Need input on gyms......embarassment here.



  • AngryBecky
    AngryBecky Posts: 24 Member
    You could also go at a really unbusy time, like a weekday morning and have one of the staff show you around, then you'll get a feel for the lay of the land a little bit. You could also hop on a treadmill and walk for a bit and observe what people are doing. You'll find your things that you like to do. Or, if you had a friend to go with once, you could get a feel for things together. Some gyms have a personal trainer option that you could do for a few weeks and they design a program for you and show you how to do everything with good form. (Although - paying someone to make you workout at the place you pay money to work out, haha!) Don't worry, after a week of figuring things out, it'll be just the thing you do. Initial anxiety is just kind of uncomfortable to get through. And, no, the gym is not full of defined 20-somethings there!! This is probably a great time of year to get started... The New Years Crowd is gone and with better weather / vacations, it'll not be so full. Hope you have fun working out!! I wish I had your willpower with the diet!!
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    I am a regular gym goer
    I got 4-5 times a week and what not.
    I put up more weight than the average person by far.

    I have more respect for the "fat *kitten*" in the gym that some "skinny douche bag".

    I will let you know this right now.
    The biggest guy(jacked guys) are some of the nicest guys you can meet.

    and the biggest dbags are the skinniest guys
  • burnt_irish1
    burnt_irish1 Posts: 55 Member
    Reality check- most people won't give a hoot about you. Or maybe they are looking at you because you're doing a great job. Or maybe they are being jerks but that will be a very small minority (like, teeny tiny small). Also, if you want to avoid folks try working out at odd hours (if you can). I like going anytime after 7.30pm- it REALLY clears out. I also like shopping at Walmart at 1am to avoid people :D

    Side story- I was looking at an overweight woman jogging on the treadmill the other day. She noticed me looking and I think it made her self-conscious. The reason I was looking (which I explained to her)? I am INCAPABLE of jogging! I wanted to know what speed and incline she was set at! I wanted to know how in the world this woman- an average woman, not the size 0 elliptical woman- was doing this. She was rocking it!
  • Honestly most peole don't care what you look like in a gym. Many people care what THEY look like and that's why they are going to the gym. Kudos to you for becoming more and more health conscious. It sounds to me you are wanting to go to a gym to better yourself for you and not anyone else. Personally I prefer a 24 gym because they can get crowded fast. Set yourself some small "today, I'm going to bike 15 minutes no matter what!" and pretty soon it becomes much easier. I recently went on and got myself a recumbant exercise bike (used) for $250. It's a super nice bike, and I don't have to worry about a gym member ship. I bought a used elliptical on as well and now I can work out at my own hours. There aren't 24 gyms close to my house and I find it hard to leave my house once I get home from a long day of work...getting used equipment worked well for me and it might be something to think about. There are plenty of folks selling good quality used equipment online! Good luck to you and good job on your progress so far!
  • Donnaakamagmid
    Donnaakamagmid Posts: 198 Member
    I was afraid of being the oldest and most out of shape in my gym too but that is not the case. I go at before work at 4:30am and most people are my age.

    Mostly everyone just focuses on their own workouts and don't pay attention to others but you will get an occasional 'good workout' today from a regular. I for one am just pushing to get through the workout & get home.

    I encourage you to go. You've done fantastic so far! :smile:
  • Congrats on getting to where you are today!

    Remember, everyone is at the gym to better're no different.

    You will get a tour of the gym, and that should help you feel more at ease. What I've done is go to the same few machines for a while, and gradually add another machine/workout as time goes on instead of finding my way around everything all at once.

    Everyone pretty much sticks to their own thing, so don't worry about it. (I know, it's easier said than done...)

    Good luck!
  • AlessisMore
    AlessisMore Posts: 179 Member
    The only thing I judge in people at my gym is rudeness and lack of personal hygiene. If you're considerate, clean and know what deodorant is for you'll be fine.

    Every gym I've belonged to has offered some sort of one-on-one orientation with a trainer. That will get you familiar with the equipment and maybe the vibe of that particular gym. You might also consider buying a few sessions with a trainer just to get you going.

    Really though, don't worry about being judged. People are there to work out and you'll probably be surprised at the variety of ages and body types you'll see there.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    @OP. I think you watch to many planet fitness commercials.

    Just go in do your thing, no one is going to care. If its 24/7 go in late one night just to try.

    also you can spend a few extra $$ on a personal trainer to help you get started.
  • Buzymomof_3
    Buzymomof_3 Posts: 73 Member
    . . . i, personally, would be MORE embarrassed about being seen at a taco bell!!

    Too funny!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I've always had the same feelings. I just went and it was fine. I felt awkward the first few times but going in with a workout plan helps a ton!

    By now, I kind of don't care what others think. No one talks to each other and we all just do our thing and go. I never think badly of someone who is really big being there. People always said that you would get respect for being the big one there working out and it really is true.
  • brsquared
    brsquared Posts: 3 Member
    I workout at LifeTime Fitness. The staff is fantastic and makes everyone feel welcome! I find that when I go to the gym, seeing everyone working out makes me motivated! There are all shapes and sizes and do what makes you happy!
  • camarogirl2683
    camarogirl2683 Posts: 7 Member
    Honestly, most, if not ALL people are insecure at the gym! I go, do what I have to do and leave. Everyone is too busy doing their thing to pay attention to you. If they are, then they have the issue! Do what is best for you! Good luck!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    When I see a larger person there working out I think, "Good for them! I sure hope they stick with it long enough to see results!" It's actually awesome to see their progress and I try to take the time to let them know the changes are visible.

  • jbescherer
    jbescherer Posts: 24 Member
    I go to my local YMCA and have seen very different levels of people. I too get somewhat intimidated by those that are very fit, I found that if I have my head phones and my Ipod with some great tunes I tune everyone out and do my thing and get a great workout as well as mental break.
  • Just get in there and do it for you. I joined Planet Fitness a few weeks ago and there are all size people. Nobody has given me any looks. nothing but kind words. Most people have the utmost respect for you being in there doing your best. Go and check out a few before you join to see if they offer what you want in a gym. Planet Fitness was a great choice for me at this time because it was reasonable in price, I didn't have to sign a contract, open 24 hrs., the people were not intimidating, and a trainer will map you out a specific routine for what you want to accomplish. Congrats on how far you have come and never let anything discourage you.:drinker:
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Firstly, I can tell you as a cattle farmer, we had a horse that lived with the herd his entire life. Dallas was healthy & happy & thought he was one of the cows. Even laid down the same way, etc. My point is this: Don't worry about it! Other may have the body you strive for, but remember it did not happen overnight. Most people are so focused on their own workout, they are NOT worried about you. I was similarly worried about going to the "boys" side of the gym, but I'll be d@mned if they aren't super nice and helpful (most of them. Except the dudes that lift a little and pose. And pose. And pose. They ANNOY me.) And I can promise that you will be glad you did.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    I find all the people in my gym to be totally focused into what they are doing. All the fears I had were in my own head and learning to get over that was part of my progress too.

    There are many shapes, sizes, and ages. What helped me most was learning to plug in my music and just drown out the world so I can really focus on me.
  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    congrats on your weight loss! there's some good advice here - make sure you're relatively familiar with gym etiquette and most people will be too focused on their own workout to care. of course, there will be people who are going to judge you. but losing another 30 lbs won't get rid of all judgement. in general, the people who judge you are going to be the ones who are most insecure with their own bodies. that will happen at any weight. the people who are comfortable with themselves, and who might have come from where you are now, won't care as long as you're polite. just ignore the haters.
  • ClarkAddison
    ClarkAddison Posts: 86 Member
    Don't worry about anyone else. They won't be either. I'm my most self absorbed at the gym. Most people are like me and have their headphones in and are in the "zone". I could be lifting weights or running next to Jesus and wouldn't notice.

    He goes to my gym. Always showing off in the pool with his walking back and forth trick. :wink:
  • mamatafari
    mamatafari Posts: 34 Member
    Do you do any exercise at all? You don't *have* to go to a gym to get fit! You can start by incorporating walking into your daily routine. A good one hour walk every night after dinner. I mean brisk-not leisurely!
    There are also some great workout videos that you can do at home, that use free weights, cardio..
    Either way, good luck! Never worry about what other people think of you. That will only hinder your greatness!