HELP! I'm losing boobs!



  • n8dawg77
    n8dawg77 Posts: 216 Member
    where is the pervy guy on here asking for before and after pictures to help you through this horrible process? Oh wait, I guess I'm him today!

    As you were!
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    Unfortunately, that is just what happens. If when you were smaller, they were smaller, then that is likely the direction they are heading. Being small-chested isn't a bad thing you know, embrace it! :drinker:
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    That's odd . . .

    How many boobs have you lost so far?

    Have you checked underneath your couch cushions?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    When you say "go back to being flat chested" does that mean that before you gained weight you were flat chested? If so, and you were an adult at the time, then you likely will be again if get to the same weight . If you've always been heavy it's hard to determine how much of your breasts are fat and how much is other tissue, but if you used to be thin as an adult you should expect your size and shape to be similar after losing weight.

    You can help a little by doing strength training to target the chest muscles. This will help to firm up underneath the breasts. This won't make your breast bigger but it can make them appear a little bigger and firmer.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member

    Women could just love themselves for what they look like naturally. That's just my opinion, I realize others may strongly disagree.
  • sjacks14
    sjacks14 Posts: 68 Member
    I feel your pain!!! I have no advice... you're not alone!
  • amyplaysflute
    amyplaysflute Posts: 91 Member
    Unfortunately if there is fat in your breasts, it will start to go away as you lose fat elsewhere. But if you are losing all over, you should stay somewhat proportional so it's probably more obvious to you than anyone else.
    One tip I have to anyone with boob problems is to measure yourself! Most women are wearing the wrong size bra - and many people don't know that bras go above DDD cups and below 32 bands. But they do! Most women end up wearing bands that are too big and cups that are too small due to poor measuring practices and marketing by big retailers like Victoria's Secret. I would recommend measuring yourself using this guide:
    It seriously changed everything about how I feel about my boobs. I had been wearing a 36DD bra until I found out that a 32FF is actually perfect for me! Another great resource is
    The ladies there are super helpful and can help you find a bra that works for you - which may seem like a challenge, but it's totally worth it! Seriously, try measuring yourself!
  • jenniferrusso7393
    jenniferrusso7393 Posts: 189 Member
    Just date a butt man! I have never gone beyond a size "A" cup... (when I hit my goal weight I will havesome room to spare) Even when I was exclusively breatfeeding and engorged (ouch!). They will be small and perky, and sweet-- like hershey kisses... I like the natural look-- no implants, and God made us all in different shapes and sizes to keep life interesting! As long as I never lose my butt, I'm perfectly happy. And a guy once told me "they are boobs-- guys like them no matter what size they are!" At least youare losing... I'm sure you are becoming more proportionate every day!
    As for advice, from what I hear, toning the mucles around and underneath keeps them perky, and gives them a nice shape and look.
  • crazycleo
    crazycleo Posts: 36
    I disagree with the posts that boobs=fat. Boobs=tissue and vary in size based on a multitude of factors (but mostly genetic). Your boobs were mostly fat (hate to break it to you) but what you uncover underneath are your REAL boobs and no matter how small they are, I'm sure they look better than ones padded with fat, in that I am sure they are perkier and more shapely. I know its an adjustment but the good thing is that because you're getting smaller everywhere else, your new breasts may look more proportional anyways. I have gone through shrinking moments as well and its never fun (I am also smaller than I would like) but its all part of this weight loss thing and no use freaking out about.
  • Crankstr
    Crankstr Posts: 3,958 Member

    seems a little dramatic.

    you will cope by being in a healthier body!
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    I can only hope! I'm the opposite.. I WANT those bulbous balloons outta my face

  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    Bench press! If they were small before you put on weight, they're going to shrink. Bench press will at least keep them perkier.
  • namluv
    namluv Posts: 194 Member
    I'm kind of glad mine are shrinking. At my highest weight, I would be in total pain by the end of the day - my bra feeling like a vice grip (me, with no bra, at that weight was not a pretty sight!). Now, I don't feel any pain.

    Yes, boobies can be a pain. :( I experience back pain from it... it would be nice if my cup size go down to B. I'm 34D atm, and wanna lose 20 lbs.

    I hope you have better luck than me so far - I have 34DD now and when I was 20 lb heavier... 36DD. :(
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I just wondered if any of you knew any techniques or exercises to help me preserve my chest?! I'm terrified that I'm going to go back to being flat chested, and I don't think I could cope with that!

    Yeah, cause being flat chested is a horrible horrible thing. I really don't know how women live like that. :huh:

    So what happens if you can't keep your boobs? What are you going to do, stay overweight? Boobs are totally overrated. 50% of the population have them. Why are they so freaking special? They are just boobs.
  • amyplaysflute
    amyplaysflute Posts: 91 Member
    See my comment above - 34D is not a very common size, believe it or not!
  • PamelaGatorMom
    PamelaGatorMom Posts: 348 Member
    I was pretty average size when I started packing on the weight (large B – small C cup) I’m not gonna lie I have grown kinda fond of “the girls” when I started filling up a D cup, but that was the first place I lost inches 3 months ago. :sad:
    I think part of me liking the larger breast was because it took away from my larger belly so I hope that by getting in shape I will look proportionate & hot.
    If not VS makes a great push-up bra and I’ve already told hubby I have no problem getting a boob job :blushing: (I’m older and I’ve had my children, nursed all 3 of them, they have done their “job” now I just want them to look good!!) :drinker:
  • NikoM5
    NikoM5 Posts: 488 Member
    Boobs are fat, you lose fat when you lose weight. Can't pick and choose unfortunately. Pushups and pec exercises can help the muscles and help them be perkier though.

    I hear this advice given to women quite often but is this actually true ladies? My gut tells me this one belongs in the "bro-science" category. "Bra-science" perhaps?
  • MadisonLeo
    These exercises will help to perk up what you got!

    I lost a lot of boobage as well... *cues mini violin* I am just gonna invest in some really good bras lol.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Said good bye to mine awhile ago. Shape wear keeps 'em respectable looking during the day. Sports bras make me look lean & mean. Otherwise, there's not much to talk about any more. :-(
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    You just have to say good bye to them, you can't pick and choose where the weight to come off.. LOL