Skinny Saturday Challenge!



  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    :smile: I'm in! I've done double the exercise already and plan on more walking later. I've already had LOADS of water and a good healthy breakfast.

    I'm glad I found this thread this week because I need to get some dishes fixed for tomorrow and, while they are healthy choices, I still don't want to do any mindless nibbling!:noway:

    Also might be going to a baseball game tonight and REALLY don't want to blow it with the food there!
  • naturalShar
    Just finished another 41 minutes of Tae bo. Aside from the walking from completing errands,I don't know if I'll be walking on the treadmill for an hour. My calves,thighs and hamstrings are sooo sore:frown: but I think I've had a good week,tomorrows' weigh-in is looking good!
    I hope everyone is having much success this Skinny Saturday!:bigsmile:
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    I'm still truckin along, I'm at at 9 1/2 waters so far, headed home soon to get my groove on with just dance on the wii
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I burned so many calories today (500 doing 50min Tubro Jam and 300+ for more than 2 hours of house cleaning) so I can actually eat 2000 calories today, WOW!

    I have friends coming over and I'm making pasta (yea, that easy but I put all my energy into 3 low-fat appetizers - PHOTOS to be posted later if they are a success) so that will eat up a few cals but also they are bringing dessert so I’m happy I can actually have some b/c I have calories to spare.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    I'm so going to try to keep up with ya'll...I need to shake things up, down, and all around! Thx Fab....hope you're doing well & all heal up....sure sounds like it:wink:

    :flowerforyou: Yay for hooah! Salute to you and your family this weekend! We appreciate your sacrifices for our freedoms!
    I am healing up pretty well. Thank you for checking on me! :heart: One week post surgery....can do stretches and floor work.....miss my cardio. I know being accountable will help me not to gain while in recovery. It would be really easy to pack on a few pounds while on the can do! It was too hard to get it off...AND....I deserve to be healthy, fit and do you! :heart: Let's do this!:drinker:

    O.k. remember Fab...when I told you that I was having sympathy pains (for your predicament)?! Well my SSC has turned out to be a total bust! Got the ankle propped up, but that's not doing anything for my aching joints....Texas tunder storms for several days now, absolutely love 'em but they don't like me much, and I can feel 'em in my bones...ouch.

    Headache too....
    I ran the boys out of the house...they're at the movies.

    Perhaps I can make up this mess tomorrow....Super Skinny Sunday...pray for me:ohwell:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    No evening swim....heading to town a little early with the husband and kids to walk around town and see whats going on before the fireworks...going to wear my HRM to see whats up.....
  • sunshine79
    sunshine79 Posts: 758 Member
    Well done guys. You all seem like you've had pretty successful Super Skinny Saturdays. I particularly admire you all as I know it's 4th of July weekend over there in the USA and from what I understand of it there is usually loads and loads of food around, everywhere.

    I have had a successful day. Got the workout out of the way at the start of the day - good move:wink: and have stayed well within my calories. Have also done lots of hopuse work and walking around shopping (which I haven't logged)

    I started eating clean today too which surprisingly hasn't been as difficult as I'd expected. I'll tell you though, once you eliminate all processed foods and all sugar it really doesn't leave much to snack on hence the fact I still have hundreds of calories left and not way of eating them. Oh well :smile:

    I'll be back next week for another highly successful super skinny saturday. Happy 4th of July :smile: :smile: :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Poor hooah! :flowerforyou: Take care of yourself. Listen to your body and rest. You can have a skinny whatever day when you feel better.

    Good for you sunshine...eating clean is a great habit.

    Thanks for checking in all and I wish you well this weekend! Enjoy the weekend and thank a soldier! God bless you!:heart:

    I have had lots of temptations as it is a celebration weekend....ate some potato salad and a grilled Italian sausage at dad's house but only at half. Got some stretching in this morning and planning on doing it again this evening. Sat outside for a parade so I hope I sweat off a few pounds...but actually, it was a beautiful day in the midwest and definitely not typical 4th of July weekend weather. Counting my blessings. Home for the night and plan on eating a healthy supper with hubby and drinking alot of water. Overall not my best Skinny Saturday but definitely better than it would have been if I didn't know you were here waiting on my results. Thanks for the accountability MFP buddies. You rock and totally inspire me to be better each day! :flowerforyou:
  • kdhmiller
    kdhmiller Posts: 10
    I'm in! I upped my milage from 3 miles to 5 on the treadmill, and am going to take the kid out in the stroller in a bit!
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    Poor hooah! :flowerforyou: Take care of yourself. Listen to your body and rest. You can have a skinny whatever day when you feel better.

    Good for you sunshine...eating clean is a great habit.

    Thanks for checking in all and I wish you well this weekend! Enjoy the weekend and thank a soldier! God bless you!:heart:

    I have had lots of temptations as it is a celebration weekend....ate some potato salad and a grilled Italian sausage at dad's house but only at half. Got some stretching in this morning and planning on doing it again this evening. Sat outside for a parade so I hope I sweat off a few pounds...but actually, it was a beautiful day in the midwest and definitely not typical 4th of July weekend weather. Counting my blessings. Home for the night and plan on eating a healthy supper with hubby and drinking alot of water. Overall not my best Skinny Saturday but definitely better than it would have been if I didn't know you were here waiting on my results. Thanks for the accountability MFP buddies. You rock and totally inspire me to be better each day! :flowerforyou:
    Right back at ya!!:drinker:
  • naturalShar
    Good job everyone!!!!:flowerforyou:
    I had a good day today,hopefully it will pay off.
    I managed to drink 18 cups of water today so that was good,but I've got a lot of calories left over that I know I won't be eating cause i'm extremely stuffed:ohwell:

    Tomorrow is my day off,can't wait for Skinny Wednesday so I can amp it up again!
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    I did over 3 hours of yard work today - had lots of bush trimming, tree trimming & weed pulling to get done. Its pretty hot so I had to take several brakes of cooling off in the pool or inside in the a/c. Still have lots more to do tomorrow, but my yard is looking pretty good so far!

    See you all Wednesday!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Got in a good bike ride (just under 2 hours).According to my HRM, 1200 calories burned!!! :bigsmile: Despite how sluggish I felt this morning, I felt great on my ride and am definitely getting better at hills. :happy: I love when I see progress! :bigsmile: Even though I indulged a little at dinner tonight, I still came in well under my calorie goal and drank lots of water ! Skinny Saturday accomplished!!!!
    Great job to everyone!!! :drinker:
  • laurelbug
    laurelbug Posts: 22
    May I join? Clearly, this Saturday is almost over but the next one is around the corner!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    May I join? Clearly, this Saturday is almost over but the next one is around the corner!

    :flowerforyou: Sure! A new thread will be posted on Friday evening for the Saturday Challenge.
    There is also a Skinny Wed Challenge. It is posted on Tues. eve under motivation and support.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Happy 4th to all my fellow Yanks!!!:laugh: :drinker:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I had a good day yesterday ad I did not eat anything but a few peanuts at the ballgame. (I did catch a foul ball, though!)
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Ran the rototiller through some sod for fresh garden beds. Didn't realize how hot it was til I came in. Soaked right through my clothes. ( How ladylike! ) Good for 600 cals. Did 30 minutes on the gazelle, and gardening at the park. All in all it was a productive and skinny day.

    Happy Fourth of July to all!

    Off to work, Alice