Most annoying NSVs..



  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    see the profile pic.... the boobs! Granted I have on a ill-fitting sports bra.... but seriously! Working on the upper body to hopefully lift them girls up a little!
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Even before I clicked on the thread, my first thought was "shoes!" I went from a 9 wide to an 8 or 8.5 regular. Had to toss all my old shoes and buy new ones. Which should have been fun, but having to buy a bunch of new shoes really hurt my clothing budget! :tongue:
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    None of my glasses stay on my head anymore. One move and I'm crawling around blindly going 'my glasses!' Like a middleaged Velma.

    And my necklace and bracelet that were bought for me as special presents don't fit anymore, the bracelet dangles loose and catches on the neck when I play bass, and the necklace doesn't lie flat and turns round so the catch is always visible.

    Plus, the dress I bought three weeks ago for a gig at the end of this month is gonna be way too big by then.
  • I have a new one....the guilt trip from my family "you make us feel bad" make ME feel bad! grrr -_-*
  • stephenson2012
    stephenson2012 Posts: 94 Member
    Some of my favorite clothes are way to big. My friends are enjoying my old things that I can't alter. Unfortunately none of them wear my shoe size. It was hard enough finding comfortable shoes in the first place and now they are too big.
  • moxiecowgirl
    moxiecowgirl Posts: 291 Member
    In the grand scheme of things, I don't have a lot of complaints, but here's the couple I do have:

    1. This was a non-issue for me until I went out on a pretty nice date with my boyfriend Friday night, but it really kinda sucks to have to keep stopping and letting go of his hand every couple of blocks so I can pull up my pants. Next time, I'm wearing a dress.

    2. All my friends and family who have suddenly become nutritional experts, wanting to tell me I need to eat more or that I'm losing weight too fast. HELLOOO?? I have a quarter of a stomach. What did you think was going to happen?

    3. The loose skin on my arms is so ridiculous, I've dubbed myself "Batgirl".

    4. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but I've definitely noticed the increase in male attention, and sometimes it creeps me out a bit that the same guys who never noticed I existed 3 months ago suddenly fall all over themselves to open doors for me and want me to dance with them at the bar. I don't know how to handle it, especially since I'm not single, but my boyfriend lives far away.
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    Not being able to find my belt then having my pants fall off lol

    Exactly why I had to buy 2 belts!!
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    People mentionning my weight loss all the time. ( I gets pretty annoying after a while, especially since I'm far from being done)
    Having to buy pants for work every 6 weeks (it's getting really expensive)
    Being stuck in between sizes

    the rest is pretty awesome acutally, especially since I acutally look like I have MORE boobs because my torso is getting smaller!
  • AlexT29
    AlexT29 Posts: 43 Member
    The upside to being overweight was I actually had boobs, now that I am losing the weight i am losing my boobs again. I am going to fix that before I am thirty! I'll buy a pair that doesn't shrink! Also, I get cold easier. I've lost my extra insulation! But I'd rather buy boobs and wear more clothing than be overweight!


    The difficult part is changing your thinking to remember that you are going to be cold no matter where you go! For so many years I left the house without a jacket and dressed light because I knew I would be hot. Changing perspective seems to be taking longer than losing the weight, which at times also feels like its taking forever.

    Another perspective I am having a hard time changing is when I go out to eat, it's ok to not clean my plate. I hate wasting food, I was taught growing up that it was rude to do so. And if I'm eating out, it's usually at least an hour from home, so the "pack up half and save it for tomorrow" plan of action doesn't work for me unless I want to carry a cooler everywhere I go. Anybody got any suggestions for that?

    Some restaurants have smaller portion options now. You just have to be firm when the waiter tells you its only $3 more for the full size, and you might want it...:grumble: I know they're just trying to be nice, but it's not helping!

    Definitely being in between sizes is the most annoying. The larger size practically falls off and the smaller size hugs my curves a little too much to wear to work.
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