determined enough than stick to it, track your calories and look for help on mfp :)
  • YAYJules
    YAYJules Posts: 282 Member
    My friend dropped seventeen pounds. Want to know what I dropped? Nothing. In fact, I gained. I'm so disappointed with myself...I just can't get over it. I don't like msyelf and I can't stick to anything, so why did I even think I could do this. Why shouldn't I quit and forget about this? I feel psycho...like I'm one of those people who are obsessed with their weight. That's what I feel like I'm becoming...

    I jsut can't get out of this mindset, nor can I fight my food addiction...

    "I don't like myself and I can't stick to anything, so why did I even think I could do this? Why shouldn't I quit and forget about this?"

    I hope you understand that this attitude is the reason why you've never succeeded. Please change your self talk. You deserve better.
  • Don't feel too bad. :smile: I've had about four bad days of overeating in addition to a mildly bad month and I've gained about five or six pounds! The ab definition beginning to show is now covered up again and my thighs are even fatter and my clothes are tight. Yesterday I said that today I'd get back on schedule, but I didn't. Instead I ate and didn't do my morning workout nor anything else I needed to have done by today. I'll need a small salad and a couple of medium apples just to get through the rest of the day and even then I'll have exceeded my calorie limit by about 1500 calories. But, you know what? I'm going to slap that s#!* in the face and go and do my second workout just as planned, put in writing what needs to be done tomorrow, and write down my eating plan. Come tomorrow I'm just going to go by the list.
    You're not alone in feeling disappointed with yourself and frustrated. I feel the same way. Start making healthy choices and a plan - just as I'm doing- right now and make the rest of the day a good day and then carry on from there. :smile:
  • phatty4dayz
    phatty4dayz Posts: 125 Member
    If your friend lost 17 pounds in 3 weeks, either she is doing something other than diet and exercise (which you want no parts of) or she is really really big. A healthy goal is 1-2 lbs a week. At times, you will be slightly over or under that, but 17 lbs in 3 weeks doesn't sound right to me.

    Keep making positive changes to your diet and keep on exercising. You'll see results in time.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    The gain might have been water retention, especially if this is the first time you've really worked out.

    As for the McD's in your workplace, you should ease yourself into avoiding it. Maybe try eating something healthier there and start bringing your lunch most days. There's no shame in having something from there every now and then as long as it fits in your calories and the rest of your day is pretty good, IMO.

    As for strength training, I have heard good things about NROL, which might be a good place to start. Also, look up Youtube videos and pay attention to their form.

    Basically, just keep logging calories and working out and you should see results.
  • fluffykitsune
    fluffykitsune Posts: 236 Member
    Austa, try setting a calorie goal.
    My home --> Goals --> Custom --> Set your cal goal to 2000

    I eat Mcdonalds pretty much every other day, I get a McDouble and take off either half the bun or the whole bun (each part is 80 or so cals). I also eat chocolate and Ice Cream everyday, if I were trying to deny myself everything I loved, then I think I'd feel like quitting too!

    Try to pre-log things you're going to eat for the day. So before you go to work, decide if you feel like mcdonalds or taking a sandwich and put that in so you know that it fits into your calorie budget.

    Eat things in moderation. This morning I dished up 6oz of Yogurt-- but I realized in the middle of eating that I really wasn't hungry! So the dogs finished it for me. Listen to your body. :smile:
  • cwaters120
    cwaters120 Posts: 354 Member
    Age: 20 years old
    Height: 5.4
    Weight: 252 lbs (just weighed)

    I've only been doing this for three weeks so maybe I'm just freaking out. I'm just stressed out from my life. But my aunt gave me her elliptical and I've been trying to do fifteen minutes everyday. But lately, I feel lack luster towards myself and my abilities. I want to do strength training too, but I don't know how to start.

    And my diet isn't really straight. I tried eating better, but I spaz and eat. I feel so weak all the time. Plus there's an Mcdonalds right in my work place and I try to avoid it...I just...fail.

    Well, you've only been at it for three weeks. Give it more time, more effort and KEEP GOING! I, personally, wouldn't worry about strength training until you can be consistent with the elliptical for your 15 minutes. Add strength training after a week or two of consistent use.

    If you crave certain foods, and I know I did, make healthier versions at home. This way, you get what you crave, you know whats in it, you don't get slammed with ALL of the bad numbers of take out (lets face it, you can make it "healthier" but it'll still pack a punch). There are recipes for free ALL OVER the net and if you'd like, send me a friend request and I can try helping. I was a cook by profession for over 10 years and have learned other tricks along my journey. ANYBODY here can help, for that matter.

    Remember, drink your water, do your elliptical, give it more time and KEEP GOING! :flowerforyou:
  • moonport
    moonport Posts: 97 Member
    You need to tell yourself you can succeed and then stick to it. Of course it's hard. If it were easy, everyone would be in shape. As soon as you want it bad enough, you'll find a way to make it work.

    I've been overweight my entire life and I've done the yo-yo dieting thing. I'm also 5'4'' and I started at 240 lbs, so we're really similar, except I'm 32, so you have an age advantage on me. I decided 8 weeks ago that I was tired of being overweight and I was going to do something about it. The temptations are everywhere and I go over my calories and sometimes do a little less exercise than I planned, but I've been able to lose 26 lbs. in that time frame.

    It never gets easy, but it does get easier. If you can force yourself to eat right and exercise for a week, you'll start forming new habits and it won't be quite as hard as it is today. Good luck! Everyone on this site is here to support you.
  • The elliptical keeps shutting off because I'm so slow. I don't know what to do. I'm just tearing myself from the inside out. Maybe I'm using it wrong.

    Anyways, thank you all for your amazing advice and encouragement. I feel so much better honestly.
  • Admiral_Derp
    Admiral_Derp Posts: 866 Member
    I've waited my whole life to quote Don Draper from Madmen. "Listen, I’m not here to tell you about Jesus. You already know about Jesus. He either lives in your heart or he doesn’t." The thing is this; People can tell you a hundred different methods for weight loss. You can compare yourself to anybody in the world. You can spend money on ridiculous magic pills, or do things perfectly sensibly. But at the end of the day, if the desire to stick to this whole thing, and truly change yourself isn't there, then nothing anyone else says or does matters.

    Rather than just immediately chucking it all in, take a day or two and ask yourself what you really want. If you want to change, then do it. If you want to lose weight, and get healthier, then do it. If you're not willing to stick with it through all the setbacks (and lets face it, setbacks are par for any course, especially weight loss and fitness) then nothing anyone else says or does matters. You can get out of the mindset if you really are willing to change.

    Fortuitously, a friend dropped this video into my inbox this morning. Please watch it. http://youtu.be/lsSC2vx7zFQ
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I agree that if you believe that you can't lose weight then you won't lose weight. We are all proof that it can be done and you are no better or worse than any of us. You can do this - you just need to want it more than failure and McDonald's. I suggest you go to the Introduce Yourself board, start a thread about your situation and request friends. Be active on these boards, read the Success Stories board, search for threads that interest you and read them, and start logging your food and exercise. Look for people that are successfully losing weight and send them a friend request with a note explaining that you could use support and inspiration. Seeing what other people are eating and their workouts will inspire you to keep trying. And remember...you're human. You will make mistakes. You will not do this perfectly but keep trying. Also, consider that losing weight doesn't require what you may be thinking it requires. Read this thread and consider trying it out for a month. You can actually eat quite a bit of food and still lose weight.
