Need input on gyms......embarassment here.



  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I HATE going to the gym. I'm always concerned that I'm one of those people not doing something right, but instead of offering help, strangers are secretly video taping me and putting it on the internet.

  • LadyMustard
    LadyMustard Posts: 104 Member
    I'm like a lot of previous posters, when I see someone who's overweight working out, I cheer for them, especially if you can tell that they're putting their all into it.

    A good way to get started would be to look into a personal trainer. At the gym my husband attends, when you sign up for a membership, they give a free 30 minute session with a personal trainer and they recommend what machines would be best to use, and how to use them based on what your goals are. They get you set up on reps and sets and all that, and then you can go from there. The trainers there are amazing, and very encouraging. Another reason that trainers are really good is because when you're overweight, certain exercises can do a ton of damage to your knees/ankles. They'd be able to organize a workout that you could stick to that won't destroy your joints until you can lose enough weight to handle the more high impact workouts. I have knee problems that are made worse by my weight, so I usually stick to light walks, recumbent bike or elliptical than something like a treadmill or jogging/running around campus.

    I know that its a bit off topic from your original question, but if you're still feeling uncomfortable going to the gym (or if you find you can't afford it after a while), there are affordable options for putting together your own home gym that would be low impact that can help you lose weight. Check your local newspaper/craigslist. I managed to find a $500 recumbent bike that was barely used for $200. I got a set of resistance bands (free weights are good options too, something else people sell in the newspaper) and use those for resistance training.

    Edited for typos =)
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi there & congrats on your weight loss ........ that's awesome !

    I lost a bit of weight without exercising, and the more I lost, the more confidence I gained. Started walking around the high-school track, then my weight-loss buddies encouraged me to join a gym.

    Money's an issue, so no long-term committment wanted ...... found a "wellness center" that's connected to our local hospital ...... it's an older crowd ...... the staff is friendly & encouraging ...... we've got up-to-date machines, personal trainers, lots of classes (Zumba, yoga, Pilates, etc) ..... and doesn't kill my wallet.

    I've met lots of nice members, but mostly I go in & concentrate on my workout ........

    The only drawback to my gym is that it closes early on the weekends ...... have to get there early ....... and I do :drinker:

    Best of luck to you !
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I personally never had a problem stepping foot in a gym, I like gyms, I was just too lazy to join one.

    However, now that my wife and I are going to the gym on a regular basis, I have become aware of some of the regulars. I say aware because I'm there to work out, they're there to work out, I'm not going to interrupt them to get chatty and I hope they don't interrupt me.

    For what it's worth, there is this older guy, who is really outta shape who is there almost every time I go, and I admire him. He works as hard as he can and he doesn't quit. I have noticed an improvement in how he looks, how he interacts with people, his attitude, and just the over look he has. Be that guy.

    Go, work out for you, don't worry about others, and enjoy yourself.
  • _cdngirl71_
    _cdngirl71_ Posts: 112 Member
    I'd say go to the gym. No one will be judging you. In my gym it seems like I am the biggest girl there but I don't care, I am there to get in shape. No one looks at me like I shouldn't be there. Just join, you will be glad you did!! Do your own workout and don't worry about how other people look compared to you. You are there to get in shape just like them.

    Congrats on the weightloss too!! :happy:
  • RunForChai
    RunForChai Posts: 238 Member
    Please go.
    Here's the thing:

    1) No one is looking at you

    and if they are:

    2) the very heavy women and men I see at my gym or running on the trails fill me with a sense of awe and admiration

    3) Another way to begin to ease into working out is to go to the pool---pool walk or swim or pool run--they are great workouts and put little stress on the joints while you begin to re-introduce your body to exercise.

    Remember; No ONE, real or imagined has the right to decide whether you get healthy or not. Take your power back!
  • SJLS2013
    SJLS2013 Posts: 149 Member
    Please go.
    Here's the thing:

    1) No one is looking at you

    and if they are:

    2) the very heavy women and men I see at my gym or running on the trails fill me with a sense of awe and admiration

    3) Another way to begin to ease into working out is to go to the pool---pool walk or swim or pool run--they are great workouts and put little stress on the joints while you begin to re-introduce your body to exercise.

    Remember; No ONE, real or imagined has the right to decide whether you get healthy or not. Take your power back!

  • shariannamarie
    "The most annoying people are those who are in exceptionally great shape at the gym. I'm like.. What are you doing here, you're done!"

    Love this funny quote!

    You will do awesome, the gym is what you make of it, you can do it!!!!
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    Please don't be discouraged and let this stop you from going. You've gotten so some great advice on here. I, too, am EXTREMELY shy and uncomfortable at the gym. The more you go and find a routine or exercises you enjoy, the better it will get! .

    A few important things for to remember:
    * no one is paying attention to you; they are focused on their own workout
    * there are ALL shapes, sizes and ages (you may see them while you're there but I guarantee there are other members larger than you)
    * everyone started out as the "newbie" at one point or another.
    * you are there working out, which is so much better than sitting in front of the tv.

    You're going to do awesome! I was very self conscience when I started going in January. It's getting better (still not totally comfortable) but I've found I love exercise and feel much better.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    LOTS of awesome commentary in this thread! The gym is always a good place to be, and if you can afford it I highly recommend it. It's often a nice motivator to see others working hard...and the atmosphere is usually purposefully designed to promote motivation as well.

    If you CAN'T afford it, or time/distance etc is an issue...there ARE other very effective options. An appropriately designed (meaning setup where the exercises are difficult enough to limit you to 5-7 reps or so) bodyweight home workout can give you very similar results to a good compound lift based workout at the gym. A good freeweight based gym workout will always have advantages in terms effectiveness and overall results, but the bodyweight stuff is a very real option if you're limited. Understand, I don't mean P90x, or Insanity, BodyRock, or anything with that woman Jillian Michaels name attached. I mean a real, grind it down, force yourself to work within 5 reps...and fail in 7 reps, full body workout, using your own weight as the resistance.

    There's one listed in my profile.

    For the record, I lost 40lbs (220lbs to under 180lbs) of virtually all fat in 3mos using that bodyweight program. But given the choice...I prefer (and currently use) the gym.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    It's probably going to be a little different everywhere you go. But, at my gym, there are all types. Muscle heads, little old ladies, bigger people, super thin chicks, you name it.

    Having said that, don't let what other people think get you down. I personally love to see bigger people at the gym, because I know that they are trying to do something to improve their lives, and especially since I know it takes courage for them to do it.
  • Nacho12
    Nacho12 Posts: 164 Member
    Hi. If you have never been to a gym before, you might want to call and ask if they have an introductory program or can give you a tour of the gym. Some gyms have a free program to get you acquainted with the machines, etc. This would help you get started on a program to do there. I would also find out what times are less used. At our gym the heavy times are before and after work. A good time to go is between 1:00pm and 3:00pm or early in the morning or late at night. I wouldn't be embarrased of what people think of you. When I see someone who is really heavy I just think "good for them." I wish you luck--keep up the good work!
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    Lucky you, having a 24-hour gym right near you.

    What the people around you are thinking is, "Good for you!" And as time goes on, they'd probably be flattered to be asked for advice.
  • mustangmonie
    mustangmonie Posts: 33 Member
    My husband and I joined Lifetime Fitness and their facilities are really nice, lots of classes, nice pools, hot tub steam rooms, sauna, towels provided etc., No contracts, perks thrown in for joining. I love, love going. I remember having nervous butterfly stomach the first week, but that was short lived. We have 4 recreation centers with full facilities that come free with our homeowners association dues, but we would rarely go. The gym we joined is pretty and feels like a treat to go. The treadmills, bike and elliptical machines all have tvs on them. I know this is lame, but I find I can lose track of time while on a machine if I am watching a show of my choosing it really helps. Do we need the hot tub, sauna, steam, but after a hard work out they are lovely to have. It sort of takes the initial dread out of going to work out because of the spa type environment we can treat ourselves to afterward. Now neither of us can go often enough. I say pick some place that feels really nice if you can. It really takes the dread out of the thought of going and that is the hardest part. Everyone does fine once they actually get there. You have to want to go and the perks are enough to get me through the door.

    Also, please do come. I know I have to lose weight to be healthy and in shape. I want to have a body that still works for me when I am older (I am 51 now) so I will go work out regardless, but I am usually the most overweight person at the gym, and it is a busy gym. I can't tell you how happy it makes me when someone else that is large comes in. Misery loves company right? No one has been mean or snickered at me. The people who are the snooty types are so into themselves they have no time to notice you, they are too busy checking themselves out in the mirror. I say hooray for us that need to be there and are doing what we have to do to get healthy.

    Good luck!
  • belligerent599
    You'll be fine. Nobody will look at you because everybody in the gym is too busy checking themselves out. Like I'm pretty sure buff dudes go to gyms but I look at my own muscles way more than I look at theirs.

    Just make sure you read the whole contract and don't sign something you don't agree with. Make sure you know exactly what the terms of leaving the gym are before you agree to anything/ Whatever an associate says to you probably won't be honored, so they might say a whole bunch of BS just to get you to sign up. If you have a bad feeling about them, don't do it.