Diet coke? Crazy I know

I know this such a big whooha in the health community and I almost hate to bring it up but I'm curious what you all think.

I used to drink wayyyyyy too much soda. But then I went the complete other extreme and wouldn't drink anything but water. Now, I have about 55-70 ounces of icey cold yummy water every day but I also have one 12 ounce vanilla coke zero everyday. Do you think that's ok? I never have more than one and sometimes I don't even finish it. But I do have one everyday. I feel like its ok because I do drink so much water too, flushing my body.

Opinions? *kinda scared * haha


  • pteryndactyl
    pteryndactyl Posts: 303 Member
    Moderation is key.
  • Suzanne106
    Suzanne106 Posts: 149 Member
    Oh, please, you're fine. Enjoy and stop worrying about such nonsense.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    It's fine.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member

    no its not okay! Cherry coke zero ftw!!!!!

    :P Seriously though I like vanilla too, and yes you are fine :D
  • Blondie251975
    Blondie251975 Posts: 58 Member
    There is not reason to cut out things you like. I typically don't drink pop at all until I am having vodka/diets on the weekend :) As long as you are achieving your goals, who cares. Now, if you get stuck, and aren't achieving your goals, then I might reconsider, but until then, enjoy :)
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    It's all about moderation. It's better not to drink soda, diet or not. But I don't drink tea/coffee and I'm not a huge fan of water so drink a fair amount of soda. However, I have cut down, and I firmly believe that being too restrictive and denying yourself will lead to bingeing.
  • AnnaMarieDinVa
    AnnaMarieDinVa Posts: 162 Member
    Oh, please, you're fine. Enjoy and stop worrying about such nonsense.

    I agree with this. I don't drink soda anymore, I prefer water...but with the amount you are drinking, and all the water, I don't see how it could hurt. :)
  • kuger4119
    kuger4119 Posts: 213 Member
    There is nothing wrong with having one a day. There's probably nothing wrong with having two in a day. Past that and you are probably not doing yourself any favors. The downside to having a bad habit is that it makes it hard to have a "perfect" body. It may slightly slow down your weight loss journey.

    Do whatever makes you happy and on the right path overall. Screw everyone else.
  • peaceloveabby
    That's my thinking. If I wasn't drinking so much water I don't know but I think it's like my one everyday treat and we all deserve at least one treat every day! If not two:)
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    It is safe to have everything in moderation. Stop worrying so much. Life is short and this is what me as an older person keep seeing is that moderation in all things really is ok. No food or drink is going to kill you or harm anything if you have some, just don't have tons! Even water will kill you if you have loads of it!
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Good news.

    There's water in diet soda.

    You can actually drink diet soda AND rehydrate yourself at the same time.

    Unless you're worried about caffeine intake there's no reason not to have your diet soda.
  • JenniferMary_9169
    moderation...I went cold turkey on the DP a few months ago, I was totally I have one DP a day and I drink oodles or seltzer...def go for the moderation
  • Caaja
    Caaja Posts: 45 Member
    Of course its OK, its not healthy(and I dont mean caffeine or sweeteners but the other stuff), but it wont make you unhealthy if you know what I mean :)
  • dirtyd89
    dirtyd89 Posts: 170
    Drink it in very low moderation.
    Your better off using other alternatives instead of soda.
    -Vitamin Water Zero
    (Avoid normal edition.)
    [I haven't drank soda in over 5 years and have adapted just fine without it. This is coming from someone who'd drink 2-3 Dr. Pepper Soda Cans a day back in my soda drinking days.]
  • seanezekiel
    seanezekiel Posts: 228 Member
    A diet soda daily will literally do nothing to you, dont worry.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Drink it in very low moderation.
    Your better off using other alternatives instead of soda.
    -Vitamin Water Zero
    (Avoid normal edition.)
    [I haven't drank soda in over 5 years and have adapted just fine without it. This is coming from someone who'd drink 2-3 Dr. Pepper Soda Cans a day back in my soda drinking days.]

  • iceman7840
    iceman7840 Posts: 110
    I quit soda cold turkey 15 months ago and never looked back. I was surprised at the weight I lost just from cutting soda out of my life and it was the kick I needed to get started on this journey.

    I'm so grateful I kicked that nasty habit. I will never touch another soda for as long as I live. I feel too good without it and I have learned to be happy with water.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    Drink it in very low moderation.
    Your better off using other alternatives instead of soda.
    -Vitamin Water Zero
    (Avoid normal edition.)
    [I haven't drank soda in over 5 years and have adapted just fine without it. This is coming from someone who'd drink 2-3 Dr. Pepper Soda Cans a day back in my soda drinking days.]

    Um...why? Do you have peer-based reviews about this? I am curious as I have never heard someone stipulate that lemonade, mio and other flavoured water drinks are better for you than diet cola.

    It can't be about caffeine as you have said that tea is ok. So I am really curious to know what diet cola has in it that is worse than any of your suggestions.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    You are lucky your 1 a day is 12 oz, my is 64 =P

    If you don't have any medical reasons not to drink soda, drink it.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You drink one diet soda per day? I would respond to your post but you're probably already dead. I certainly hope you have your affairs in order. Can I have your iPad?

    Kidding. I would never use an apple product.
