Eating healthy turned me into a food snob



  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    I don't think it's really happened to me, but I'm a bit of an "everything in moderation" person, and my intake isn't "perfect" either. I think some food snobbery is misinformed too (I'm not talking about the OP here, just in general), particularly the idea that things are somehow automatically healthier and better if you make them at home rather than buy them prepared with much the same ingredients. And I also don't like the moral tone. You're not a better person because you eat whole grains, or a worse person because you eat McDonalds.

    But maybe it HAS happened to me, and I haven't noticed! It's not so much the type of food, but I have felt envious when I see people eating big portions, or not having to think about what they eat. I'm surrounded by slim people (I don't know anybody else who is obese) so I feel a bit of an oddity.
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    I've found myself gently criticizing others now too not out of malice or distain but to impart what i'm learning on this journey especially people that would always criticize me b4 i went alot healthier and still do, despite the obvious evidence thats it working
    Most noteably the calorie counting and eating or not eating exercise calories, getting that criticism by people that are also trying to lose weight and failing to doing it "there way".

    When it comes down to it tho i could care less what they eat and drink and don't make go all nazi on them, aslong as i'm doing the right thing by me thats all that matters, if they want to consider other options then bonus.
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    oh gosh don't get me wrong but i f***ing hate food snobs!
    the fact that you're eating all organic doesn't make you any better person than someone who is surviving on Mc Donald's! (not talking about you, just in general)
    the worst are those who think like, "well I am eating healthy and that skinny ***** can get away with donuts now yes, but she will have a heart attack, and I am gonna be so healthy, my organic spinach will make me live 100 years!"
    P.S. I'm sorry I get a little hysterical when around food snobs.
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    Hmmm... honestly, the only person I care if I eat healthier than is myself a few years ago and even then I don't judge myself. I had my reasons for eating the way I did and I had reasons for changing. I can't fault myself for the path I've taken. I try to just keep my eyes on my own page.

    That said, I do have some judgmental moments when I see people feeding their children poorly. I used to have a friend who ran her kid through the drive-thru twice a day then gave him jimmy dean breakfast sandwiches or frozen corn dogs for dinner every night. The poor kid had zero variety in his diet, zero fresh fruits or vegetables. I felt – still feel – it is tantamount to child abuse. Adults can choose to eat whatever they like, but children don't have that option and it just makes me sad to see.
  • chaoticgeek
    chaoticgeek Posts: 25 Member
    I'm totally the same way. Give me rich high quality dark chocolate instead of chalky fake milk chocolate any day! I love eating real food! I am naturally judgmental as well and when I'm on the path of healthy eating and fitness I tend to forget that we all have our weaknesses and struggles.

    I was like that way before. Good quality chocolate tastes like magic compared to something like a Hershey's bar. Nice rich 75%-80% dark chocolate with a bit of orange or chili is awesome. And with fruit dipped in chocolate as high as you can go to me is the best.
  • iceey
    iceey Posts: 354 Member
    I understand what you mean OP. While I don't preach or lecture anyone, I do find myself noticing what other people eat and have an urge to educate them. I was in a mall yesterday and all I saw in the food court were people eating poutine and fried foods and I wanted to say something.

    And drives me crazy when my boyfriend stuffs his face with what ever food he can find when he's starving from not eating all day. He has terrible eating habits and he should know better. But it's not right to lecture him so I try not to!

    I don't like that I feel more snobby now that I eat healthier. But everyone has to find their own way, and I still eat junk sometimes, so no one is perfect. Just have to remind myself of that sometimes.
  • MrsTomko3825
    MrsTomko3825 Posts: 12 Member
    Well I can't say I haven't been guilty of similar feelings towards others. Here is some food for thought: I have learned that when you are kind and loving and compassionate towards yourself, it is also easier to be that way towards others. Are you extremely strict with yourself and do you beat yourself up when you eat something you "shouldn't"? Those feelings of beating yourself up and not being able to forgive yourself or at least to accept where you are in your fitness journey could be manifesting themselves when you look at others. Recently I've been learning to love my body how it is now. When you love something, you take care of it right? So even though I have learned to love my body now, I am working to improve it BECAUSE I love it. Since I have accepted my current self and position, I have been much more open and accepting of others. I look at others that I would have judged before and say, hey that's ok, that's just where they are right now. I hope that they do what makes them happy. (No I'm not a saint and I still have moments of harsh judgement and weakness but I really think kindness to yourself and others is key). Good luck! :-)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I've always been a food snob...I've always enjoyed quality when it comes to my food, even my "junk" food. The biggest change for me is that I crave more nutrient dense foods now and don't crave all of the sugar as much.
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    Yes!!! Me too. Especially when it comes to fast food or processed packaged foods......Ewwwwwww!! I try hard to not make faces about it, and often have to bite my tongue!
  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    Generally, I don't. Because I know I used to be the person who used to eat crap all the time, and I know how hard it is to change.

    The exception being a woman I work with who has diabetes, and she eats 2 candy bars, chips, and crap all day long. I judge the hell out of her. (But I also can't stand her. So...)
  • I feel the same way!!! Especially when I see someone that is definitely overweight at walmart putting three bags of chips and a bunch of soda in their cart, and here I am with my broccoli and bananas. I feel horrible for even thinking about it, because I know I use to be that person in walmart with a cart full of horrible food. Sometimes I just really want to pull the person to the side and educate them on food choices, but I know it's not my place.
  • mhorn2142
    mhorn2142 Posts: 319 Member
    Unfortunately I too have noticed this. And my poor husband gets the brunt of it. Even my 12 yr. old step son has said something to the affect that since I have lost so much weight I sure seem overly concerned with how the hubby eats. Now that I have found what works for me I find I want to share it with others and often it is unwelcomed because it is unsolicited. I hate this about myself. For goodness sakes I am the same as them why should I have anything to say at all? It really should be none of my business. That's it as of today, no more. I don't like that person. I can gain it all back at the drop of a hat!! I will not judge!!
  • mq68
    mq68 Posts: 118 Member
    I don't judge... but get judged ALL THE TIME... why? well, I have lost 80+lbs in 11 months and because of that and my weird eating habits everyone has advice! It is so ANNOYING! I am allergic to a bunch of stuff so I have to read every single label and figure out what is "added" to some of the packaged stuff! So I eat very healthy but it annoys some of my co-workers to the point where they say they made me something and to just try it. NOPE won't do it. But I always say thanks... think that's the Minnesota nice.. dang it when I want to say... *(&)_$&)* ... but I don't. I just smile and say thank you!
  • That happened to me when I lost weight the first time. I kind of got over obsessed with what I was putting in my body and was grossed out by what other people were putting in their bodies, even if it was simply putting butter on bread. I was overconsumed by that disgust and even had an eating disorder over it. Once you start eating healthy, you'll probably always feel that way, but just know you're doing the right thing and prolonging your life while they're probably eating their days away with 2 donuts and a bagel in one sitting... yaknow?
  • patriciasimmons12
    patriciasimmons12 Posts: 15 Member
    I do eat things that are considered by some junk food but I make most of my goodies at home so I have as much control as possible over what goes into my body. I see nothing wrong with a brownie every now and then or a small piece of cake. I do excersize portion control and I do my best to stay around my 1300 calories a day. I know people will disagree but I did stay away from everything at one time. I kept my carbs at less than 50 a day and ended up with some real problems. I also found out that if I don't allow myself a treat once in a while I will go overboard in one sitting.
  • SarahDavs
    SarahDavs Posts: 161 Member
    I used to be very judgmental toward people who would eat meat in front of me. I was born and raised a vegetarian and didn't start eating meat until my 8th month of pregnancy with my first son at 19. Now I laugh about how ridiculous I was to make judgements on people for something SO TRIVIAL as what they are eating.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    I am the worst food snob of all time. Even when I was overweight I ate good, home cooked food, just too much of it! I have to really paste a smile on my face when I go to family parties and see the mountains of food people are stuffing down them. And then going outside to smoke. I feel self righteous and sad all at the same time. Do I feel good about these feelings? No I do not. Who wants to feel distanced from those they love? I shut up and pretend I'm quite at ease, but a nasty little voice inside me is judging like mad. I wish I wasn't like this, but I know I am judgemental in many areas. I also know how easy it is for me to fall right back off the wagon and undo all my hard work in a flash. I've done it at least twice before. Perhaps that's what I'm afraid of and that keeps me mean and horrible. Oh well, as long as no one knows what's going on inside my head. . .
  • pumpkinspice84
    pumpkinspice84 Posts: 160 Member
    I don't really focus on what other people are eating. I do feel snobby about what I eat though. I have been feeling so much better about making better choices. I am not perfect far from it and still learning new ways to make better choices. I am mostly concerned about my own health and my families than other people.
  • tifferz_91
    tifferz_91 Posts: 282 Member
    I wouldn't say eating healthy has turned me into a "food snob" per se.

    But it has definitely made me into an organic non-gmo health nut :laugh:

    I really think i suffer from "orthorexia" at times. Which i personally don't think is a "bad" thing *shrug*

    At the end of the day, my only concerns are:

    MY choices

    MY mouth

    MY health
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    It is called being smug. I love it when people try to critique my food. They always spout broscience, which I quickly shoot down.