How do I lose more than 2 pounds a week?



  • SCtolulu
    SCtolulu Posts: 154 Member
    Think of it this way. Even if you lose half that you are going to notice a huge change and feel great on your holiday.
  • Is a holiday worth screwing up your body, crippling your metabolism and ruining your chances for long term success?

    I really doubt many people on MFP will tell you what you want to hear. They will advise that slow and steady wins the race.
  • greenfalls107
    greenfalls107 Posts: 87 Member
    My suggestion. See a doctor and see if you thyroid is working properly.. And talk to him/her about losing weight at a healthy pace. Your past eating disorders may play in the method you need to safely lose weight. I would suggest a nutritionist, if you doc can make the recommendation. Please note, a holiday is just a snapshot of time, its just a few days a year. No matter what you weight, you can enjoy the vacation and make great memories to remember for a lifetime. Concentrate on enjoying yourself, and looking forward to the trip. Not on how much you weight, about a hair out of place, or how others will see you. ENJOY the vacation.
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    pls stick to 1-2 pounds a week
  • Casstevens133
    Casstevens133 Posts: 142 Member
    Quie frankly you can't if you want to be healthy. Why the rush? ... What's so different about this holiday? Take it slowly then you won't pile it back on in a nano second!!
  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    It ain't going to happen. Not unless you are obese.
  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    You will lose more than 1.1 pound a week eating 1200, water weight! After the first two weeks or so increase exercise but stick to 1200 a day.
  • muddynicola
    muddynicola Posts: 41 Member
    I already do a Jillian Micheals workout every single day, I have worked out every day since September and purposely not dieted, I did Tae Bo until November then switched to Jillian Micheals because Tae Bo wasn't really pushing me. So, I've done 20 weeks of the 30 day shred (or equivaent) with no noticeable results in terms of inches. I know other people have so I don't have a clue why it;s not doing anything for me, my muscles hurt, I breathe heavy, I sweat, my heart races etc so I'm not slacking off.....

    I think people have got the wrong idea about me, I am looking for a quick fix for a specific date in this instance but I don't make a habit of it.

    The reason I didn't diet when I started my exercise program in September is because people were suggesting to me that I ate too few calories and I was slowing down my metabolism (about 1400 a day with no exercise) so I purposely upped them and combined it with exercise. That clearly hasn't worked at all on a 20 week experimental basis. So, now I'm cutting the calories...
  • By juicing i lost 20 pounds in 21 days...
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    If you're really serious about losing weight & being in shape, you wouldn't be so quick to debunk exercise.
    Not being able to exercise is the reason I gained 45lbs and now that I am able to exercise, I'm beginning to lose it. I have great eating habits too.
  • Taterpoof
    Taterpoof Posts: 416 Member
    You should listen to what people are telling you because there is a reason that everyone on here is saying the same thing. you aren't going to get anyone on here that is going to give you the advice that you want because it is dangerous. You said you had an eating disorder before, well if you lower you calories below 1200 and start losing weight (even though its water and muscle) what do you think is going to happen? You will think that since you are seeing results you should keep doing that. Take it from someone who had an eating disorder many years ago. I decided to get in shape slow and steady and am much happier for it.

    Remember it is called a journey for a reason, it does not happen overnight. Hope everything works out :smile:
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    Do you want to lose weight in a healthy way or go back to the disordered thinking from before? You didn't gain the weight in 11 weeks and you won't lose it in that time in a healthy way. If you wanted it off that badly you should have started sooner.
    There's no need to be rude Mokey I didn't know I would be going on holiday until last week when I started the plan. I have tried not to diet for the past 10 years to avoid getting back in to unhealthy mindsets again but exercise and moderate eating alone clearly hasn't worked for me.
    How is this rude? To me it's a solid warning. You say you are aware of the risks but still insist on going further on the destructive path. Your post is not a request for advice but a plea for attention.
  • muddynicola
    muddynicola Posts: 41 Member
    I already do a Jillian Micheals workout every single day, I have worked out every day since September and purposely not dieted, I did Tae Bo until November then switched to Jillian Micheals because Tae Bo wasn't really pushing me. So, I've done 20 weeks of the 30 day shred (or equivaent) with no noticeable results in terms of inches. I know other people have so I don't have a clue why it;s not doing anything for me, my muscles hurt, I breathe heavy, I sweat, my heart races etc so I'm not slacking off.....

    I think people have got the wrong idea about me, I am looking for a quick fix for a specific date in this instance but I don't make a habit of it.

    The reason I didn't diet when I started my exercise program in September is because people were suggesting to me that I ate too few calories and I was slowing down my metabolism (about 1400 a day with no exercise) so I purposely upped them and combined it with exercise. That clearly hasn't worked at all on a 20 week experimental basis. So, now I'm cutting the calories...

    More than likely your calories aren't adjusted correctly.

    use he body fat one(Katch-McCardle formula). It's more accurate, but you need a measuring tape. It will tell you how many calories you burn based o your muscle mass to fat ratio. Since you had bad weight loss habits you lost muscle mass and it probably slowed down your metabolism. This will adjust for you accordingly.

    Thanks according to the Kath-McCardle formula my BMR is 1281 kcals LOL I knew it was low but that's ridiculous! So I am creating a calorie deficit of 80 plus 200 for exercise which means it would take 13 days to burn off one pound diet and exercise inclusive! Great
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    Instead of telling you what you shouldn't be doing, I can tell you what you can do. Eat about 1200- 1600 calories a day and do cardio for 90 minutes every day. Try to burn 800 calories or more every time.

    I lost, years and years ago, about 25 pounds in 2.5 months, by doing this. And I kept it off for several years. I am currently eating between 12-1400 calories a day, work out every day and do not eat back my calories. I am not hungry and I have alot of energy. Just eat the right foods that keep you full.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I already do a Jillian Micheals workout every single day, I have worked out every day since September and purposely not dieted, I did Tae Bo until November then switched to Jillian Micheals because Tae Bo wasn't really pushing me. So, I've done 20 weeks of the 30 day shred (or equivaent) with no noticeable results in terms of inches. I know other people have so I don't have a clue why it;s not doing anything for me, my muscles hurt, I breathe heavy, I sweat, my heart races etc so I'm not slacking off.....

    I think people have got the wrong idea about me, I am looking for a quick fix for a specific date in this instance but I don't make a habit of it.

    The reason I didn't diet when I started my exercise program in September is because people were suggesting to me that I ate too few calories and I was slowing down my metabolism (about 1400 a day with no exercise) so I purposely upped them and combined it with exercise. That clearly hasn't worked at all on a 20 week experimental basis. So, now I'm cutting the calories...

    More than likely your calories aren't adjusted correctly.

    use he body fat one(Katch-McCardle formula). It's more accurate, but you need a measuring tape. It will tell you how many calories you burn based o your muscle mass to fat ratio. Since you had bad weight loss habits you lost muscle mass and it probably slowed down your metabolism. This will adjust for you accordingly.

    Thanks according to the Kath-McCardle formula my BMR is 1281 kcals LOL I knew it was low but that's ridiculous! So I am creating a calorie deficit of 80 plus 200 for exercise which means it would take 13 days to burn off one pound diet and exercise inclusive! Great

    No, that's your BMR. Your BMR is what you'd burn in a coma. TDEE is your maintenance calories. It's your BMR times an activity multiplier. Netting your BMR is a good place to start.
  • muddynicola
    muddynicola Posts: 41 Member
    Do you want to lose weight in a healthy way or go back to the disordered thinking from before? You didn't gain the weight in 11 weeks and you won't lose it in that time in a healthy way. If you wanted it off that badly you should have started sooner.
    There's no need to be rude Mokey I didn't know I would be going on holiday until last week when I started the plan. I have tried not to diet for the past 10 years to avoid getting back in to unhealthy mindsets again but exercise and moderate eating alone clearly hasn't worked for me.
    How is this rude? To me it's a solid warning. You say you are aware of the risks but still insist on going further on the destructive path. Your post is not a request for advice but a plea for attention.

    This must be a cultural issue because I am finding most of the replies unnecessarily aggressive and like you're not really listening to what I am saying and going off on a pre-planned rant according to a few buzz words in my sentences. I'm not American as most of the contributors appear to be.

    By the way, your last statement is completely unfounded but don't let that stop you. I am looking for advice to achieve more than two pounds weight loss a week, not a lecture on the health ramifications, although I am willing to listen to them when put politely. How am I attention seeking? What possible reason would I have for attention seeking by asking how to lose more than two pounds a week, your accusation doesn't even make any sense and besides I have better things to do than attention seek on an online forum about how to lose weight!
  • muddynicola
    muddynicola Posts: 41 Member
    I already do a Jillian Micheals workout every single day, I have worked out every day since September and purposely not dieted, I did Tae Bo until November then switched to Jillian Micheals because Tae Bo wasn't really pushing me. So, I've done 20 weeks of the 30 day shred (or equivaent) with no noticeable results in terms of inches. I know other people have so I don't have a clue why it;s not doing anything for me, my muscles hurt, I breathe heavy, I sweat, my heart races etc so I'm not slacking off.....

    I think people have got the wrong idea about me, I am looking for a quick fix for a specific date in this instance but I don't make a habit of it.

    The reason I didn't diet when I started my exercise program in September is because people were suggesting to me that I ate too few calories and I was slowing down my metabolism (about 1400 a day with no exercise) so I purposely upped them and combined it with exercise. That clearly hasn't worked at all on a 20 week experimental basis. So, now I'm cutting the calories...

    More than likely your calories aren't adjusted correctly.

    use he body fat one(Katch-McCardle formula). It's more accurate, but you need a measuring tape. It will tell you how many calories you burn based o your muscle mass to fat ratio. Since you had bad weight loss habits you lost muscle mass and it probably slowed down your metabolism. This will adjust for you accordingly.

    Thanks according to the Kath-McCardle formula my BMR is 1281 kcals LOL I knew it was low but that's ridiculous! So I am creating a calorie deficit of 80 plus 200 for exercise which means it would take 13 days to burn off one pound diet and exercise inclusive! Great

    Okay now...

    Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
    Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)
    Mod. active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk)
    Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk)
    Extr. Active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.)

    That is your TDEE (how many calories you need to maintain your weight.)

    SInce you know your body fat use the formula below to calculate how many calories you should consume.

    Women Categories

    Category 1: Less than 24% body fat. 

    Category 2: 25-35% body fat 

    Category 3: 35% > body fat.

    Below is the formula to calculate your deficit.
    Category 1 = multiply TDEE by .90
    Category 2 = multiply TDEE by .85
    Category 3 = multiply TDEE by .80

    The deficit number is 1228 but what does that mean?

    By the way thanks so much for all your help! This is what I need - hard numbers!
  • muddynicola
    muddynicola Posts: 41 Member
    Thanks! I will stick to that! :)

    I agree I shouldn't focus on a particular day I just know it ruined my holiday in Morocco last year, I went on a 4 day trip with a group of strangers, mostly from Asian countries and they kept saying I was fat to my face. I worked in Korea so I know people from Asia just say what they think and they are naturally slimmer but I guess I lost my thick skin and I'm terrified of someone shouting abuse at me this time. I'm only 30 pounds over-weight LOL but it still doesn't make for a pleasant vacation to be told that repeatedly. People say nobody cares what you look like, they're worried about themselves and I agree that's true of myself I don't notice anyone else, but you wouldn't believe the amount of times I get someone comment in a club or on holiday or whatever - new years eve some guy comes up to me and tells me I have a double chin out of the blue I don't even carry weight on my face and I don't have a double chin not that it's any of his business.
  • greenfalls107
    greenfalls107 Posts: 87 Member
    I find it odd that you are so concerned about what others (who you do not know) thought about you on your last vacation. Please note, I am not lecturing you or going off on some rant. I am very nicely suggesting you need to see a Doctor to make sure you are safely losing weight without harming yourself. I also suggest a therapist to help you establish a better relationship between you and yourself. As silly as that sounds, I think a therapist may help you care more about yourself than what others think of you.

    More than anything, I want you to enjoy your vacation carefree and come home with a huge smile on your face.
  • muddynicola
    muddynicola Posts: 41 Member
    I find it surprising that it wouldn't bother you to be insulted by strangers. I don't need to see a therapist I haven't dieted for over ten years, I had an eating disorder as a teenager, I'm nearly 30 now. I only asked how I could lose one extra pound a week for 3 months WITHOUT IMPACTING ON MY METABOLISM, it's hardly extreme, I know how to do extreme should I want to. Some people are more sensitive than others it doesn't mean they need to see a therapist, we don't really do routine therapy for every little thing considered abnormal where I come from and besides I don't consider sensitivity to be a bad thing, it me a better person in other ways.