How nit-picky are you about calorie counting?



  • twinmom430
    twinmom430 Posts: 457 Member
    I log everything, and weigh everything! I stopped doing it for awhile, 5 months....while I didn't gain any weight (just yo-yo-ed a few lbs)...I thought I was savy enough to eyeball a 1/2 cup of this or that. Or not log the extra bite of pb on a knife while making my kids lunch...etc. Even though I was eating healthy foods, I wasn't counting or weighing everything and I stopped losing.
    Just started back at it last month and I've finally starting losing again after a few months.

    Only thing I don't weigh is lettuce while making a salad.
  • LadyPakal
    LadyPakal Posts: 256 Member
    With a lot of weight to lose I am less strict with logging some stuff (milk in tea for example). I can afford to at the moment. Of course, as I get nearer goal, I will have less wiggle room so I'll have to be more strict.
  • JoRumbles
    JoRumbles Posts: 262 Member
    I started out logging most things but guessing weights and measurements and I lost weight just fine. I usually was under my calorie goal but I figured I was probably underestimating some amounts.

    I have started to weigh things more and find it really interesting. E.g. 10g of butter/spread is quite a big blob! A "serving" of peanut butter goes a long way etc etc. I was actually pretty close with my weight guesstimates- it helps I work on a deli as a student.

    Still, I do a lot of guessing becuase I eat out or at my mums house quite a bit and I don't want to seem obsessive by asking how much each thing weighs.

    I would never log spices, salt, pepper etc. I would never measure the amount of semi-skimmed milk in my tea.

    It works for me, the weight is coming off steadily. If that stops being the case then I will review my policy
  • BChanFit
    BChanFit Posts: 209 Member
    I like this thread! I track pretty much everything too although I don't weigh my food. I just go by volume or other measurements. If it's only available in a weight I find another way or to look it up or scan it using the bar code thingy.
  • nvpixie
    nvpixie Posts: 483 Member
    I try to remember to track everything, including the 10 calories from the fish oil pill I take once or twice a day. However, with salads and other raw veggies, I'm pretty general with my logging. I don't weigh my food, so it's kind of difficult to put every single thing down to the exact gram. If you look at my food log for today, you'll see I had a salad and I estimated some of the veggies I put in there. On the other hand, if I eat one m 'n m, I'll log it simply to hold myself accountable for every bite.
  • x_JT_x
    x_JT_x Posts: 364
    I weigh and log everything. Condiments, salad toppings...everything. If it goes in my mouth it gets weighed and logged. I don't consider it being nit-picky...I consider it being accountable. I can't complain about not being successful if I'm not being honest with intake and calorie burn.
  • shareelynette
    shareelynette Posts: 22 Member
    I track everything. I try to do it while I'm cooking so I don't forget anything and I weigh all my foods. I can't stand eating somewhere where I can't count things now =( I feel like a total youknowwhat because of it too but I am super dedicated to what I'm doing and that's why I'm successful!
  • underwater77
    underwater77 Posts: 331 Member
    I log every ounce that enters my mouth. The only thing I don't log is my water because I drink a ton of it.

    Supplements, spices, "zero" calorie foods, etc. Everything goes. If I am up or down a week, I want to know why. I honestly don't even care too much if lose pounds at this point. I am healthy and active and feel incredible, so I just log to keep myself accountable. It keeps me from eating like crap. I still have the *bad* foods I like, I just make sure that I workout enough to justify them. I also keep my diary open to the public which I also think helps. Some will say the opposite and that having a public diary makes them dishonest - it makes me just not want to eat crap food.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Im ridiculous...I even track breathmints if im offered one and I weigh EVERYTHING. It's quite annoying!

    This, except I don't find it annoying at all. It's a fun game for me that leaves me feeling empowered and very in control of my life. And any SAHM can relate to what a great feeling that is! :tongue:
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    I am waaaaaaaaaaay more picky now than I was when I made some serious changes to my diet starting in October. I didn't count calories, but I was aware of them and I did lose some weight. I don't know how much, I didn't have a scale. I got weighed last month and I know since then I have lost 10 lbs. I think maybe 5 of that was flux weight though. But, in any case I have lost some weight, since signing on here and it's because I do count calories now (I am pretty sure I stalled there for a minute/month) . But, that being said there are things I have forgotten to log or don't log:

    Onions yep all 20 calories of them not logged always
    Ketchup and Mustard (don't eat those much anyway)
    Grapefruit if I log this it's because I am so proud of myself for having one for desert
    tomatoes if I only have one
    salad greens I log the dressing though

    That is about all. But, I am getting better at logging even those things. Honestly I would rather work out an extra 15 minutes to take care of the minutia of foods I don't log.
  • michelle7673
    michelle7673 Posts: 370 Member
    I don't log sugar-free gum, my vitamins or the fat free half and half in my morning coffee. I have those things every day, so I figure they're a constant. I weigh meat, and measure most other things.
  • ozonenrhia1
    I am doing the eating clean diet well for the most part lol I did have pizza for dinner and I didnt make it BUT most of what I eat, fruits, veggies,meat,some dairy and nuts I measure out and log everything..I don't normally log water though:(
  • charismanoodles
    charismanoodles Posts: 343 Member
    I try to add everything but if I use some olive oil spray and herbs I just quick add as around 30-50 calories to account for it. I can't be bothered with every single little morsel :P
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    With a lot of weight to lose I am less strict with logging some stuff (milk in tea for example). I can afford to at the moment. Of course, as I get nearer goal, I will have less wiggle room so I'll have to be more strict.

    This. As long as I'm less then my TDEE, I feel I did better then I would have a year ago.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Thanks for creating this thread, it reminded me that I forgot to track a piece of sugarless gum earlier.

    And if anyone looks at what I ate today they'll see it's even more ridiculous than it sounds because I'm so far over on calories that it doesn't even matter at this point. But I still went back and added it.

    Meticulous tracking has helped me figure things out though. When my cravings overrode my low carb diet a few weeks ago I went back and looked at what I was eating this time last year, and sure enough I was struggling then, too. An accurate accounting from a year ago helped me realize that my Spring allergies have a major effect on my appetite, both on how much I eat and on what I eat.
  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    I track anything over 20 or so calories and/or if I have the actual amount (like Altoids). I weight things occasionally -- like meat which I rarely eat but once I'm pretty sure, I use volume instead. I go back to weighing to make sure I don't underestimate over time after being lazy.
  • haanmom
    haanmom Posts: 90 Member
    I'm in the minority here. I am obsessive and have made a conscious decision to not be obsessive about this. So I track my calories but I don't stress out if I am not exactly accurate, if I lick the remained for PB off the knife after I make my kids PB&J, etc.

    My calorie setting is set a little lower than it should be to lose the 1lb a week I am hoping for right now, and part of the reason is because I feel like it gives me a little wiggle room if my measurements are not exact (I don't own an electronic scale yet) or I nibble here or there. When I'm estimating food for some reason, I always estimate high, and on exercise I estimate calories burned low.

    Also, I'm a stay at home mom with a 5 year old and a 6 year old. They see Mommy weighing and logging food, and I don't want them seeing me frantically logging food because I'm chewing gum or eating 2 M&Ms my son gives me.

    This way won't work for everyone, and when I get closer to my goal I understand I will probably need to tighten it up, but for now it is working for me. I'm losing 1-2lbs/week, tracking 95% and not stressing out about it.
  • dynamicdreamer
    I tend to measure and record everything over five calories. I chew a lot of gum, so I don't count that. If I have a bite of something that is generally high in [insert unhealthy nutrient here], I'll count that bite. I have a good handle on estimating cup sizes and I eyeball ounces of meat. Sometimes I use measuring cups. I want to buy a food scale for meats just to make sure I'm not eating way more than I think.
  • sessik86
    sessik86 Posts: 18 Member
    I have been tracking everything. I just bought a food scale for $20 at walmart that I love. I also use measuring cups and spoons all the time.
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    I track everything as completely accurately as possible.
    If I didn't I wouldn't have the same result(s) - of that I'm certain.