The MOST annoying commercial EVER!!!!



  • tbodega
    tbodega Posts: 186
    Anyone in the tri-state area should know the most annoying commercial ever starts like this:

    "Hi, this is Brad Benson..."
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    The geico commercials where the woman wants to get it on with the pig when their car breaks down. SO GROSS!
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    Strictly speaking, if it won't go away, the restricted blood flow can cause severe problems such as atrophy of the surrounding flesh. If antidotes don't work, they have to take out the excess blood manually. With needles.
  • jillybean0123
    jillybean0123 Posts: 238 Member
    I thought I was the only one bothered by that kit kat commercial. I get that they're trying to be cute/creative with the crunching to the tune of their jingle but that song seriously annoys me. I hate the sound of crunching or the artificial pouring sound when anybody pours a drink in a commercial. Ick.
  • Tatonka_usn
    Tatonka_usn Posts: 433 Member
    ANY/ALL commercials are annoying, so "most" is a relative scale.
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    why is he wearing a headphone with microphone?

  • KimberlyDCZ
    KimberlyDCZ Posts: 525 Member
    This may be petty of me, but all of the Hardees commercials. I swear to God that if my husband ever asks me to go to Hardees, I'll bop him on the head!

    Aint it true! I swear if any woman ever at a hamburger that way men would not be drooling all over her.

    My boyfriend said: No woman that looks like THAT is going to eat a burger like THAT, especially from Hardees. Then he goes on to say that the actually burger wouldn't even look like that bc they mash it all together and it actually looks quite nasty.
  • penni214
    penni214 Posts: 34 Member
    The Hardee's fish sandwich commercial with the anorexic naked girl........!!!!!!!!!
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    The one where they're stuck at the top of a roller coaster and dude pulls out some juicy fruit then everyone starts singing. Shoot me in the head. I want to murder everyone involved in creating that commercial.
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    PRogressive Insurance. I:grumble:
  • hockeymomrw
    hockeymomrw Posts: 35 Member
    Funny post! :) I ABSOLUTELY hate the cheaply done and CHEESY T.V. ads for First, they have a bunch of kids saying stupid things that don't look real at all. I love kids when they are being real, but these kids are being forced to say things and trying to make them cute... UGH!! The one girl says she is looking for a baby sitter who doesn't mind cleaning up her brother's stinky diaper. Really? You can tell it's forced!!! And the lady narrating is acting like she's laughing but you can tell she doesn't find it funny at all. Worst done commercial I have ever seen.
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    I don't remember what the product was (so obviously, it didn't work) but I hate the one with the "study group" of kids talking about how bigger things are better. And one little boy talks about how if he had a tree house, he would want a BIG tree house so that he could have a BIG screen tv in it.......ARE YOU F***ING KIDDING ME?!?!?!?
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Any of those about prescription drugs whose side affects are worse than the condition that you have. sheesh:angry:

    I like the allergy medicine ones ...

    Side Effects may include runny nose, itchy eyes, nasophanangitis (Inflammation of the nasal passages and of the upper part of the pharynx.), headache and muscle aches ...

    um are those side effects or is it just not working?

    I love the ones for ED. "If you sustain an erection lasting longer than 4 hours, call your doctor." If a 60 year old dude has a 4 hour erection, he'll be on the phone but I'll bet he won't be calling his doctor. lol

    hahahahahah for sure- imagine what the heck the Dr. would do, or just the fact around getting an appointment or going into emerg. - someone must have done a comedy routine about this - lol

    Watch the movie "Love and Other Drugs" - they do a whole bit with this and it's hilarious but slightly painful to watch....
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    This may be petty of me, but all of the Hardees commercials. I swear to God that if my husband ever asks me to go to Hardees, I'll bop him on the head!

    Not petty at all! I agree with you 100%. There is enough porn on TV, I don't need to see it to sell me a hamburger. I find it quite gross....and so does my husband.

    Also the new Wheat Thins commerical with the puppet. Annoying!!! :huh:
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Hands down the McDonald's fishy fishaaay commercial. Fack I hate it haha...
  • rwstarrett
    rwstarrett Posts: 1 Member
    Yep - Kit-Kat commercial is bad. I mute the TV as soon as it comes on. Hate the crunching sounds. And Hardess commercials. They are actually gross to watch.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    I have a good mind to e-mail the Kit-kat folks and tell them how much I hate it.
  • InnerConflict
    InnerConflict Posts: 1,592 Member
    Probably regional, but the Isaly's chipped ham commercial makes my ears bleed

    "chipping makes it fresher, hammier, tastier" :explode:

  • laural007
    laural007 Posts: 251 Member
    The humane society commercials with the HORRIBLE Sarah McLachlan song playing in the background. The song is terrible and makes me mute the commercial or change it.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    The humane society commercials with the HORRIBLE Sarah McLachlan song playing in the background. The song is terrible and makes me mute the commercial or change it.

    Oh you thought TV was about entertainment? Here, have some crippling depression....:sad: ...... DAMN YOU SARAH MCLACHLAN:explode: