Littlest Losers (Week 2)



  • antiadipose
    antiadipose Posts: 447
    heyyy losers! ive been away from home for 2 days.. my friend got engaged =] i was scared of gaining so i kept snacking on fruits and nuts and made good choices and came back this morning with a maintained weight!

    my fellow americans, make wise BBQ choices =]
    happy 4th.

    good luck loser!!!
  • rowie
    rowie Posts: 75
    rowie i love the tat!

    Thanks! Me too! ;)
  • rowie
    rowie Posts: 75
    Hey everyone, just checking in. I managed to get in all my water, at least 30 min. of exercise yesterday. My big accomplishment was actually getting in all those 5 servings of fruits and veggies. It took a bit of effort, and a vegetarian dinner, but i did it! Each day i am getting more and more aware of what i'm eating. Feeling good!
  • shellee9tj
    shellee9tj Posts: 221 Member
    well i do was doing fabulously all week... dropped from 112.6 to 111.2 which is hard when you dont have much to lose and then the dreaded totm has decided its almost ive gained 2 lbs of water weight :( it cant be real weight as its appeared over night and ive been under my cal goal all week along with 30 mins of exercise.

    darn that tom! i just realized that mine will get here on friday, just in time for the weigh in! GREAT!! :grumble:
    Yup, mine showed up the day before our first weigh in and I had a gain this past friday.....sometimes being a woman really stinks!!
  • DancingYogini
    Hey in at least 12 glasses of water today :smile: Made and awesome gazpacho soup for the weekend, which covers all of my veggies and is filling as well! Helped me avoid the 4th of July binges :tongue: I am enjoying a vodka lemonade, which is perfect for this weekend, but might add some water weight for the next week, oh well!! I had an endometrial ablation about 4 months ago, which got rid of my period, but I still have TOM symptoms, so I think I am in the middle of it now...hard to tell...but I am cranky, bloated and am craving lots of chocolate, so I think "yes" :smile: Have a great 4th (all the yanks)!!!
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    definitely need to stay on track this week since i'm going to the beach next thurs!

    gonna hit the gym extra hard!
  • boo518
    boo518 Posts: 13 Member
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    Hey girls- Got in all my water yesterday, but went to a wedding and ate too much! Didn't eat much junk, just ate too much good stuff, and had a few drinks! But, hopefully all the dancing canceled out a drink or 2 :wink: Back on track today, though! :bigsmile:
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    hi there!! yesterday i was right on track with a 55 min elliptical workout, then went over to bbq with some friends. they had one of those big containers of party mix out and i was done like dinner!! probably was over by a few hundred calories, but i'm back on track today! did the shred this morning, then cleaned the apartment from top to bottom - even mopped the kitchen floor :) spinning class tonight too. and i'm staying a little lower on cals today to help make up for yesterday.

    hope everyone had a great 4th and didn't go an overboard as i did! :)
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    ok so today is almost over and im glad diet went out the window as soon as i saw peanuts and chocolate gateux that a friend brought for my birthday between that and not getting in my water i feel yuk my own fault i did get in my veggies though just glad tomorrow is a new day
    hope you all did better than me
  • RooMcDermott
    RooMcDermott Posts: 105 Member
    Bad weekend for me...I had too much fun with friends and family. But today is a new day. Got in Day 2 of Level 3; 30DS and 2.25 miles run/walk on the treadmll so total of 60 minutes exercise for me.
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Friday weigh in was fine but I overdid this weekend and also TOM as well. Hope I can get back down by this Friday. Back on track today with running 5 miles and keeping in check with calories and water as well.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I think it's funny how we are all headed into TOM this week... :laugh: OK, maybe not so funny, if you are anything like me. :grumble:

    Like others, this weekend had it's highs and lows for me, calorie-wise. But for the most part, I kept up with my water. And I'm back on the Shred. Even tonight, I didn't do it until 8:45 p.m., but I did it. :drinker: :bigsmile: :yawn:

    Almost looking forward to getting back to the workday routine, a little easier to keep food in check. Have a good week everyone!
  • MacguyverMommy
    MacguyverMommy Posts: 104 Member
    Shannarose-- Youre 4th sounds like mine! I ran for 50 minutes and even did a few arm exercises with weights.
    Then I went to 5 different parties.. and probably consumed 5x as many calories as I should have!:embarassed:

    At least we exercised our hearts and our lungs and muscles. PLUS-- I truly believe that I would have eaten that much food REGARDLESS of if I had exercised, so I am still very glad I did!

    I am excited for this weeks challenge. I find myself REALLY planning meals in order to get the 5 servings in. Then once I have them, I naturally have to cut back on grains in order to keep my calorie count down. So all in all its a GREAT goal.:bigsmile:

    AND WHO IS TOM? Are you ladies all talking about your period? Is period a bad word? :noway: I should say not!
  • monkeysmum
    monkeysmum Posts: 522 Member
    happy tuesdays all

    im feeling the effects of yesterdays overeating i feel way too sleepy than what is good always a bad sign but i have been on the step for an hour so far and plan on doing at least 2hrs more various exercises on there later
    so far 3 glasses water and it early i may be ok for that today lol
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Hey guys... bad news... my internets down so I have only been able to be on here on my phone which I can't stand... anyone interested in taking over chart duties for the next couple weeks? If you message me I can email you the chart I have made all you would do is plug in the numbers from last week. I will be leaving friday for vacation so won't be here for two fridays anyway. Its too hard to go from phone to chart trying to update :C

    Anyone wants too just message me! Ill send it over as soon as I get it.

    Besides that I had a horrible yesterday. I need to get back on track today. I did like nothing right. I guess I didn't over eat I just ate unhealthy and drank a bunch of diet soda which I never do... so idk why I did that. I am feeling stressed about unexpected things I need to do this week (it was suposed to be a week of nothing) and turned into stuff every day to do and then my stupid interent. no excuses. drinking a class of water then off to run my 4 miles.

    hope you all are doing better than i am!
  • shannahrose
    shannahrose Posts: 585 Member
    hi girls!

    i'll volunteer to post the chart if no one else wants too. anneelise - i'll message you to get it figured out.

    had a better day yesterday - almost happy to be back at work and on schedule today - easier to stay on top of my food & exercise. ended up skipping spinning last night to see some friends who unexpectedly stopped through town, but still got in the 30 day shred and a massive cleaning spree, about 200 under on calories too. Plus 12 glasses of water & 6 serving of fruit/veggies :)

    Did 40 min stationary bike this morning and on water #5!

    Happy Tuesday!
  • RooMcDermott
    RooMcDermott Posts: 105 Member
    Good Mornng Ladies!

    Got my 30DS in last night, plus 2.25 miles on the treadmill. 69 minutes total.
    Water...blah blah
    Fruit/Veggies- 2 servings

    Today will be better!
  • mshay05
    mshay05 Posts: 229 Member
    Shannarose-- Youre 4th sounds like mine! I ran for 50 minutes and even did a few arm exercises with weights.
    Then I went to 5 different parties.. and probably consumed 5x as many calories as I should have!:embarassed:

    At least we exercised our hearts and our lungs and muscles. PLUS-- I truly believe that I would have eaten that much food REGARDLESS of if I had exercised, so I am still very glad I did!

    I am excited for this weeks challenge. I find myself REALLY planning meals in order to get the 5 servings in. Then once I have them, I naturally have to cut back on grains in order to keep my calorie count down. So all in all its a GREAT goal.:bigsmile:

    AND WHO IS TOM? Are you ladies all talking about your period? Is period a bad word? :noway: I should say not!

    Tom= time of month! :wink:

    Well i just got back on MFP from the long weekend! Had a great one and even lost .5 lbs! lol! Well on to drink # 3 today and I will work out after work! Already have 1 1/2 servings of fruits and veggies under my belt too! Good luck today ladies!! :drinker:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member