high protein = high fat !



  • menojy
    menojy Posts: 92 Member

    40C/40P/20F- Lots of physique contestants use this in the off-season and it's part of the Burn the Fat, Keep the Muscle plan. High carbs and protein to maintain muscle, low fat so you'll burn body fat.

    does this mean diets that are high in fats won't allow you to burn body fat and just burn muscles ???

    I am soo confused right now ...
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member

    40C/40P/20F- Lots of physique contestants use this in the off-season and it's part of the Burn the Fat, Keep the Muscle plan. High carbs and protein to maintain muscle, low fat so you'll burn body fat.

    does this mean diets that are high in fats won't allow you to burn body fat and just burn muscles ???

    I am soo confused right now ...

    No, lowering fat in the diet doen't mean/translate the body is going to burn body fat, yoy.
  • menojy
    menojy Posts: 92 Member
    Not sure if you've answered this before, so if you have please forgive me.

    How much are you going over on fat? and how often are you going over? Going over from time to time isn't going to bother you as long as its healthy fats. I may go over by 10 or 20 one day then the next few days I make sure I keep it low.

    to be honest I don't know what would be considered over .. is 30% over .. 50% ? I don't really know :sad:

    Here is some food for thought. The biggest health risk is being over weight. By "losing wight" you will improve your health.
    Who is healthier a 400lbs man who eats healthy? Or a man at a healthy weight who eats junk?

    By reducing weight, you will lower your risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, it also lowers cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.

    just by reducing your "WEIGHT" it says NOTHING about high fat protein, or carbs, or junk food. All that stuff is irrelevant.

    Why are you so concerned about protein? You suffering from deficiencies? Or have you been brain washed by everyone?

    Keep it simple

    Focus on calories and call it a day. Not hard...

    once you're at a "healthy" weight then focus on leaning up your diet. to optimize your health.

    I am concerned about protein because I want to gain some muscle and not lose what I already have !

    and a thin man eating junk is not a very healthy one ! we can also lose weight by eating only junk but people don't do that do they !! I am concerned about nutrition and overall body health ... I guess I am brain washed then !!
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Fat isn't the worst thing especially when it is a healthy, natural crude fat that your body can easily use.

    But if you get a lot of fat from other products you eat then a good solution is eating a leaner cut of meat. Sirloin tends to be a quite lean cut and I also use marinating steaks instead of most others as it barely has any fat at all, it's extremely lean!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    Not sure if you've answered this before, so if you have please forgive me.

    How much are you going over on fat? and how often are you going over? Going over from time to time isn't going to bother you as long as its healthy fats. I may go over by 10 or 20 one day then the next few days I make sure I keep it low.

    to be honest I don't know what would be considered over .. is 30% over .. 50% ? I don't really know :sad:

    Here is some food for thought. The biggest health risk is being over weight. By "losing wight" you will improve your health.
    Who is healthier a 400lbs man who eats healthy? Or a man at a healthy weight who eats junk?

    By reducing weight, you will lower your risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, it also lowers cholesterol, and triglyceride levels.

    just by reducing your "WEIGHT" it says NOTHING about high fat protein, or carbs, or junk food. All that stuff is irrelevant.

    Why are you so concerned about protein? You suffering from deficiencies? Or have you been brain washed by everyone?

    Keep it simple

    Focus on calories and call it a day. Not hard...

    once you're at a "healthy" weight then focus on leaning up your diet. to optimize your health.

    I am concerned about protein because I want to gain some muscle and not lose what I already have !

    and a thin man eating junk is not a very healthy one ! we can also lose weight by eating only junk but people don't do that do they !! I am concerned about nutrition and overall body health ... I guess I am brain washed then !!

    Brainwashed? Not likely. But it would be hard not to at least be confused with the amount of contradictory information out there that has been validated by science, let alone the mountain of complete and total misinformation.
  • Beautifulsoull
    Google protein and read what protein is use for. If you want to build muslce then lifting will help you! If your not getting enough protein through food alone then go to whey protein powder or do some reasearch about protein bars. Simple as that really. This is a life style change and it is a lot to learn depending on how deep you want to get into fitness and food. Your going to get more and more confused through other peoples answers cause everyone does something different that works for them. Another best thing, go to your doctor and see what he/she says and what they think is best for you. You fall and get back up through this until you find something that works for you.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Fat is not evil. Actually, your body really needs unsaturated fats. If your are worried about fat intake, then just make sure the fats are the healthy kind of fats. I cook my food with olive oil because they are high in essential fats. Personally, I think it tastes better too.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,018 Member
    Fat is not evil. Actually, your body really needs unsaturated fats. If your are worried about fat intake, then just make sure the fats are the healthy kind of fats. I cook my food with olive oil because they are high in essential fats. Personally, I think it tastes better too.
    Olive oil is not an essential oil, it's primarily a monounsaturated fat. Essential oils are polyunsaturated and called LA and ALA and are highly susceptible to oxidize when heated and why fish oil and flax come encapsulated or refrigerated to protect them against heat, oxygen and light. Basically you don't want to cook with poly oils, ever. :smile:
  • OriginalKatie
    OriginalKatie Posts: 119 Member
    30% of your diet should be from healthy fats. So if you're getting fats from fish, nuts, olive oil, avocado etc, this is a good thing.
  • menojy
    menojy Posts: 92 Member
    Google protein and read what protein is use for. If you want to build muslce then lifting will help you! If your not getting enough protein through food alone then go to whey protein powder or do some reasearch about protein bars. Simple as that really. This is a life style change and it is a lot to learn depending on how deep you want to get into fitness and food. Your going to get more and more confused through other peoples answers cause everyone does something different that works for them. Another best thing, go to your doctor and see what he/she says and what they think is best for you. You fall and get back up through this until you find something that works for you.

    I lift as much as I can and I can't find protein powder here in my country which makes it more complicated :)
    I have been with doctors before and they have 0 information about nutrition and if they have they don't tell you haha .. well again it's an issue related to the place I live in, that's why I am trying to understand on my own and find some honest answers ...
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member

    40C/40P/20F- Lots of physique contestants use this in the off-season and it's part of the Burn the Fat, Keep the Muscle plan. High carbs and protein to maintain muscle, low fat so you'll burn body fat.

    does this mean diets that are high in fats won't allow you to burn body fat and just burn muscles ???

    I am soo confused right now ...

    No, it's more that a diet high in both carbohydrates *and* fat will impede fat burning. Your body will burn more of its own fat when you are in an energy demand, which translates to low insulin levels and low glucose levels. That can happen as a result of not eating or as a result of eating something low in carbohydrates. Protein increases insulin levels as well, but generally not to the same extent as carbohydrates.

    What I added were just adages regarding the logic behind the diet. That doesn't mean they're true, just that they're widely-accepted beliefs.
  • Beautifulsoull
    Well in that case just reasearch reasearch. There are some really great advice given here. You'll never know what works for you unless you try it. Like I've said in my earlier comments, if I go over by alot on fat one day the next to days I make sure I'm at or below my limit. I have my fat at 30% which gives me 65grams per day. When I do get ground chuck it gets high but I watch what I eat for the rest of the day. If you eat lean meats you shouldn't have a problem and like others said, if its healthy fats don't worry so much. I'm sure there are days that you don't go over so by the end of the week things equal out.

    It might be best if you open your diary up so we can see what your food is so we can help you more.

    You can order Whey protein powder online if you can't find it where you live. I'm sure there are sites that have it that will ship worl wide.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    40C/40P/20F- Lots of physique contestants use this in the off-season and it's part of the Burn the Fat, Keep the Muscle plan. High carbs and protein to maintain muscle, low fat so you'll burn body fat.

    does this mean diets that are high in fats won't allow you to burn body fat and just burn muscles ???

    I am soo confused right now ...

    Truly, the way to minimize muscle loss when losing weight is through exercise and by keeping your deficit reasonable. Using your muscles (especially through resistance/strength exercises) signals your body that your muscles are needed.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member

    Protein should be based on your LBM - about .7-1g/pound of lean body mass. This should stay CONSTANT

    Fat can be whatever the hell you want it to be as long as it's not lower than 20%

    Carbs can be whatever the hell you want it to be

    quoting myself, because it's really that damn simple. stop getting caught up in all this confusion - you're just making it harder on yourself.
  • Beautifulsoull

    Protein should be based on your LBM - about .7-1g/pound of lean body mass. This should stay CONSTANT

    Fat can be whatever the hell you want it to be as long as it's not lower than 20%

    Carbs can be whatever the hell you want it to be

    quoting myself, because it's really that damn simple. stop getting caught up in all this confusion - you're just making it harder on yourself.

    ^^ what he said! Like I keep saying, certain things work for different people. Try what other are saying and if you see no change then try the next.
  • GoMizzou99
    GoMizzou99 Posts: 512 Member
    Egg whites, chicken breast, Tilapia, turkey Breast, ground chicken and turkey....

    All baked or grilled...

    also lean ham, pork loin, shrimp, scallops, swaii, crab and krab, flounder, salmon, etc.

    You always hear about a "lifestyle change" to be successful...it takes a bit of experimentation, but see the food lists above. It works.
  • dangerxbadger
    dangerxbadger Posts: 396 Member
    Fat free Greek yogurt! Sooo much protein, and NO fat! And since Greek yogurt is so thick and creamy to begin with, the fat-free version does not lose that wonderful consistency.

    Edit: And you shouldn`t be getting too much fat from lean meats such as skinless chicken and fish. And they have a lot of protein as well.

    Yeah, but most of those fat free greek yogurts also have 30+ grams of sugar in them. YUCK.
  • Beautifulsoull
    Fat free Greek yogurt! Sooo much protein, and NO fat! And since Greek yogurt is so thick and creamy to begin with, the fat-free version does not lose that wonderful consistency.

    Edit: And you shouldn`t be getting too much fat from lean meats such as skinless chicken and fish. And they have a lot of protein as well.

    Yeah, but most of those fat free greek yogurts also have 30+ grams of sugar in them. YUCK.

    Get plain greek yogurt and add your own fruit.
  • cidalia73
    cidalia73 Posts: 107 Member
    0% fat Greek yogurt. Just make sure there isn't any added carrageenan (bad stuff). Also, if you watch your fat intake overall (limit added fats), you should be able to eat those "fatty" proteins without any problem. Remember, your body does need healthy fats.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    No solution here because I'm having the exact same problem, and I'm using very minimal added fat. To keep my fats down, I have to keep my proteins down, too.