
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    One good tip, I practiced quitting before I actually quit. I believe this was a big factor in my success. I smoked for 15 years. Then when I decided to quit for the 50th time, I went about it differently. I would get up and think about what a good way to replace the first cigarette of the day would be. I tried out different things. First thing, I ate something, then went directly to the shower. This took the place of my usually smoking first thing after waking up. Then I had to think about ways to stop myself from smoking on my breaks at work. So forth and so on. I still smoked while I did this, but the usual cigarettes were prolonged instead of immediate. It gave me a good feel of what it would be like to miss those cigarettes as I usually had them and it made me see that they were not that hard to let go of. I did this for about a week. I chose to quit for good on a day that I had to work and would be very busy. That way I would have less opportunity to sit idle wanting to smoke.
  • VasylP
    VasylP Posts: 136 Member
    Good for you...
  • jsd_135
    jsd_135 Posts: 291 Member
    My parents quit sometime in the late 1970s and they're both still here, at 80 and 77. My mom might have made it this far but definitely not my dad. I love that they've been in good health for the last (almost) 40 years. Good luck!
  • thanks everyone :)
  • pmabelp
    pmabelp Posts: 1
    A lot of it is in the mind set. and you now have the correct mind set. today IS the Last day to have a SMoke......... Stay positive. This is a positive step.
  • Jessbnsac
    Jessbnsac Posts: 7 Member
    The patch works!!! I quite over 3 years ago.... It was not easy but you can do, it be strong! Remember to move the area the patch goes as it literally puts nicotine in your blood stream...it causing a tingling sensation that will itch like crazy if in the same spot again....learn from my initial mistake. I learned to move it to left side one day, right the next...

    Oh and don't wear more than one one patch as it will make you sick.... However I found if I knew I was going somewhere friends would be smoking,like an outdoor BBQ, I'd put on a new patch before going... Oh And I'd rub that stupid patch when I got a craving as you need to find something to replace the habit (not food related). To this day, even though the smell of smoke now makes me nauseous, I find myself rubbing a little circle on my hip or lower back as that is the area I'd wear my patch!

    Stay strong, give it two weeks and sit and just breathe... You will be amazed at the difference.
  • awake4777
    awake4777 Posts: 190 Member
    How about giving somebody a chance to gear themselves up to be ready for it, to have a target date to start? I wonder how many people start their self-improvement projects the moment they think of them. I think it's fantastic that you are quitting smoking, not only will it be good for you, it will be good for those that love you. Nothing sucks more than losing people you love too soon because of smoking related diseases, other than watching them go through that slow, miserable, painful death. My brother's death at 45 from lung cancer had a profound effect on all 3 of his kids, especially his yougest who was 10 years old when he passed. Congratulations to you for making a wise choice, stay the course & do whatever you need to in order to be successful.........
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,585 Member
    I quit in March 2007 and used patches for the first 6 weeks, by that point the smell of ciggies knocked me sick and I've never looked back - I found that taking it one day at a time worked, if I really wanted a cig I'd simply say 'You can wait until tomorrow, can't you? You're not THAT desperate surely?' and then if I felt the same the next day I said it again. (I've lost 46lbs using much the same mantra with food, and have successfully been putting off a Greggs sausage roll for about 4 weeks now :laugh: )

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • tracyschreier
    tracyschreier Posts: 81 Member
    Good for you! As far as quitting RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT...I have a quit date of April 12th. I'm quitting through a North Carolina program that offers free patches and phone coaching. They are of the mind that you have a quit date...to mentally prepare...and that you do mini-quits until that date. Nicotine is one of the most addictive substances on the planet and you need all the help you can get. Again, good for you! I actually can hardly wait until my quit date (I've already moved it up from the 17th--still waiting for my partner to receive her patches).
  • pushyourself14
    pushyourself14 Posts: 275 Member
    Good luck!! Mind over matter. I have been smoke-free for over two years now and it is one of my greatest personal achievements.
    If the patch does not work out for you, give the Nicorette Inhaler a try. That is what I used to quit; moreover though, my grandfather (may he rest easily) quit a few years ago using the inhaler and he had been a smoker of 50+ years.
  • cleback
    cleback Posts: 261 Member
    Awesome! Best of luck! (PS if you find yourself going back to old habits, remember it takes someone an average of trying seven times before quitting for good. Everything is a learning experience-- try, try again!)
  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member
    Good for you! I quit last December after 20+ years. I used patches for the first 3-4 days and then just quit cold turkey. I have cravings every once in a while but it hasn't been that bad. Those things will kill you! END OF STORY! You'll also save a ton of money. Good luck... be strong!
  • bsuew
    bsuew Posts: 628 Member
    congratulations! Best of luck! You'll be happy that you did! Put them down and never look back! It's easy said hard to do. Good luck!
  • cazzer69
    cazzer69 Posts: 162 Member
    Because its sunday and the shops are shut.

    Dont all be holier than thou.

    Ok. Thanks. I'm just of the mind, when you decide, you just do it. I don't know why people wait for a certain day to do something. Just start now. But, ok. Start tomorrow. Lol. F$&k, lighten up bro.

    Sorry mate :)

    I'm two weeks cig free myself....so a tad snippy sometimes :)
  • dakotawitch
    dakotawitch Posts: 190 Member
    Good for you! I quit about 18 years ago, and while I have had a handful of social smokes in those years, I've never gone back to being a full time smoker. Every time I have a social smoke -- about once every two years, though it's been more than three since my last one -- I remember why I quit. I think my last social smoke was, truly, my LAST one!
  • Good for you. You can do it. I am on day 16 and I am using the patch it really is helping me. Good Luck. :smile:
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    You won't regret it!

    I agree with the comments that say you have to be in the right frame of mind to do it - I tried a few times and was back on them within a week but about 7yrs ago I just thought "I'm giving up" and I did. I used nicotine gum at first then after a week or so I gave that up too as it gave me a sore throat.

    Like the lady who said she just kept putting off when she'd have her next one, the thing that got me through was someone saying a craving only lasts 7mins so if you get past that, you'll be ok until the next wave of craving. I knew I could wait 7mins (By the way, I have no idea if that fact is correct but it worked for me!).

    Not sure what I spent all the 'saved' money on since then but last time I had my oxygen level checked it was spot on, as if I'd never smoked. The smell makes me sick now and I can't believe I was walking around smelling that bad for over 15yrs!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Thumbs up; that's fantastic!
  • spruitt417
    spruitt417 Posts: 101 Member
    Good for you! I quit cold turkey 8 years ago & haven't looked back. Ignore those who question why you choose to do it tomorrow instead of today. Personally, I have no time for the self righteous. I applaud your decision & wish the best of luck to you! :drinker:
  • Falyesai
    Falyesai Posts: 41
    Good luck! Just remember, try to avoid any trigger factors. In example: Have that morning coffee with a cigrette, smoking while driving, etc. That has always been my hardest part. Quitting is a lifetime commitment, and I remember one motto I read somewhere, Not Even One Puff. That's all it takes to get rehooked. Believe me, I know. Tried quitting 27 times, and I know as long as I keep trying to quit, one day it will be for good. When I have stopped trying to quit, I have lost the battle (or died).

    You can do this!

    Also look at what you get to look forward to as the weeks go by! http://www.whyquit.com/whyquit/A_Benefits_Time_table.html